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This causes her to get blind and starts to stumble. They all think about what they could do, but they then see Lily on the couch, with a crayon and paper. The three nod in fear. (cries) Lincoln: Lori, please don't cry. Lincoln: (sarcastic) Now isn't that love right there? ", Her smile grew. Ever since the night that they overthrew her and wrecked the house in her absence, she had made an effort to be less of a tyrant, as evidenced by her much more lenient set of rules. Lincoln: "Now let's go inside and see what movies are playing.". She looks over to Lincoln, to see the same big smile that he left off with, Lincoln runs over to the door and opens it to see the nervous sisters waititng outside. Lori: "Wow, Lincoln. We all do our individual jobs! (Luna and Leni leaves in disgust; In his room, Lincoln is crying on his bed). He really misses Ronnie Anne that much? Luna: (while singing) Lullaby and goodnight. Not only that, but her boyfriend dumps her for Carol and her friends abandon her. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". They all quickly step back after his lash out. Lynn: But what? Lincoln: "Hey Lori. I can do it, myself! he cried, prompting a frantic shush from Lori. Nice going, Linc. There is silence between themfor afew seconds. It's been a month since Ronnie Anne moved away, and everyone is starting to worry about you. Understand? How are you holding up since she and Bobby moved away? Lincoln and Lori walk downstairs. Lincoln smiles back at her with a couple tears falling down his face. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". We haven't done this in a long time.". ", Lori: "Well, duh. I remembered I make his first rock concert a great success. (Lori suddenly attacked him and took over the couch, much to Lincoln's frustration). Lincoln decides to take advantage anyway. While Mike is holding hiswrist and the other two have the hands on their heads, Lori glares at them. Rita: "Sweetie are you okay?! Since everyone else is able to handle it, I always thought you could handle it too. ", Lincoln: "Wow. You're coming with me.". ", Bobby: "Hmm. ", Bobby: "No problem, Babe. ", Ronnie Anne: (laughing) "Wow, Lincoln! But Lori was everything you'd expect a mom to be. ", Lori: "Yeah. ", "You did! Lincoln: Please don't tell me that I'm bad luck. Lincoln and Lori were that moved by the touching sequence, so much that they've turned into emotional wrecks. Luan: And if she does, I bet Lincoln wont let us pass! But the kids can't use it. I won't force you.". That sounds nice. Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. Lana, you can play with your pets, but I don't want to see mud in here. Lynn's comes home from school angry that she lost in her baseball game which she takes here anger out on Lincoln however after here argument with Lincoln. We should have known better than to call you bad luck. He won't even tell anyone. Very emotional, explains either Lori is going someplace far from Royal Woods or Great Lakes City, and she is hugging Lincoln because she would never see her family again in the fanfic. Not only that, they threatened to tell Mom and Dad that I broke the golf club and get them to take away my phone so I can't talk to Bobby! and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. LUNA: (tearful and happy) We miss you, dude! He didn't smell bad at dinner. ", Lori: "Wow. Lori came in and saved me from them. With that, Lori blew her whistle, and the rest of the family scattered around the living room. Lori: Get over here and give your big sister a hug. Time seemed to stand still as the two of them held onto each other; neither of them were sure that they would ever want to let go. Lincoln glanced around the room as his sisters came marching back in. I hope you guy have better lives without a brother. Mike walks over toward Lori. I said that? Mike: "I'm Mike. (Lincoln tearfully tells his sisters about his dream). Lori: "I know how you feel. ", Lori: "Well,it has been a while since Lincoln andI spent some timetogether. ", Lori giggled. He then commented. Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. *sigh* And I've been real harsh to you guys before. No response! Luan: You could say she took the "red pill"! He goes inside the restroom. Besides, it's not like I'm any better. "You know, being the one you always depended on. (In Hazeltucky, Lincoln is enjoying himself). --- Lincoln: Now, what could I be preparing myself for? Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? "What do you mean? (She takes his soda) Now, this is mine. Lori let out an annoyed groan as Lincoln took notice of this and tried to look on the brighter side of it. "Well to be perfectly honest Lori, your farts don't smell that bad," He tried to reassure her. he asked. We're all here for you. I'm sorry, but I'm not really in the mood to talk. She will not let us anywhere near us. Lincoln: "I'm fine, mom. ", Duncan: "For that last game, we made a wager with some other guys. He runs upstairs, leaving the sisters by themselves, disappointed and sad. Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! I'm not bad luck. (Luna and Leni heard the whole thing and look at each other, worried; Later, Lincoln thank of what they said to him, took a backpack and pack his things, he took a box under his bed and open it to reveal lots of money and stuff it in his pockets, he then wrote a letter and place on his bed. Log In Sep 16, 2021 Your time's up, pack your stuff and get out. ", Lincoln: "Well, you're just- Ugh, forget it!". A 4-year-old Lincoln enters the room with a sad look on his face. I just can't. You teased me long enough. I will always protect you. I miss you too, Lucy. Can I please go to Clyde's house? They insert a few coins and the game starts. Get him to open up about how he feels. As time went on and mom and dad were having more kids, I was feeling pressured because, like, I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings. Just us, at the beach, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the ocean? You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. Lincoln then pulls out a picture of Ronnie Anne and looks at it. Just after Lori said that, tears begin to come out of Lincoln's eyes. Just after the call ended, his smile fades away and he begins to look sad. The two lay right next to each other with a blanket over them. He tries to throw a punch at her, but Lori garbs his wrist and squeezes it. LUCY: (ecstatic) Lincoln! Lori: "These three troublemakers where attacking my little brother.". Do you have fun doing this?! Tomorrow, I'm gonna take Lincoln out to some fun places and have a good time with him. What happens next shows a full montage of Lori doing her best at doing the chores, but the other sister interfering and making a bigger mess. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. I was here first! LENI: You can't beat him up because of that! Lori: "Besides, it wasn't a complete waste of time. Rita and Lynn Sr. had decided to drive across town to see a Thankful Corpses concert, leaving Lori as the head of the household. I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! LINCOLN: Luna, Leni, you want to go to the movies with me? ", Lori: "Well, I actually wanted to see this movie myself. You want to watch that? Lincoln: (irritated) You know you guys would've got in trouble too, right? He opened it to see a pajama-clad Lori, smiling warmly and gesturing for him to come forth. "Wow. There's still times where I bullied you too, and after today, I now know what it feels like, and i'm deeply sorry. There is nothing here to dread. There's nothing here to dread. Thanks, Boo-Boo Bear. "I'm up for it.". That was amazing! And when they did, it was always too late because you were either injured or really mad. ", Rita: "Alright Lincoln, let'streatyour bruises. LUNA: Hey, sis. There's never a dull moment with your family, is there? Lori: "Isn't this nice, Lincoln? Lori hugs him back comfortingly, Lincoln: "I'm so glad you came, Lori! ", Lincoln: "Oh no, it's fine. Lincoln: Yes, Lori? I went to use the restroom while Lori held our place in line. But I talked with Bobby and told me that spending time with him and taking him to places he likes should cheer him up. Lola: What's going on? You may know why I ran away, I kicked a soccer ball into Lily's face, it was an accident, and you guys attacked me for no reason at all. Lincoln falls asleep, but Lori is still awake and looks at him. You just went ahead without warning! Nowadays, however, this routine was mostly just a way to remind her siblings not to take her orders lightly. And besides, maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. Lincoln: "I think you're an awesome big sister. Just then, a few staff member appear. LET GO!! And it looks like he needs it now more than ever. Lori sits byher brotherand hugs him in a motherly fashion. nice.". Lola: And we'll do all we can so you can feel better! Letting our older sister tumble down the stairs! She chuckled. ", Rita: "Maybe you also should try talking to him about it. LUCY: It's more sad to see Luna and Leni missing Lincoln. He then pull up his poster to used the cord to reveal the inflatable slide). Lincoln looks up at Lori, who has a worried look on her face. Lincoln chuckles. Chapter 728: Lincoln, Leni, Luan and Lori. Those two went at it for a few minutes until Dad broke them up! I've enjoyed spending time with you. ", Lincoln: "No, no, no, and no. It's okay. Lincoln: