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We will all meet our maker. She not only knew the name of every person in the place, but she also knew each individuals burden and prayer requests. Doctor is mentioned one time in the Bible. You need to fact check a bit better, found two other major errors about listed schools. Liberty was ranked by Newsmax as the # 1 evangelical university in the world. Would you be able to tell if International Miracle Institute is a fake institution? * Insurance Senior Executive (Not sure why this matter. Ranking in size is not the same as ranking in academics. Not only did this remarkable woman endue me with life, but also through her living introduced me to my heavenly Father. Its a tiny school in Tennessee that also goes by the name Omega Graduate School. I actually just made a much longer list in which Duplantis is included. FROM THE HEART OF DR. REXELLA VAN IMPE. As a lay person in a church of 1,500 people, she became the choir mother. My mother could have been there. So who is the person that you were unable to mention? Lastly, hes been dead a while and this list was primarily for the living with the exception of the guy who died after it was written. During the reign of the Prince of Peace, the enmity between men and animals will be removed, creating conditions similar to those that prevailed before the Fall: The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Rich: "It's a small fantasy inside a much larger one, the perpetration of which harms no one except its willing participants. Explore releases from the Van Impe Recordings label. Can God still use them? It seems as though he probably did not graduate or it was something other than a diploma that he earned. Honorary doctorate in divinity from Oral Roberts University. me again, Oct 12, 2013 #16 RAM PhD Member me again said: The funny thing is they have names remarkably similar to actual universities that ARE credible. You can also download it HEREin PDF if you so desire. If a Dmin a fluff degree? With no doubt, you need to add David Jeremiah to your list. See for yourself: ure=related Add your Vote: 0 Comments As far as I can find, he has no honorary doctorate degee. Because learning things is now worldly lol. We have two local pastors who claim to have accredited Ph;Ds. (Source(s): Talbot is a fine school but John certainly did not earn a doctorate degree from there. If you want a doctorate, do what I didnight after night of working until 4:00 AM, then going to work the next day, research, writing, peer review, defense. | argoweaversblitz,,, Rich,Christian leaders ..Shall we test their true faith? Almost as impressive as your ability to go this long in ministry without reporting any of your financials to any organization besides the IRS. I dont understand how anyone can take her seriously. First, hes not a televangelist. As the Admin states, to which I will add, there are a lot of crazy and dishonest ( the overall subject of these pages), false witness believers and preachers, far too many! James, How are these ministers being (called) liars or (for) doing something wrong when their degree is legitimate in the eyes of the state government? He just uses brother. UPDATE: Due to high demand I have created a canonical list of pastors and teachers with fake educations. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den (Isaiah 11:6 8). I agree with you on Southwestern. But it the was love I was given by Christ followers that changed me. According their accrediting institute they only have one accredited program which is Oriental medicine. ). How Well Do You Know Ryan Reynolds? So, how much is Rexella Van Impe worth at the age of 90 years old? This Doctor stuff is nothing but ungodly posturing. DVD / Perfect Ending Book. They said so themselves. Dr. Rexella Van Impe tells us that God loves us and so does she. Mom was a truly wonderful person who demonstrated her faith by her good works (see James 2:18). As one who actually earned a Ph.D. from a SACS-accredited public university, I knew these cats could not have found time to earn a doctorate. The seventh textbook, New Age Bible Versions, is an international best seller and for it the author was honored with a Doctorate from the College of the nations largest church. Using church funds for mansions and vacations. That is simply ludicrous. But often they are also given simply as a means to use someone for PR. Im excluding TCU and SMU who were founded as religious school but now are just classed as private. He still holds a fake PhD. Whether its Semitic culture, church history, or languages. I feel so sorry for all the young people hes deceiving with Joels Army and spiritual experiences. Current international events reflect exactly the conditions predicted throughout the Bible for the last days of this age. Its sad when you think about all the good work they could be doing with their message rather than trying to convince people of some make-believe plot to altar the Bible. Any pastor that calls themselves doctor but doesnt actually have an earned doctorate thats accredited should be sued for fraud. In 1989 he received his Honorary Doctorate from Oral Roberts University. Even with limited resources, she always seemed to find an answer to every problem and need. (. .. and who holds multiple degrees..ALL from known diploma mills or long defunct institutions, youve got to check out their teaching (rantings)!.. Im just saying I would consider a person with an MDIv an expert. A CLASSIC MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR. JACK