Thanks anyone who knows who I speak of. I feel so much empathy for all of them. for some reason on this website its under season 5, #11. Zac Reeves from Heroin Triangle died from an overdose on April 16, 2020. Thank you. View the profiles of people named Kaylene Riddle. I am so happy that she had the opportunity to get treatment and I hope to God she is doing better now. What episode was she ? Not Ericthat breaks my heart. There are plenty of videos still up about those who have passed away. Hi Cynthia. A friend told me she had been killed while sober in a car accident. Thats not your fault you all did your best. It was posted by her friend Holly the one who was at the intervention on facebook. He had a loving wife and 5 children that looked like they all really loved him. I wonder if anyone has run into the same as myself, but Im following up on obituaries, fact-checking, and almost every link on every person usually ends up being a dead link. First, I live very close to there so that really hit home. I am praying for all those addicted. Doctors just dont up meds unless a patient is telling them that they are suffering. How one could confuse the two is beyond me, but Kailas disorder stemmed from being bullied and her suffering went unnoticed until it was beyond repair. Facebook gives people the power. Gabe /Vanessa disappeared long ago. Megan from season 15 episode 18 passed away the 28th. He was one my favorites. They have offered treatment to other friends over the years. Age: 21. This obituary (!/Obituary) mentions that Betsy passed away after battling cancer. I have never watched this show, it was by happenstance that I caught it. Oh dear, I love Candy shes my favorite. And marrying JD? A very nice troubled young man who didnt find what he enjoyed in life. It has made me an emotional wreck. im very curious because she relapsed 2 days after being released from a rehab center. I didnt know her well, only met her at a few meetings. I am desperate to help this family. I wonder if theres any more people we just dont know what theyre up to, because the show, and perhaps they themselves, like Courtney, have decided NOT to go public or allow their families to share. Lastly, it wasnt Kailas mother who treated her poorly throughout her life, it was Ginas; the other young lady featured in the same episode. As a mom I just wanted her to get better. It absolutely breaks my heart that now 3+ years later now Im sober and he lost his sobriety and is now dead. If you read the recent comments on his page, several different people commented that he was impaired. But if anyone has other recommendations , please do let me know. She was in Season 11. There are people who can help. I am certain that suicide would be tempting. That must be a horrible feeling . Lastly, while she may be angry with her parents for cutting her off, I hope she realizes that their actions no doubt SAVED HER LIFE. Im also wondering about Gabe V. I saw his update and which stated he relapsed once but was attending meetings again with his dad. I also remember how she said she didnt even deserve to live or go to rehab! A lot of people commenting here know the people involved, others figure out how to do a search based on location, police reports, etc. I read on Brooks episode that Ian passed away. I am so sorry that people spoke so badly of you all for trying to save your sister. He was on an episode of Intervention. Ill never forget her childhood friend and crush who cared for her so deeply! But Ill keep checking their individual page mybe someone will have updates! Im a recovering addict myself (and have bipolar depression too and have attempted suicide) so when I read at the end of the show that Chris had stayed in treatment for 3 months, I said out loud, Good job Chris! He was so sad but yet angry. Im sure this may catch some flack or make people get all aggro, but (as an addict in recovery for 9yrs -in Nov) I gotta commend Shandons dad on one thing: how he dealt w her withdrawing. My condolences to all the families. Pray. They should def update the ending to show she has since passed away. There was an update on Leslie in one of last seasons episodes, it appeared she was doing really well. All of the episode numbering on Intervention Directory is consistent with A&E's episode numbering. So sad for all of these lives lost. HOW DARE YOU MAKE AN UNCONFIRMED PRESUMPTION? Kaylene: Directed by Peter LoGreco., Mike- there are plenty of people spotlighted on the show who are sober, successful, and doing recovery work. If thats true I wonder why it wasnt said in the program. Like you, I also wonder how she & her husband are doing. I cant even imagine. I am sorry you.feel that way. She still lives in vegas but has remained clean. I couldnt find an obituary, but came across a youtube video of his funeral. :/, -Gina(season 14,Gina&Kaila ep) the heroin addict from San Antonio, *Sorry,Im correctings,Gina is from season 13 not 14, -Nicole: We ask that you care for the ones you love this season and stay safe. Im watching Intervention and wondered how many of these people addicted end up dying, so here I found all these, and remembered many of them in the show! It just didnt seem like a healthy relationship. Oh no! I think that sharing this may stop some of the speculation about her passing. Trust me., Scroll down and see her comment from July 22 . Im heartbroken that Karissa is gone! If Robby is going to be included on this list, then so should other people from Intervention Canada whove passed away, namely Megan and Ziggy. no child deserves that. While it is typical to want to dichotomize something, addiction affects everyone in a different way, whether they are addicts or otherwise. But it only took 10 months for meth to kill my twin. Lauren sadly died about 2.5 years ago of lung cancer and is listed above. Sebastian Ramirez (he was on with his twin, Marcel) died last year. Air date June 20th 2013. Unfortunately he passed away at age 33 October 16, 2020 in hospice. Its something addicts have to fight everyday for the rest of their lives. RIP, Elann. Thank you for the update! Has Sebastians death been verified? The show did not portray us in good light as I am well aware of how people felt about us. Heres what were going to do, lets get some folks that are at rock bottom, expose all their dirties secrets and put the under the pressure of having the whole world watch the hardest thing theyll ever do. Her story was very touching. It is oh so easy to be the outsider looking in saying what you would do, and being the one who has to look the person in the eye and say it. He is not clean, though he will tell you he is, he also will tell you hes not working & scraping metal for money. As a mom I could not take seeing his dad back away from him . Does anyone know what happened with Sarah and Mikeal? Sorry, Im sort of new