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Lists (and listicles) are great to read because: With titles like How to Keep Hair From Getting Greasy you know exactly what youre going to get and whether the article will be useful to you. 105 Famous Loglines: BRILLIANT Examples for Screenwriters Some keywords lend themselves to listicles, and others do not. 3. You may have heard at some point that listicles or list articles are penalized, either by Google, by Facebook, by the algorithm, or just in general. Even then, its mostly the parenthetical that does it. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. Archy Learning is an all-in-one gamification training software and elearning platform that you can use to create a global classroom, perfect for those who are training remote teams across the globe. #ez-toc-container{background:#f9f9f9;border:1px solid #aaa;border-radius:4px;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);display:table;margin-bottom:1em;padding:10px;position:relative;width:auto}div.ez-toc-widget-container{padding:0;position:relative}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-light-blue{background:#edf6ff}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-white{background:#fff}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-black{background:#000}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-transparent{background:none}div.ez-toc-widget-container ul{display:block}div.ez-toc-widget-container li{border:none;padding:0}div.ez-toc-widget-container ul.ez-toc-list{padding:10px}#ez-toc-container ul ul,.ez-toc div.ez-toc-widget-container ul ul{margin-left:1.5em}#ez-toc-container li,#ez-toc-container ul{padding:0}#ez-toc-container 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Listicles - Creative Ed Tech Free and premium plans, Content management software. Even if you don't think you know anything about anything important, don't sweat- just choose a topic and ask 3-4 other people to contribute a . But once I'd identified all the points I wanted to include, I rearranged the furniture a bit. Yet on the other hand, marketers have hijacked them to use our natural love of lists to lure us into their sites. It is kind of like a haiku or a limerick. If you search for your intended keyword and find most marketers are creating Ultimate Guides on the topic, you might decide it's better to avoid a listicle format. You might read a fun listicle, like 'The Top 10 Movies of 2020', or a more informational one, like '7 Steps to Build a Website'. Easy to skim: Consistent formatting and pleasant spatial organization make it easy for readers to identify and extract the information they need. Top 10 Topics to Pitch to Hunting Magazines | FreelanceWriting To give you some ideas of unique angles, you could: The last method (collecting information) isnt the ideal way to frame a listicle as literally anyone can look up a few sources and provide a summary theres nothing unique about the information itself. Listicle - Wikipedia For example, a list of WordPress plugins to boost your SEO. We create blog content that converts - not just for ourselves, but for our clients, too. Required fields are marked. He was selected for just one All-Star Game, and that was three years ago after he got off to a hot start. He has never received even a single Cy Young vote. You'll notice that many have numbers in the title"X reasons you should bullet journal" or "X quotes that will inspire you to go to bed early.". #1. Lets hop on a call and talk about what we can do to help. The subject you write about can be literally anything. Best Blog Post Examples to Inspire Your Blog Writing - Semrush Blog These sections might fit better in an "Ultimate Guide to Instagram Marketing", instead of a listicle. And, my favorite: listicles are an easy target for 10x content. Examples of listicles done well What is a listicle? I often make a spreadsheet of tips, with the ones I can think of, the ones I can find, the ones in other lists on the same topic, and so on. Use these to find a keyword with a decent amount of traffic (volume) and as low a difficulty rating as possible (to make it easier to rank for). 4) Lists: If you create a listicle, you need to ensure a clear separation between each item in the list. Viral listicles Generally, the list is numbered or contains bold items or subheadings. Then, if someone searches the relevant term, your article will be marked as relevant and have a chance to be put higher up the search results. Do you have to wonder what this post will be about? 