VAN IMPE. Through her tears, she told how five months earlier God had led her to go to work at the center where my mother lived. What do ya'll think about all of the pastors/preachers that call themselves Doctors these days? And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted (Isaiah 12:4). "The beloved Dr. Jack Van Impe was welcomed into Heaven by His blessed Savior and Lord who he had so faithfully served in ministry for over 70 years," the January 18 statement reads. He is obviously a man who studies. You have spent zero time understanding what accreditation means and way too much time blindly repeating lines that you heard from somewhere else. The website lists them deceptively. The last I heard, he was claiming 160,000 hours, jumping from 120,000 hours previously. degrees and has done additional postgraduate study at Harvard and Cornell Universities. Fake degrees are exactly that Fake. Earned BA in (unknown), from Azusa Pacific University (. In seminary its what we call the easy doctor degree. They serve only two purposes. Dang this guy is good. My twin brother and a few friends went to liberty. ), Master of English, University of Dallas literature and rhetoric (I assume this is legit), Master of Liberal Arts, Southern Methodist University history, philosophy, and literature (Seems legit. Learn how your comment data is processed. (Please excuse the paraphrasing.). I dont applaud pastors that purposefully lie to the public, Also, no one is claiming that having money is a sin. She is named after father Rex Shelton. Many people agree that Rexella is one of those people and there are speculations that face-lift and botox are reasons why she looks so fresh and youthful. $10.95. The entire bible is true, but we give weight in order of our preferences. Once again a real degree from a real school. The Newsmax article was not based on academics. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. Radical Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to civilization in the 21st Century. Van Impe passed away Saturday and his death was confirmed by his ministry's website, but no details concerning his passing were shared. Everyone will miss you! The couple who conducted the morning service at the living center on Sunday came to visit, and told me, Were going to miss your mother so much. She was previously married to Jack Van Impe. A Phd in anything Bible related shows that you are an expert in that field. Dr. Jack Van Impe is naming names in "Beware: False Prophets, Damnable Heresies & Doctrines of Demons."God has given Jack and Rexella a desperately needed me. (1997). However, this is another well known diploma mill. The treaty will be broken after three and one-half years. I would surly consider someone with an DMin one as well. A typical class list can be found on many seminary websites. Love your work. If we are patient with each other Im sure we can all learn from each other. He graduated from Detroit Bible College in 1951 and married Rexella Shelton in 1952. Most of these charlatans could be exposed for hypocrisy by a nine year old. How could I ever find words to adequately express the great blessing of having a godly mother? Though, Im not really bothered by language. But I was talking about religious people using religious (fake) degrees in a religious environment. If they consider degrees mandatory, so should we, honorary or otherwise. (. Traduzioni in contesto per "dcouverte selon laquelle les" in francese-italiano da Reverso Context: La rcente dcouverte selon laquelle les fibres de coton cologiques, teintes naturellement, peuvent faciliter la vie des personnes sensibles aux champs lectromagntiques ou aux rayonnements provenant des crans d'ordinateur l'intresse beaucoup. Thanks! It's perplexing. Strikes by workers and oppression by employers will be unknown. It seems as though every television preacher has a Dr. fixed to their names. Whatever. I have been watching you for over 20 years and I wish that he was here to see what is happening now with what all is going on in this day and time. Like the beautiful queen of Bible times, my mother, Esther, was skilled at finding solutions and a place to be of service. I DO have a problem with people claiming to be authorities in Bible teaching and using fake doctoral degrees to demonstrate that they are learned men and women. John Hagee is the undisputed champion of education among the televangelists. They have given money and resources often that they cant afford in hopes that God will make then wealthy. And if the had it had nothing to do with them being anointed and everything to do with God exercising His authority on the earth. Isnt that deceiving people? Dr Rexella Van Impe and special guest Dr Dave Williams show you how to access this good cheer Jesus promised and they explain how the turmoil of these times is predicted in Bible prophecy when the return of the Lord is at hand. My take on this issue is that these people are probably atheist. A lot of these preachers are good people doing good for Spreading the word of God ! No wonder everybody loved her. She baked bread that was absolutely irresistible. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? I guess youre just an over-achiever over-deceiver! Those who claim earned doctorates/degrees from unaccredited schools, without clarification, are guilty of false witness/lying/deceit (8th Commandment ). However, ATS is not specific to Christianity. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them (Ezekiel 36:24 27). However, I must point out that there a many (too many) legitimate Drs. Indeed, Gail is a snake among snakes. Jack is just a nutjob. His dead best friend did. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. One reason God blessed Jack and me in our ministry is because my mother prayed. However, this theology is rejected by 99% of theological schools. Actually, I think Tim is referring to the KJV, where the references to doctor is actually meaning TEACHER (which is actually the meaning of Doctor in a doctors degree, you are expert enough to be a teacher). My pastor at the time handed me a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper with the Hebrew alphabet and suggested that I should also sign up for a class in Hebrew. Once again, I cannot state this enough, accreditation is not everything. which means that they left a lot of colleges off the list because they are not conservative colleges. Also note, that just like Joyce, he was given both an earned doctorate and an honorary doctorate without having ever completed any prior college degree. You are ignorant and still in your sins. ;-) ;-) | Jakob Info, 5 Theological Views That Need Burned At The Stake (#2 Prosperity Gospel) | Dust Off The Bible, 15 Pastors Who Makes Millions Of Dollars By Reading The Bible To You, 5 Theological Views That Need Burned At The Stake (#1: Dominionism) | Dust Off The Bible, 15 Religious Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than You'll Make All Year | Dust Off The Bible, The sad thing about these fake pastors is that their adherents will follow them to the moon and back. It pains usto put Jakes on this list. Canonical List of Pastors & Teachers With Fake Doctorates. Oh, she could be firm, with strong convictions. I assume you never attended an accredited seminary or Bible college or else you would know that they are far from liberal. That is a fact and I make no apologies for warning people about these wolves in sheeps clothing. He also taught us that if you dont want to pay taxes then just dont pay them. Yet, Perry discussed the event with his dad on his program as if it had validity. Studied at Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary (. Admin, It seems that you dont understand what accreditation is used for and why it exists Spot on! In fact, it was a republican in the senate (Grassley) who initially began the probe some 10 years ago into these scammers. Anyone, even with a real degree, is a person educated beyond their mental capacity IF they are atheists. I goofed on that organization. From academics to sports they have continually moved upward. ; . Not any more. Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by anngriffin777, Oct 11, 2013. When youre older the skin tends to get flabby so cosmetic surgery alone is not enough and the results can get better if botox is included. The shear duration of your career is impressive. Id look again with LCU. When the church had a visiting evangelist, Mother was the one who invited him over for dinner. Not sure what this was in response to though the word logos is not as simple as written word. I highly encourage everyone to investigate any of these institutions if the data below seems too sensational. Rexella Van Impe was born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri, USA. Thank you for this wonderful message it is food for the body spirit and soul it is good to know that our Jesus will be returning soon and every eye shall see him praises to the king Amen! Prestige means invites to mega-churches; invites to mega-churches means big pay-days, big pay-days mean television contracts, television contracts mean perpetual big pay-days. Riplinger has B.A., M.A., and M.F.A. Even if you just look at the entrance requirements you will notice that doctoral candidates for almost all programs require a handle on Greek, Hebrew, and a 3rd language. Most of these schools are legal entities, (last time I checked) we have whats called a separation of church and state in this country. But some students dont keep up well. Preaching the gospel can be done without being an expert in those fields. Most seminary students leave thinking drastically better than they arrived. Have been to the ministries that Ive been a part of? Televangelists who put Dr. before their names yet have no actual education do it for only one reason to seem legit and educated so people will buy into whatever they are selling. Its a scam. In the latter days, the Bible says, people will exchange the truth for a lie (Romans 1:5) which is happening today as news outlets and social media promote shocking deceptions about biblical truth, morality, marriage, gender, justice and more! The majority of theological schools, especially seminaries, are not in the game of teaching people what to believe. May God have mercy on those whom He will that they may be enlightened by His truth and not be led astray with promises made in error. Oh I just figured it out. No one would say hes not worthy of a J.D., even though he never had a formal education. Not even to congress when they requested it. They dont know the history, the culture, the customs, the language, or the transmission of the biblical texts and its setting in history. Rexella Van Impe (Actor), Dr. Jack Van Impe (Actor), Andre Van Heerden (Director) Rated: Unrated Format: DVD 54 ratings IMDb 5.6/10.0 Prime Video $2.99 $7.99 DVD from $2.93 Additional DVD options Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD November 11, 2008 1 $2.93 Watch Instantly with Rent Buy Mark of The Beast $2.99 $7.99 Which gives her preciously little expertise in textual criticism and translation. Earned PhD in Theology, from Life Christian University. I can only say that every message good or bad serves as a lesson and reminder as James 3:1 says. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God (Amos 9:15). It actually made me more humble. The discussion is persons with Fake Educations and Degrees. Youre looking to the wrong source. Good catch on the doctor matter. Jack Van Impe, the popular televangelist known for his end times news commentary program, has died at the age of 88, his ministry website reported Saturday. There are only two types of people alive today: those who are born again and those who are not. How can you call that a quality education? When the Bible means a physician, it uses the word physician at least in KJV, and I think most modern translations though I only checked ESV. She never yelled, and I never felt a slap. But heartfelt faith in Christ does: With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom. no one says anything about Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, or other notables honorary doctorate degrees.. tammy pescatelli master's degree; disadvantages of police body cameras; world record springbok. Heres your degree! The danger is in the following. Here is the address: 500 Oxford Drive, Dayton, Tennessee 37321), Doctor of Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary religion, philosophy, and counseling (This is a real school that I highly doubt we graduate from since they dont have Doctorate degrees that include religion, philosophy, and counseling. Is a JD fluff? Of what ? I can truthfully say that out of all the many fine women in the world whom I have known, my mother, Esther Shelton, was by far the best of them all. Food will be plentiful and there will be sufficient housing for all: And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7). She must have gotten tired and weary from her labor, but I never saw her stop for a nap. Hungry for peace and security, they will make an agreement with the treacherous final world dictator, the Antichrist that will promise protection and tranquility. Kenny Russell runs a profitable Hebrew Roots program. Sometimes its I think its too snarky for its own good. There are a number of fundamentalist sites warning of Van Impe's compromise with Rome. They are accredited only as a provider of continuing educational units(CEU). A growing number of accredited Bible colleges are becoming too worldly because they are beholden to the federal government that feeds them $$$$s through FASFA. The most disgusting part about this unnamed person Every sizable city in every state has a street and/or boulevard named after this fraud. Lot of 2 DRS JACK/REXELLA VAN IMPE DVD Sets ~ False Prophets & Pope Francis at the best online prices at eBay! She is also known for America's Future (2002), Day Eight: Planet Earth Forever and The Mark of the Beast. by his college alma mater. It will have been a long journey. If you want to become a better minister then its a fine choice. Lot of 2 DRS JACK/REXELLA VAN IMPE DVD Sets ~ False Prophets & Pope Francis. The Jewish maiden, Esther, undoubtedly was strikingly beautiful to have been selected as queen to the ungodly king of Persia. Finally, in Christs coming kingdom, the Jews will be at peace in their own land. She was a humble (but blunt!) You provide hope and courage to so many with your bold style. Faking a degree is the same as lying Which is not how a Christian minister is supposed to operate. One, anyone is free to accept or not whatever is said or claimed, equally. Jesus gave ALL His followers the great commission before he ascended into heaven to preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils. But compared to a Phd its clearly less rigorous. People wrote such loving tributesShe was a great woman of God. She was my best friendthe one I could always confide in. Esther met my need when I had no one else to turn to. My memories of her are nothing but precious! I shall never know anyone like her again.. * Newspaper & Book Publisher (Could not find a single thing they printed.) For a full list of these fake agencies see the list below. There is the written (Logos) word and there is also the (Rhema) word a word from the Lord spoken personally to me). I learned to be that way as a young man. Fellow, Oxford Graduate School Humanities and Religion (This is NOT Oxford in UK. Can you provide any info on this group? She was extraordinary in that she always had a word of comfort or encouragement for people in need. if any bar at all. I dont think the intent was to discredit Liberty here, but I do understand your point. The day before she went into a coma, I spent some time beside her bed at the hospital. I couldnt help but smile at thatQueen Esther! Past month; Thanks. Brand-new video teaching from Drs. You can tell they are fake even if you dont see the list because 3/4 of the accreditation page on their website is an apology about why they are not accredited by a real agency. She managed to stay calm and collected, inwardly serene, through very trying circumstances. I certainly can identify with the songwriter who penned the poignant wordsHeaven seems nearer since Mother is there! Now, more than ever, I know I want to go to heaven when this life is through. They are accredited by one of the organizations listed on the fake list of accreditation teams. Claims to be subject to no checks and balances? The author is in several editions of Whos Who, and was invited to be a member of Presidents