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I bought the English sampler of C&D, a came across this blend. The next loyal matey did too but the rest well those yellow stripe down their back traitors looked and ran puffing or sipping this will not bite or even come close. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco - I ordered 4 oz. It got more pleasant towards the end of the bowl but the overall 'smokey' taste just seemed to dominate this blend. Being mostly interested in English blends this really satisfied my love of latakia. This tobacco is one of my favourites. The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. I should have reviewed this tobacco long ago. A nice Latakia bomb. My usually very lenient significant other told me not only to kindly leave the house, but leave the county before I smoke this blend again. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. YES! I am holding this one at 3 stars, because it is good but suffers from a lack of complexity. As an additional note, this does have an appreciable nicotine hit for a lat blend, so those smitten with lat, but also requiring more nicotine, may find this to be the perfect solution. The flavor and aroma don't have that intoxicating factor that blends like Nightcap or Constellation have. For a while I drifted away from the Smokey One, as my taste buds craved more complex blends. The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. If you like Latakia, try this anyway as it is exceptionally wondeful example of the fact that a predominantly Latakia blend can be heavenly. This has a very fresh tin aroma, almost perfume like. Stinky dirt!" Where's my jug o'grog? 4 stars because it is very special and unique + because a must try baccy. Latakia lovers delight! I arrive at the front door of Valhalla, ring the bell and Odin greets me at the door. Due to the descriptors I used, it is a smoke best enjoyed outdoors or in the privacy of your smoking room. It is surprisingly smooth and easy on the palate. I agree with earlier reviewers who think this is Syrian latakia. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. This simply tasted of salt an d campfire. Now this blend is a real treat though because the burley in it. Ive stocked u p on this so i can get the aged/cured effect!! Pirate kake is popular for a reason! The kake breaks apart really easily. Upon the initial false light, I noticed an interesting flavor: a slightly sweet, dry, yet herbaceous taste. Beautiful Latikia Kake. It came at a time of several samples and got stashed away and, well, forgotten about. Usually right after work. A Latakia lover's treasure Once lit, I find it stays that way with light attention to my sipping draw. update December 2014** same batch as previous yet the past months of ageing seem to have mellowed out the baccy. The power/intensity of the smoke is impressive as one might expect from such a Latakia-forward blend. I can't get enough of the really robust and smokey aroma, the delicious full leathery, peaty taste. I have no idea what the room note is because I smoke on the porch but I imagine it would be very potent. Burns very cool & doesn't require many, if any, relights. Pirate Kake is really three-dimensional. Edit: It should have a bit of dry time. Flavorful and super relaxing. Cornell and Diehl Pirate Kake Tobacco - Grove Pipe and Tobacco I really enjoy PK. So smooth I would describe it as creamy. The moisture is perfect, you can put it directly in the bowl or can leave it to dry as long as you wish. The tobacco is not super pressed, its easy to rub and easy to fill your pipe (unlike Seattle Pipe Clubs Plum Pudding). And the bricks were pretty cool, I must say. Oct 11, 2018. If you love the taste of Latakia this is for you, depending on how you break apart the cake is smokes differently each time. bomb! While this tobacco is a little stout for my taste at this point, I did find t hat it has a great taste and aroma. For Example: Enter 16 in quantity box for 1 pound. Otherwise on its own it lacks body. The reason for this was a combination of my observations and the many warnings from fellow reviewers about its heavy-to-horrid Latakia content. I love latakia. Actually, for a good Lat. The note is brighter and more lively than others,which serves to create it's own bold, lusty personality. A very cool, smooth, and pleasant smoke if you love Latakia. I find PK to be a charmingly enjoyable blend, smooth as butter, rich with wood, earth and leather, along with some sweet coupled with sea salt (and a mineral-like element that I cant quite put my finger on its not quite soda-like but it sits right behind the salt). One block of about an 1/8th of a pound was immediately rubbed out and jarred. Order this. Preparation isn't to difficult although it is kind of tough to rub out for a "krumble kake". If you smoke it on a low heat like incense, you can enjoy the very delicious aroma of Latakia. Lighting up the bowl I was greeted by smoke rolling from the bowl and a rich, heavy, sweet smoke that I found very pleasing and that dominated this smoke. Will buy more and experiment to see what aging does. The smell of burned wood and leather is very evident from the tin. There is a sort of vague sweetness somewhere in the background, but smoking this is sort of like falling face-first into the moist remains of the campfire you doused the night before while sucking on a charcoal lozenge. Smoked in a new Missouri corncob to understand better the flavors and subtleties. Highly Recommended! I was expecting it to be one dimensional, but while not complex, it's not boring either. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." Dont be put off by the 75% Latakia, as this smokes smooth as silk. C&D Pirate Kake :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews :: Pipe Smokers Forums of I dont know what else can be said about this blend. I open the tin and bam you are smacked in the face with the leathery campfire smell of the Latakia. Tasting this one as it evolves and reveals more of itself has been very rewarding, especially for a latakiaphile like myself. This blend will definitely make you question what you like to smoke and thats a great thing. Yo-ho Latakia La Bamba! I foresee lots of Pirate Kake and Star of the East Flake in my pipe smoking future. I bought a 1/2 lb of this product mail-order w/o first tasting it, based on its description and its reputation in latakia-addict circles. Boring, one dimensional lat. Not for anyone shy about Latakia, nicotine, or burley. Very well behaved in the pipe. It is not biting my tongue at all, and I am puffing the Dickens out of the bacci. Very smoky, leathery, and herby. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! Beautiful gray ash. It will last a long time though, this is more of an occasional smoke. This is my first C&D blend to try. It is not a Latakia bomb; Orientals plays a co-leader role. Tastes smoky with mineral overtones. Yes, this blend deserves that much respect. One of my favorites. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. The burley doesnt do much and the orientals need bolstering. Founded in 1913 this brand has been the most smoked hookah tobacco brand in the world for a long time. 8 ounces $21.20. Smoking this tobacco reminds me of eating foods that have been really heavily smoked. Tin note is great with lots of wood smoke, some pine, oriental tobacco, and slight creosote. Something consistant with New Castle or darker. I like to rub this one out to be a fine ribbon cut consistency. Recommended. A friend sent me a large sample of Pirate Kake a few months ago. I usually cut it like I would a plug. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. 1. This is a superb blend of all those who experienced latakian mixtures. Yeah this is what I wanted for a good old Latakia BBQ. I fell in love on tin note (also didnt know what that was at the time) that love grew and grew bowl after bowl. Thick and creamy with a bit if a sweet perfume-esque flavor to it. It lites well and stays lit right down to the end of the bowl. A few lights required to get it going. Coming in bulk as it does it is a good value, and based on the oil content I bet this blend would be perfect for coloring up a nice shiny new meer. Share 0 Tweet 0. A full bowl of Pirate Kake burned slow and consistently. This is one you should try. I absolutely love this stuff; it is smooth, dark, full and creamy. If aye could curl up in a tin of this intoxicating tobaccy Id never see the light of day! It smokes SO smoothly, and has so much flavor, it's an absolute joy in every draw. Mild and fragrant, an exceptional tobacco. My new favorite. I LOVE THIS BLEND! is a pure joy, a mouth-watering experience that makes a latakia lover like me dream of the moment in which the flame will light the crumbled tobacco in the bowl! Still very smoky. If you want to try something interesting (and I'm sure that you do) then mix this about half and half with Captain Black White. Update 06/30/18: I can attest that age does this wonders. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. Cornell & Diehl's Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. It's exactly what I have in mind when I think "strong tobacco" and that's a good thing. moreover all this blend dont heat the bowl and your smoke are warm during all the time. Cornell & Diehl Bow Legged Bear Pipe Tobacco . do so, it is very very good. -- UPDATE -- awesome blended with some Lane 1Q 1/3 Pirate Kake, and 2/3 1Q - marinate for a week in a baggie. Have nice weekend ! As I break it apart the aromas of latakia fill the room and cover my fingers. Pirate Kake has got you covered. With the majority of this being Latakia, you should know what to expect. This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. Cornell & Diehl's Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco - Cigar Chief Burns consistently once lit. Trusted SSL Protection. I have some difficult lighting and smoking (a feeling of weakining burning) more than other Latakia blends. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. A Four Star blend, IMHO. There is also some sweetness to the blend, but the factor that I can't quite describe is almost a menthol sensation. Breaking off a chunk and rubbing it out with your fingers isn't difficult at all, but you might want to wash your hands afterwards. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. An outstanding 4 of 4 Latakia stars. I like something that keeps me interested through the bowl, a little evolution, a little complexity. blend and an occasional one, at that. I also had trouble keeping it lit, and it was not the easiest to rub out from the rock hard cake bar it comes in. The faint musk of slaves rowing in the galley below deck. I'm taking to C&D's blends really fast and have yet to sample anything I have not enjoyed to the fullest. My significant other, who is a real trooper for not complaining about me smoking pipes in the house, left the room as the aroma was a bit much for her. My suggestion, as always, smoke it slowly,very slowly in little medium vintage pipes . A few weeks ago I rediscovered several ounces of this stuff that I had put away for aging and forgotten about. Conclusion: A very interesting and heavy blend. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. Arrrr -- shiver me timbers -- Pirate Kake is the second blend Ive smoked in as many days that has bewitched me into thinking there were Virginias mixed into it (apparently, based on a couple of other reviews, I wasnt the only one to be so fooled). There's something about the experience that's like drinking neat tea. . Used to smoke this semi regularly years ago. Its like setting a pine forest on fire inside your mouth. Then I got a fresh corn cob pipe, perfection. I bought this because I found a 6 year old tin at a local B&M. Enter 32 in quantity box for 2 pounds. Also very mild nicotine, so you can smoke all day - and believe me, I wish I could smoke it all day. Initially very smoky, somewhat sweet, very smooth, but ultimately uninteresting. I would recommend letting it dry for perhaps twenty minutes after breaking it up as the bars can be very moist. Three stars for PK. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. Ahoy! OE was suppose to cut the heavy Latakia of PK , but one thing it does is bring the Burley slightly into play, that I don't like. sample and I liked this blend so much, I ordered 8 ounces then 16 ounces sizes to store and smoke over time. But I give it credit for it?s unique presentation and the courage to produce it at all. I smoke this one outdoors only as it is most offensive to pretty much everyone. A hack I do with cake when loading the bowl is use a good ribbon cut as the first pinch. ( And I think I got the better of the deal ) So if you are a lover of Latakia this should satisfy your cravings. I don't mean to be a wet blanket or a negative guy, but it seems that a few reviewers that post many reviews are serving as marketers for blenders looking for their verbose reviews. Tin note is sour and latakia, tin date is 102617. you may even be rogered! The unlit note gives more than a suggestion of lots of Latakia, so on with the actual smoke: It comes as no surprise that the leading flavour's the smoky Latakia. It's quite easy to peel off the cake layer and get it ready for smokable condition. Got a bit cellered right now to see how it turns out month by month. I will keep this in my rotation and continue to cellar as I go. Life is a novel by PKD. The flavors are mostly Latakia, Latakia and a little spice from the Turkish tobaccos. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. It tastes like it smells pretty much. Burns all the way down and leaves the pipe dry and clean. To many, this would be a heresy on the order of combining several single-malt scotches (perish the thought) or good wines. A mighty cake burley, for the lover of Latakia. It was my first experience with tobacco in this form as well. It does have a slight spiciness to it, but it's missing the punchiness of Ten Russians, the depth of Bill Baileys Balkan, and the spicy sweet subtleties of Plum Pudding. I really want to like it, but it's too strong. I think what balances out this blend is the use of burleys. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. Say no more, but something that seems really important, this mixture has smoke very slowly, leaving cool as possible, but it is not difficult to smoke. In this sense, it is a deep digging mixture, not heavy, quite campfire smoky, not leathery, without horse-stable notes. Let me tell you "Deadmen tell no tales" I recommend it only because nothing compares it. I took the advice from one of the other commenters on this page and decided to spruce it up with some rum. At which point, even I had to admit that this was as intense flavor-wise as anything I had ever smoked. The crumble kake really helps the flavor profile and to keep the moisture higher so it doesn't dry out. The room note is very ok with me, but Im pretty sure that it would smell like Hell for someone who doesnt like cigar smoke or cigarette smoke. Right behind were the first mates of a mild earthy and mild woody flavor that played well together and led a balance assault upon my senses. As an occasional smoke it's ok, but when I finish the tin I probably will not purchase more. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning : r/PipeTobacco I really enjoy Latakia, dont get me wrong, but holy cow this was a bit strong for my taste. Opening the tin reveals a dark brown block that looks like a brownie. I have smoked through 6oz and have 4 left so we shal see how PK fairs in the next 6 months. Of all the C&D blends I have sampled, this one indubitably stands head-and-shoulders (in the crows nest, matey) above all the rest. Highly recommended to quite and cold winter nights. I get wood smoke, earth, leather, & savory meaty bbq notes from the latakia, which is quite robust, but also well supported by a good bit of floral sweetness & nice incensey notes. The strength like the body falls short of medium. The smokiness is front and centre throughout. Wow, this sure is a sucker punch in a baggie. Id like to thank whatever pirate blended this one up because its incredible. I've gone through two ounces and while halfway through I ordered two more eight ounce tins. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. I want caffeine and sometimes just need it. It remained smooth and cool throughout while the spiciness of the Turkish and the sweet underpinings of the Cavendish also made their presence known. Sip, don't puff hard! Una carga de latakia sabroso acrecentado por el burley y un ligero sabor de oriental que hacen de esta mezcla una obra de arte sublime, es lo mximo en sabor de latakia que he probado, para m es el tabaco de cabecera, todo fumador debera de probar esto por lo menos 1 vez en su vida, aunque no sea amante de latakia yo creo que tras probar esto cambiaria de opinin. Without question, the different sized chunks of tobacco, with different blends of leaf, is at the root of the many different sub-flavors that manifest during the bowl. I could maybe see this in my rotation, or as a treat when I have a little time to enjoy a pipe on a lazy morning, but can't see myself smoking this daily. This is a cousin to the now defunct Old Ironsides . That being said, this stuff is good enough to drive to the next state to enjoy. Haharrrrr!! Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. Definitely now in my rotation. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires some relights. Alla fine un Ottimo prodotto, se si sa cosa si compra. I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. This is a wonderful blend that scratches the Latakia itch for me like no other. It also is not much of a crowd- pleaser in terms of room note. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale . Brand: Cornell & Diehl Series: Sea Scoundrels Blended By: Cornell & Diehl Model: Pirate Kake Tobacco Type: Burley, Latakia & Oriental This is an exceptional tobacco. This is the most delicious of all the latakia. Not for the faint of heart, has some punch to it! One of my favorite new tobaccos to try. Consistent flavor, good body, and lots of smokeyou can almost chew te stuff! This is a smooth, robust tobacco, with awesome smokey , and nutty, and woody tastes. Wow, this stuff is a Latakia monster. 40 or 50% may be the highest worthy of time. Have had only two bowls of it so far but it is enough to know that this stuff grows on you if you give it a chance. Whenever I've had non-aromatics, I've felt like they've tasted like a combination of BBQ sauce and soap, and this wasn't much different. Not an all day smoke, but a must try for the latakia/english lovers. Surprisingly it is only medium strong. Arghhhh, me likes dar Pirate Kake me duz! It is easy to rub a little off and I didn't find the need for a knife as I have with other pressed blocks. It strikes me that this is a good blend to build off of and I'll report back when I do but for now it's just lacks the depth to be interesting. Details. I think all Cornell & Diehl blends are aggressive in your taste, but this the proof that i was wrong. I am very glad I did. I smoke mostly Aromatics and got this as a free sample. If your looking for Latakia, then search no further, this has it. I give this 2 stars because it does seem to be a quality mixture. The smoke is smoothe and leaves a cool yet warm creaminess on your palette for hours afterward. The room note is very strong. But the room note on this one actually drew comment from my wife. Alright, so after a lot of virginia and VaPer and VaBur in this summer I really missed some good latakia so I decided to open this tin of Cornell & Diehls Pirate Kake. Burns well, I like to dry it a bit but its okay not, just a little more moisture in the bowl than Id generally like. Both are pure Latakia heaven when you are positively craving it. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale price) and appropriate New York State sales tax. I've had english blends once or twice for fun but don't really like them. Th is is hands-down the Best smoke I have ever had!! Where to Buy Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag. On opening the tin the aroma reminded me of a warm spring night next to the campfire. This is probablly one of the smoothest blends despite it's overall strength there is. The single clarion note LATAKIA is all you get. I will look forward to trying the other tin after much aging hopefully mellows the lat a bit. Relights are much less frequently on the bottom half of the bowl, in fact, it is burning quite well. Not so fast! It's the taste of darkness. However, there is nothing better than this for Latakia -Lovers. Updated 11/2/11- Well after a few months to breath and a different pipe ( if that is what one calls an Ozark Cherry Wood, original review was with a cob ), this blend is complex, without heat, creamy , cheezy and a keeper. The most intriguing thing about this tobacco, I think, is its name. Cup O' Joes But you might be asking; when should I smoke it? You're going to want to take it slow at first with this blend. My Boy Scout knife was recently located but I really didn't need it. And it makes my beard smell really cool afterwords. On reflection I doubt the Lat is Syrian either, I was probably confused by the other Orientals. For latakia lovers this and "Heart of Darkness" are hard to beat! This mixture is now on my favourites list. Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. It is very monotone and I don't notice the "other" oriental varieties at all. A very enjoyable 3 stars with no complaints from me. I like it, but not sure if I'll buy more. I left the lid off for 2 hours and smokes fine now. Similar Blends: Creosote soaked camel's dung.. UPDATE 12/20 I am not one to question the manufacturer or to doubt the voracity of other reviewers but this tobacco is one that I must break my norm Disclaimers: this is an art not a science, tobacco ages and flavors may change, all people taste things differently, etc, etc, etc 70% + Latakia means one thing: Latakia is what you taste Burley as a base on its best day isn't overpowering Latakia in any dimension except Vitamin N. I have read hundreds of reviews from a few of the TR prolific reviewers, and their variance in opinion on topics like this is remarkable. Therephore,it will compose mixtures simillar to "your own English type" Also,is a tobacco of the type that i like: is not strong in nicotine, bu strong il flavour, scent and taste. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . Actually Latakia on its own is quite cool and smooth; however, monochromatic. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely one to smoke when no one else is around. Non una EM un Latakia tenuto sotto controllo dai due altri componenti. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Tastes like a Maduro wrapped Pardon. Pipe Used: A bunch because it's a go to blend for me. Pipe Tobacco. I can't imagine that response in the morning or afternoon. For me, the moisture level was right on from the opening of the tin until the bottom of it. I think it loses something over time. If you are completely enamored with Latakia, you cannot go wrong with Pirate Kake. CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO | Cigar Standard The best prices on CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO found at Cigar Standard | Shop our wide selection of products today! Islay malt scotch and rose water, as in a smokey, brine, iodine, perfume, incense sort of way. TONS of smoky spicy and an after taste that makes you think you just the bark off a whole smoked pork shoulder. Flavorful. First thing this tobacco is a fantastic smoke Burning pyres to the ancient Sumerian gods in Babylon. It's not harsh, there's a certain smokiness which has it's edged rounded by a creamy finish. Sku: 011-617-0185 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Some may be surprised to see a healthy portion of Brown Burley and Turkish, but don't be fooled because Pirate Kake is a Latakia powerhouse. Bomb". Did you know that the nicotine content of Latakia Tobacco is light compared to other Tobacco species? of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! The tin description should scare off all but the most hardened latakiaphiles. I rediscovered this blend over the weekend. Of course the smoky stuff is prominent but its not all there is: smoky, sweet, zesty, and a slightly sour note on the finish combine to make a tasty and interesting smoke. Once the kake is rubbed out sufficiently it does need a little drying time maybe only 30 minutes or so. Let them try Kake and they'll abandon blends they thought were pinnacle. I enjoy the honey like notes with light puffing. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) Highly recommended. Pirate Kake starts very spicy with pine smoke and leather flavors and supports only a minimum of sweetness. The kake is very crumbly, easy to break into chunks or rub out. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. But it really is a good tasting tobacco. Patiently waiting to wreak your wife's opinion of pipe smoking in the house. I do note this is good for something different. I'll have to smoke more, but I've found my new favorite at the moment. I received a free sample of this with an online order, and it quickly became my favorite. argh! To me, the tin note is mostly smoke and leather, with some wood and maybe a wee bit of fruitiness.