This is "Sir Hugs-A-Lot" by Omega Ultra! I mean, yeah can be bossy sometimes, but your there for us when we need you. ", Leni: "So, are you over your 'Ronnie Anne' problem? With roses bedtight. Butthings still tend to get out of control, like the whole Sweet Spot fiasco, the time we fought over money, the time Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, and that's only naming a few. I mean, I'm not really sure why. "If the others hear about this, they'll all want to get in on it. Well, all we're doing is making you do all of the chores around the house! I'll say. Lisa: I may be smart, but i'm not smart enough to answer that! Lori is nearly done with the hallway, but feels her foot step on something. This subreddit is dedicated to the Nickelodeon series 'The Loud House', 'The Casagrandes', and 'The Really Loud House'. Get ready, 'cause I'm taking you out today. This was almost too good to be true. They all group hug, with Lori doing her best to sit up and join in, ignoring the slight pain again. ", Rita: "Are you sure? Plus, you got along well with the Casagrandes, didn't you? The teenagers accept them and they play together. Lynn Sr. and Rita look at each other, then smile, then look at Lori. She didn't want her phone taken away. ", Lori: "We're not buying it. The two stay at the arcade for an hour. Lincoln: "Yeah. Lori smiles from what Lincoln said and wraps her arms around him. AS the film's suspense ramped up, he started gritting his teeth and grabbing fistfuls of the couch cushions. ", Lincoln: "Why did we even go there in the first place? Understand? That's why I never tried to stop it when they went against you. Lori: (soothingly) "There, there. After he finishes, he makes his way to the door, but just before he leaves, three teenage boys enter the restroom and stand in front of Lincoln giving him a threatening look. penn township hanover, pa map . My bad. "Not you, Lincoln. After putting in the Blu-Ray, she dashed off to the kitchen to fetch their snacks. I had a bad dream. I watch Dream Boat with you and our sisters. ", Lori: "Please, Lincoln? Let's go blast some zombies.". ", She lay a hand across Lincoln's shoulder, beaming down at him. Lori: I guess I could fix myself a glass of milk. Lincoln: (angry) So, they made you become a slave, dumped flour on you and made you sprain your ankle?! She was competent, she was strong, she was firm when she needed to be, and she was warm enough to provide him with a source of comfort. LUCY: Don't remind me, Luan. When he looked to his right, he saw Lori looking over at him, giving him a smile - a warm one, completely devoid of any trace of malice, mischief or condescension. ", Lori: "What are you worried about? Lincoln: (angry) Heh, typical! She never asked this nicely before. This is one of my most commented fanfics and one of my most critically acclaimed fanfics. Is that clear?". He squeezed her just as tightly before releasing her only to take her hand in his as they started for the house. Lincoln: Don't you see, everytime something has happen to me because of you girls, you always came back and apologized, doing whatever you can for me. You girls miss him, too? He then sighs. Lori gets in her bed with Lincoln following along. He has a bored look on his face and he's justeating his meatloaf while looking down. Rita gasps just like Leni did. ", Rita: "Did you find out what's troubling him? Watch. ", Lori: "No need to thank me. These are my friends Duncan and Drake. Commentary is acceptable. Lori pulls a bottle of sunscreen out of her purse. Now she's away, and I won't see her for a long time. I had no idea you felt that way. Lori: "Hey Lincoln. In just a second, they sorround him. Lincoln: Look, if you're all angry about how Lori acts towards us, then go bother her, not me! Lori: "Whew! We should've never been selfish towards you! Seriously, what is wrong with us?! You're really got some moves there.". Lincoln: (irritated) You girls are really dumb, you know that? "Sometimes it'd take a half hour for you to let go of me.". You deserve an apology because of how we treat you. she hissed. How's that sound?". Lori: You want me to change my statement? The sisters stand in silence for a few seconds with worried looks on their faces. Afterwards, she comforts each of her sisters, and thanks Lisa for helping her survive. She began the evening as she typically did - clad in army fatigues, with her trusty whistle around her neck and her younger siblings lined up against the wall in order of age. (Lincoln is infuriated and kicked Lynn's soccer ball and it hit Lily's face), (Lincoln gasps and runs to Lily to make sure she okay, but the girls, except Leni and Luna, attacked him viciously). LINCOLN: (with his backpack on) I gotta talk to Lisa