Reagans Citizen Ambassador Program as a representative to Russia. I know this old but ORU is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, one of two commission members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), which was founded in 1895 as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. Suddenly, out of the blue, they were introduced as "Dr. Jack Van Impe and Dr. Rexella Van Imple" because they had BOTH purchased degree mill doctorates. Failure to do so makes one complicit with their wrong. Their announcer, whatever the fuck his name is, looks like he should be hosting a game showin 1966. If you have the cash and can pay for a research aid and editor (which most do) it takes a large part of the burden off of the student. I agree with Chuck, a simple interlinear is useful even for those who dont know Greek or Hebrew. Born November 29, 1932 Showcase yourself on IMDbPro Add to list More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Known for Im very disappointed you didnt choose to edit Vince (sewer mouth) as you stated you would do. Huh???? With knowing what is involved to get a doctorate, including all of the work that is involved, and the high attrition rate it seems hokey that some (not all) religious leaders would "purchase" a degree mill doctorate and then present themselves as doctors with the express purposes of gaining legitimate respect. Rexella Van Impe's income source is mostly from being a successful Actress. Pray for me. There is a reason why seminary professors have Phds and not Dmins and its because a Phd prepares you to be an expert in an academic field, not and expert in a professional field. Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella Impe have appeared on TV for many years (good). Liberty has real classes with real professors who require real academic work. Plus, Bill Cosby never used the term Doctor to describe himself and Michael Jackson never used Dr. to make himself seem educated. Most of those who brandish their fake title of Doctor are so obviously Scripturally illiterate it is almost amusing. The scenes of people sleeping on benches, huddling in cardboard boxes, or looking through garbage cans for food are . Isaiah wrote of that peace in his prophecy of the death of Christ: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (Isa. Southwestern AOG has the best accreditation you can get. They have no authority to teach the Bible to anyone and they do a terrible job when they try, which is why not a single televangelist is affirmed by any accredited theological institutions. Okay, perhaps stupid was just a bit strong. Speculations about her plastic surgery are numerous and many state that its impossible for a woman her age to look so good without having any cosmetic surgery. Really? $29.99 + $3.65 shipping. He might have been the only smart on this list by quitting the fake degree track after just a 4-year degree. It is clear that this thesis is just the unpolished ramblings of a man who wants a fake PhD. Not true. John MacArthur and most pages did not carry the doctor. While Azusa is also a real school, I could not figure out what he actually got his undergraduate degree from. Not a single citation exists in the whole thing and he cant decide if he wants to call it a book or a thesis because both are used in the text. After carefully weighing several factors, including the average financial needs met, class sizes, student-to-faculty ratio, average ACT scores, and student retention rates, Newsmax has selected the top 100 evangelical Christian colleges in the country.. Kinda sickens me that they lie like that. To be very clear, not being accredited does not mean your school is bad. However, LCU is widely known as a diploma mill. I found the Jack Van Impe program with his wife Rexella speaking. The kingdom of Christ will find Jews and Gentiles worshipping the Lord together. I truly hope God has rescued some people away from his church. They are, most times judge, jury, executioner sole head of every governing body and financial oversight groups for their flock. No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord, Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing. Here is the thing Kenny, if you have your education listed on your facebook and its nowhere near a doctorate degree, then how can you go around claiming to be a doctor? Think carefully about the words of the prayer above. Traduzioni in contesto per "scoperta che i" in italiano-francese da Reverso Context: Il gioco termina con la scoperta che i ladri degli attrezzi erano i figli dello stesso Tim, i quali volevano mettere alla prova la virilit del padre. Instead of condemning them you should look at yourself! I could be a part of mensa and the high iq society, but for me, God took my broken mind and filled it with His glory, so I would rather have 10 honorary degrees, than the two I have (and one Im working on), because it means you have lived a life worthy of mans and probably Gods recognition. I apologize if you feel I meant you had not seen someone raised from the dead, I meant me. I can say that with absolutely no reservation! I think it develops from ones environment. It is where one Mark T. Barclay says on his ministrys website he attained degrees from. Give me an excellent independent, unaccredited Bible college any day over these liberal religious institutions. I would rather earn a degree from an unaccredited school thats authorized to issue a degree by their state than to have a degree from some liberal accredited school like Harvard.