8) Best Practices: This list shares information that helps others improve their business. Let's walk through twelve examples of Instagram Reels and what you can learn from them. Listicles are perfect for this, since the main points are often expressed in either obvious sub-headings or bullet-pointed lists which are easy to spot and read at a glance. Some listicle writers believe that you should choose a number before you start writing your list and make sure you have enough points to fit that exact number. I love them. And it's consistently one of the most popular email newsletters in the world. This makes it easy to slot in new points without having to restructure whats already there. Find affiliate links if youre writing a list post about a product or service. Jeans - a year-round phenomenon, not just a casual Friday. We might try to title it "Why Every Marketer Needs a CRM" instead of "3 Reasons Every Marketer Needs a CRM". That is, as long as any claims you make are actually met within the body of the article. One of the best-performing content types today for bloggers is the listicle. You can be the judge of its quality, but I stand by my beliefs. When people search for something online, they often look for a list of results. LISTicles | Board Game | BoardGameGeek /*! Each item has an associated image (even if its just a screenshot of their website) and a paragraph or two describing what it is and why its relevant. Regardless, of where you stand, I decided on sharing some of my lists here with you all. The last tip in the list was "Check to see your emails' legality" and mentioned GDPR, which could be a blog post in itself in fact, it already is! The Only Listicles Guide You'll Ever Need | BuzzSumo.com Even if there isnt a list which naturally fits a given topic, you can create one by looking at the subject with a certain angle. All of it. "5 Steps to Do X"), and sometimes there won't be as obvious a story (e.g. Before you begin writing your listicle, conduct research to ensure your topic actually fits into a list-format. 4) How To Sleep Better In 94 Seconds They don't tell you to inspect the comfort of your mattress, but there are some good sleep tips here. So, there you have it - my addition to the roster of ways to use listicles for marketing. Visit our, 400+ AI ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers, Writers, and Content Creators, 11 Best ChatGPt Chrome Extensions for Bloggers (With Reviews), AIPRM: The Game-Changer for ChatGPT Prompt Templates, Originality AI Review: AI Content Detector Jan 2023, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners in 2023, 75 Podcast Topics: The Best Conversation Ideas, 11 Software Like BookBolt Alternatives for 2023, 8 Best Teleprompter Apps for Mac Devices in 2023, 7 of the Best Youtube Comments Search Chrome Extensions, How Much Do YouTubers Make? In fact, they can be credited with inventing the format, leveraging the curiosity gap and techniques of clickbait to draw people in and make their site the powerhouse it has become. Lists Are Ethically Neutral. listicles game examplesmartin et julien bouchet biathlon. Speaking of which, its time to move on to actually writing your listicle. Developer: 12 Minutes. 3. If an existing point needs changing, the format will make it easy to find and tweak. They are, essentially, themed compendia of micro-articles, each one self-contained. Another best practice is to emphasize your strongest points in the beginning, middle, and end of your list to keep readers engaged throughout. Finally, let's explore some listicle ideas to help your marketing team brainstorm highly engaging content for your readers. If theyre shorter lists, I might go through one after the other, skipping items that are repeated. Once youve decided, its time to move on to the title of the article. What if there ends up being only 11 solid, valuable items that make up that list? Best Indie Games of 2021 Guide - Indie Game Culture If possible, its also a good idea to record what the purpose of the article is, as this can help you decide what angle youre going to tackle the topic from. Then theres the mental aspect of listicles; its similar to the psychological effect of having a checklist or task list. The listicle-style blog post is popular because people love lists, and they are easy to read. Lists of lists. Plus, it makes the content more interesting to read. By making sure that your readers always have at least a portion of an image on screen you can help to encourage them to scroll further to see the rest. And if you have to link to an external resource because you haven't the written the post yourself great! Step Two: Make Your Pitch Timely. Use Short Paragraphs. James Parsons is the founder and CEO of Content Powered, a content creation company. Heck, Im guilty of doing the same thing from time to time. The lesson? Let's go!!! 6) 25 Celebrities That Look Like Mattresses One of my all-time favorite BuzzFeed lists, of course. How To Write the Best Listicles: 5 Straightforward Tips - The Blogsmith Types of Listicles with Examples There are many different ways to structure a listicle. 