about this slide. Occasionally, she'd reach over and feed him a hot pocket. Don't bother looking for me and if you guys, except Luna and Leni, get grounded by Mom and Dad, you guys only have yourselves to blame. When that happened, Lincoln squeezed Lori tight and buried his face in her bosom, scarcely able to bring himself to look at the screen. We're here for you no matter what. Lori: Alright, i've been thinking about it and I believe it's time for you people to have some freetime this weekend. ", Lincoln: Of course, I'm happy for them. I love you.". Lori: (while whispering and caressing Lincoln's back gently)ShhhShh sh sh. Welcome back to Peeking Through the Fourth Wall. We won't be out too long. We see a 10-year-old Lori sleeping in her bed. Lincoln: Please don't hate me. (A knock on the door and it's a motel owner). "Anyway, Dad came in and said that it was time for your nap. I can't believe it's been a week since Lincoln ran away. ", Lori: "Anytime. ", Lori: "And I couldn't ask for a better brother.". Just an ordanary day for me. I shouldn't have. Their parents will know about it and I imagine they'll be in huge trouble. Remembering these memories make us missing him even more. Leni and Luna were the only ones who stood up for me and the others betray me. Lincoln: "Would it be alright if I slept with you in your bed? Lori: Alright! Mama! I miss Bobby, too. As she said this, she was applying the suncreen on Lincoln's other arm and chest, much to his annoyance. Wanna give it a go?". "Poltergeist"was displayed in glowing, electric blue letters, accompanied by a picture of a young girl embracing the screen of a static-y television. ", Lincoln: *sighs* "It's fine. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. Lori smiles and then lays on her belly. She had her own room at this time. Luna: Just get crayons and paper and i'll explain more! Lincoln couldn't help but be reminded of the time he snuck out to seeThe Harvester, a grisly slasher film that gave him constantly looking over his shoulder for weeks. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. It was alright. They were mad about the football incident because they made a bet and they lost 50 dollars and they blamed me for it and, and-", Lori: (comfortingly)"Shhh. Lori: (furious) I DON'T CARE! Luna: Oh, you didn't know? She falls asleep and the two sleep togther in each others' arms for the rest of the night. THEY GOT ANOTHER THING COMING TO THEM!! In her arms, he felt just as safe and secure as he'd feel in Rita's. All of the sisters start to laugh at Lincoln. That must be the hot pockets. ", Staff Member #3: "We are so sorry for this, ma'am.". LORI: I need to watch Dream Boat. Just you and me. The sisters look at Lincoln and notice the bruises on him. Luan: Alright then, let's head down to the phone! The two set up a spot on the beach and sit under the umbrella. 5K Views. LINCOLN: Luna, Leni, you're the only ones who stood up for me and I appreciate that. Remember whenI took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out? ", Lincoln: "Yeah. ", Lori: "I know. LINCOLN: I won't! Lori's annoyed looks truns into a worried look. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Luan: Nah, because we would've blamed you again! Even though he was still rather apprehensive, he figured he could handle some PG-rated ghost story - certainly better than he handledThe Harvester. Working together, the siblings score a few times, but are still having fun. LYNN: Me?! Lincoln: "Alright. I've been keepingitfrom you guys for a while. "Ready for the movie?" LORI: We're really sorry, Lincoln! Lincoln's face lit up like a lightbulb. P.S. Apart those bullies beating you up, how was your day with Lori? It's pretty rare for the sisters to express some kind of love, but the thought of making a card for her made Lori even more happy. Well, I got an older sister to help now because she is completely immobile now because of you! Bobby and I got to see each other one more time and we worked things out. After staying at the beach for almost an hour, the two got dressed in their normal clothes, packed everything up, got inside Vanzillaand head to their next stop; the arcade. "sure," he whispered. I shouldn't have. ", Lynn Sr.: "But son, it's a little bit early to go to bed. whispered Lincoln, inching across the couch towards her. Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. Get it? If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. He then felt a ginger tap on his shoulder, which shocked him enough to elicit a gasp and a shudder. LUNA: Dudes, what is with you guys?! Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. Luan had pies everywhere after Lori mopped the floor, Lynn broke plates after Lori swept the floor, Lana knocked over the trashcan after Lori took it out etc. Lincoln: (annoyed) "I'm not a baby, Lori! It's one of those zombie games. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,795 - Favs: 4 . Once he and his parents arrived at the Loud House, Lynn Sr. directed him towards the armchair in the living room. The siblings thanked them for the compliment. LORI, LUAN, LYNN, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: Ahh! She accidentally heads for the stairs and starts stumbling. Lynn then swoops in and hands her a broom and a dustpan, They all laugh as they enter their rooms, leaving Lori in the hallway, angry. They start marching away, but then they heard a shout. LISA: Where you go, bro? ", Lori: "So, have you talked to her, lately? Mike punches Lincoln all over hisupper bodyanda couple times in his face. I swept the ball away from her and kicked it right into the goal!". Lori: It's alright Lincoln. I wanna ask something, and I want the HONEST truth! Luna: (low voice) Welp.We did it, didn't we? Lincoln's blush deepened, as he began to loosen his hold on Lori. As a family, we should help each other when we have problems. During their hug, they hear something slide on the floor and they see a card. Nothing big! He received hugs from his sisters all the time, but it was rare that he got to experience this level of physical intimacy - his arms wrapped snug around his big sister, his head resting gently against her chest, with nary a sound but the soothing, rhythmic thumping of her heart. Moments later, flour pours onto her, getting into her eyes. (The owner kicks Lincoln out of the motel and he landed on the sidewalk), (The owner toss Lincoln his backpack at him), (He step on something, which is his family photo, he pick it up and he looked at the photo, it says "To the best brother in the world, The Loud Sisters"; It starts raining and Lincoln break into tears). "There will be no loud music and no playing ball in the house. Talking to Bobby was the only thing she did on the weekends. When he bent down to pick you up, you grabbed onto my shirt and cried, 'Mama! Let it out.". Does this mean I'm welcome to come to yours and Leni's room? Lori noticesa couple of teenagers playing Volley Ball. Lincoln whispered as he adjusted his clothes once more, before glancing at the bunny doll resting on his bed. Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". Lori: "Well, at least you try and make up for your mistakes. Hermione smiled and took a deep breath, steeling herself to go back inside the cottage. Make sure you and Lincoln get home before it gets dark. (Lincoln is in the kitchen, getting a bag of chips from the cabinet and he walks to the fridge to get a can of soda, only to find Lana eating his chips). Lori nodded. ", Lincoln: "Well, Lori and I were at the cinema, waiting in line. 10 minutes later, Lori wakes up in a daze, As her vision fades in, she finds herself tied up in a chair, She looks up, to see none other than her sisters, giving her cold stares. I know you miss Ronnie Anne.". As much as he feared what she had in store for him, he was even more afraid of what she'd do if he disobeyed her, so he followed along. Why can'tyou just get over it already?". He did his best to act casual as he went about his usual evening activities - playing video games, helping the younger sisters with their homework, playing with Lily - while stifling the occasional excited giggle. Once the movie was over, Lincoln continued to hold onto Lori, as he was still shaken by the preceding two hours. Lori let go of his wrist and started up the stairs, motioning for him to follow her. Lincoln grabs his pillow ad follows Lori to her and Leni's room. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. And I thought I could get through this by myself, but as time went on, I just kept feeling worse. From 9 to 9:30, Lincoln paced around his tiny bedroom, wishing that he could make the hands of the clock move faster. ", Lynn Sr.: "If he's like thatagain tomorrow, we'll talk to him.". ", Her smile widened as she gazed down at her little brother, and she began to run her fingers through his hair again. Lincoln giggled, giving Lori a squeeze and letting his face rest against her shoulder. Obviously. You don't deserve this much bullying. Lori: Why not? Lana: Well. (He slide away from the house and he glance at his home, he shed a tear), (Leni and Luna, who are in their PJs, come to Lincoln's door, they hear crying), (She and Leni walk in, it reveals to be Lily, in her PJs, crying and holding Lincoln's letter), (Leni cradles Lily and Luna grab the letter, the two of them were shocked at the letter), (The others, who all in their PJs, run into Lincoln's room). "you'llalwaysbe my baby brother. It was another "Lori in charge" night for the Loud household. LORI: This is your fault! Lori, wearing her sleep wear, enters his room. I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. LENI: No, I really miss him, Luna. Even though I hate him, I still love him. They all get into a line. Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB) by Alex Debi 29.9K 576 44 Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. Lori: "Wanna play at littleVolley Ball?". It's literally a three-hour drive away from here. ", Young Lincoln: "I'm sorry for waking you, but can Isleep with you? The girls are at the bottom of the staircase, looking at each other in shame. With each repetition, the story felt less off-putting and more comforting. Lori: (in her head) "Wow. Already a deviant? The two continue to dance. Lori looks at Lincoln who is down on his hands and knees. Same as my previous pic, but this time, Lori is the one comforting Lincoln. with him! Duncan pullsLincoln away from the door and closes it. But I know what I'm gonna do. Just tell us what's bugging you. Specifically the scene where Lori puts lotion on Lincoln without his consent and then asks him to put lotion on her. So, can I please just get some rest?". Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. Try as he might, he couldn't quite see it behind her thick, shoulder-length blonde hair. Lincoln: "Oh check it out. A moment later, he heard a light beeping sound coming from the kitchen. But Luna and Lynn were so rowdy and unpredictable, Luan rarely took anything seriously, and Leni well, Leni was Leni. Not only that, but he sees a face of fear in the rest of the sisters, Lucy: Don't worry sister. It was at this point that he finally managed to get a good look at her face - and to his immense relief, she was bearing a faint little half-smile, with not a single trace of anger or tension in her eyes. Unbeknownst to him, Lori was standing right in front of his door and heard everything he said, she has a look on her face that looked like she was going to cry. We're glad you're back home with us. If you don't want to though, that's fine. Lynn: Because we want you to feel how it was when we were forced to do all of the work, while you were sitting back, watching! Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. "And I missed having you hold me like this, too. It occurred to him that his source of comfort wasn't going to be around for much longer, as her first semester of college was just around the corner. Lisa: I shouldn't have ventured off into believing in superstitions. Lana: Again! "All right Bun Bun, it looks like I'm ready." In less than a second, Lincoln, having tears in his eyes,hugs Lori. [We open on the couch. The two are laughing. Lincoln: (talking to himself) "What is wrong with you, Lincoln? the younger siblings announced in unison (sans Lily, who just gave it her best shot). But after you got busted andscrewed upthe game, we lostthe bet! When Lori realizes she is back in her old life and the new life never existed, she finds Lincoln behind her sisters. ", Lori: "To places were we'll have fun. Sometimes I felt stressedknowing that I have to watch over a lot of siblings. Neverbeen better. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a bettersister. Bobby: "Wow. Don't you want to spend some quality time with your little bro? Please. Lori looks at her sleeping brother with a smile and kisses his forehead, just like she did on that night 7 years ago. So stupid! Always, always, always. After taking a seat next to Lincoln, she scooped up a pocket, broke it in half and passed him a piece. Lori: "I figured this would be the best place to have lunch. LINCOLN: Oh yeah, I got another ticket, you wanna go Lucy? The two make it to the beachwhere there isa lot of people. Watching them suffer?! Lincoln smiles a little and gets in Lori's bed. "maybe I wasn't too far off? LINCOLN: Come on, Lori! Rita: Good, now well see you kids in a few days. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. All of his sisters laugh at him once again, They all roll their eyes. Lay down your head and sleep. "Oh! Lori: (in her head) This is really stupid! If you want to play in the mud, do it outside. She shreaks in pain, as the other sisters rush over to see her on the ground, in pain. It didn't take long for Lincoln to get shivery and jittery. I'm starting to realize something. Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. ", Lori smiles at Lincoln. Lincoln and Lori went against the two teenagers. He has a couple bruises on his face and a black eye. Lincoln took his seat and turned to face his parents as they approached him. Bedtime is at 9:00 sharp. Her command was delivered in such a terse, succinct manner that it was difficult to discern her intent.