2. One of the best examples of this is Brian Deans skyscraper technique. LISTICLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary Once youve selected your keyword (if at all) the next step is to look up your competition for the topic. Board games, video games and other game formats such as conversation games that are designed to be played at a social gathering. Examples, Writing Tips, and. Hes been a content marketer for over 10 years and writes for Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, and many other publications on blogging and website strategy. I wanted to reach out and share my finished article with you, since your article was super helpful in creating it. Like 7 Ways to Clean Your Sink (Number 4 Is Astonishing!). They promise a finite, quantifiable story, suggesting an "easy" reading experience. If you cut out the words in the images (which Google cant index), that post is 200 words long. Great list posts are comprehensive, so they can get pretty long and unwieldy. I recommend several shares on social media over a few weeks. Even if 15 of your 35 items are the same as their 15, you have more than double the value in the post because of all of the unique items you added. Be unique! A listicle can easily hit 3,000+ words, depending on the topic and the number chosen. Generally consisting of 5 or more items, a listicle format is a great way to get readers to engage with content and generate traffic. Lists of actionable steps you can take. Heres an example of a more article-focused listicle: This is closer to a typical article, with each section digging into a specific aspect of an overarching subject. I wouldn't worry about a penalty as long as it is high-quality, unique content. This helps you figure out how long your list will be and thus how much writing each element will require. We've earned our black belts in both. 5) Images:Images add visual interest to your listicle. Genre: Time Loop Puzzle Game. I'm not as strict about this one as some list post purists, but in general, I agree that your listicle should have a consistent and parallel look. Do you? Free and premium plans. listicles game examples - Magic977.com After youve written your list post, review it again and edit it until it sounds natural. Would you consider Lance Lynn to be a No. Listicles tell you what to expect. In fact, this post about listicles is largely a list post itself. Lori Ballen brings you the best tutorials, guides, and software lists for blogging, and affiliate marketing. If this is the case, consider pointing your readers to another place for more in-depth information. 4. 5) Reasons Why: One Green Planet published a listicle about why zoos are bad. Game to celebrate one of the most devastating and iconic fictional . Dont worry about grammar and punctuation at this point. 38 Types of Games - Simplicable If you dont have one already set up, check out our free blog pre-publish checklist for a handy checklist to get you started. Cheers. Of course, some listicles are meant to be more fun, but that doesn't mean you can't include valuable takeaways. 10 Online Math Vocabulary Games For Middle School Students Include hashtags in your posts so that people can find them easier. 2. Happy planning! When I was first getting started, Everyone has to start somewhere. For example, a list of growth hacks you can take to boost your site ranking. listicles game examples jeffrey dahmer museum milwaukee No products in the cart. 2) How-To Guide: Ryan Fitzgerald published a listicle on his real estate website about how to sell a house by owner. You absolutely should do all these things in your social media marketing. Instead, try to use the conclusion to do something extra. 7. 154K followers View more on Instagram Comment Share Save 961 likes In general, clickbait can be taken as something which uses its title to promise something unrealistic or plain doesnt follow up on what its title claims to do. listicles game examples - Dura Fog Finally, decide on the level of detail that will accompany your list and whether any extra material (eg, content upgrades) will be provided. And while every point you make on your list might not be new to all your readers, if a reader walks away thinking, "Well, I already put numbers 3, 4, and 6, into practice, but I can't believe I've been missing out on numbers 1, 2, and 5!" This will help make your list more manageable. Formatting is essential because you want every item on your list to be the same. Make sure that its quality content. Party Game. The closer you are to first place, the more people will read your content. Originally I had brainstormed 11, but as I started writing, I cut one out because it wasn't that different from another point, and they could easily be represented as one. The angle needs to provide value that nobody else can; otherwise, your post could be easily eclipsed by someone taking what youve written, adding their own expertise, and not even having to reference you. Affiliate links allow you to earn money by promoting, The Most Frequently Asked Questions About ChatGPT, Ranking on Google: Using ChatGPT to Choose the Right Topics for Your Content, How to Create a Surfer SEO Content Brief for on-page optimization, How to find Low Competition Keywords in SEMrush. -Alice Walker. which have been game-changing for us). Here's an example of what we mean: 3 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Marketing. The most popular type of content among bloggers are how-to articles (77%), followed by listicles (57%) and news and trends (47%). Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Simply put, a listicle is an article written in list-format. Are you? The key here is to keep your examples general so that everyone can relate. Players will explore Kentucky is a far too realistic simulation that allows them to create their own story.