here whats the story with Gabe? . Those things make us feel isolated and as if all we go through has been gone through alone when we see the way out, what lights the exit route up enough to see at first is someone attempting to reach out to us and connecting. I was going to befriend him but that would have led to hitting me up for money. Yes, Brooke was in pain, she had been in and out of rehabs when we got to the point of the show. I had just spoken to him and he said he was doing really well. John from season 4 died in January. Mom (53) passed away 4/15 from complications due to her dependency. Also, I have many members in my family who are mentally ill and sometimes I know they are sick but they are so selfish and I hate having to just accept it! I hope he turned things around. Soooooooo sad. I know they said Brooks got married and Michael relapsed, but curious to know how hes doing. I am a friend of KAILA and can tell you she is doing well in recovery. I am late on this reply, but I had met Donny at an NA meeting a few years after the episode aired. The clips and episode are not available anymore, but that is still how it is listed. I am hoping that is true. I always prayed she would make it to sobriety like her sister did! Do you have a link to an obituary or anything? I, too, have wondered about Billy from that Antwahn and Billy episode. I had hoped the news of her death was wrong. He was into crack cocaine. please kids dont do this to yourselves, Nice memorial video for Nik Buckmaster so sad. If you have another source confirming alcohol as a cause of the wreck then please post. I pray for her every day. I would love to talk to you. I would rather have some sort of life and die young than be amiserable, crying mess of an invalid. Im so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. RIP Charles, I have been wondering what ever came of you and a random Google search and I found this, later my brother. And were praying for you and your family now. He was in for heroin and had to be hospitalized several times for severe seizures. A nice one. The purpose of this site is to document the episodes and provide other fans with updates about how people are doing. They now know that people who have family members who have taken their own life are more likely to kill themselves. But right now, PLEASE find help. I would like to thank Dizzy for keeping this going. THANK you <3. I recall posting on this site a while back about her, but now I cannot locate the comment. I wonder if he was sober when he passed away. She made this comment: I always feel touched and saddened by these stories but then left in the dark when they dont give updates. AMAA., Josh from Intervention In Depth: Heroin Highway. The show isnt responsible for keeping people alive. Lesson learned: the less you do ecstasy, the more it will be rewarding. Hope that helps. Very sad. Love and hugs to you girls. If it becomes a problem at any point then I will discontinue that pain medication so I can be a very old woman one day. Does anyone know if she is still fighting this disease or what became of her ? But I feel you, and I totally hope youre right. Last time I have heard anything, Sarah and Mikael are clean, and are not dating. I was really rooting for him. , Jessica was on a recent episode in the follow-up Skyping with Candy. I did a search and found a list of all the ones whove passed on and was surprised Corinne passed earlier this year. The recent post on Corrines profile sounds like her death was also related to her diabetes. Brooks episode was just on the night before last. When she was strapped for cash, the camera crew caught her asking her kid sister if she could borrow her money, lying and saying that it was for gas. Not due to what John had going on . I remember his mom had MS and dad was diabetic too, prayers to his family. No its not official but Im taking them at their word on this one.,together%20and%20celebrate%20his%20life. Best of luck to you Jessica, hang in there! If youre serious about getting better, and youre an adult, you need to start taking accountability paying your own way & Considering the feelings of your family that have gone to hell & back for you. Does anyone know if they are airing the same episodes on LMN and A and E? Best wishes from the South shore <3. girlfriend had red hair if that helps. Anyways he looked ok. Nik from season 5 just passed away this last Saturday. I am a now a twinless twin. Very sorry for your loss, truly I am. He offers some proof as to his identity and also has several interesting stories and anecdotes regarding some of individuals featured throughout the seasons., RIP Rocky. She died of an overdose on August 20, 2016, which means she basically died immediately after treatment. I guess Im looking for answers ill never find. Brittany. I hope you are able to make peace with Josh senseless death somehow! Candys husband Mike passed away yesterday from kidney cancer. In Mastic, NY. Thats terribly sad, Im sorry for your loss. Congratulations on nursing school! This particular episode truly haunted me for a long time. I hate seeing it happen so in a way Im glad, but Im surprised given the frequency of fentanyl and other additives in opiates slash accidental overdoses still on the same continuum. Addiction wreaks havoc on everyone involved and no one can know how they will feel or react unless theyve personally been in YOUR shoes because even all families are different. ???????? Its very important to many of us. Not yet, I guess he had a blood clot after some surgery. I have wondered about he since her episode aired. Its sad some people take valuable rehab seats if theyre not ready, but getting help even against their will sometimes by family members and bottom lines can be important when someone has truly lost their way and mind. What happened to Katie from season 18 episode 21? DIZZY: What evidence is there that Derek M died from a drink-driving accident? So sad. ROCK HARD ist nicht einfach nur ein beliebiges Heavy-Metal-Magazin, das zufllig Erfolg hat, sondern eine wichtige Institution im musikalischen Bltterwald der Bundesrepublik. Nope not in costa Mesa.. Way off. I would like to know this myself. Thank u Bill W!! Just my 2 cents here. Its really very sad, you become a victim of your mind and those terrible behaviors arent a choice anymore. I like to think shes now finally at peace. She was brought back, then left a couple times, but as of February 2013 she is alive. Im nervous for the day something happens. Im childhood really sucked from my parents not paying attention when other men were around. It saddens my heart too see that these people have passed and I pray for their families..I pray God gives them some peace in their hearts. I hated the way people spoke about your family. I dont remember Kaila saying anything bad about her mother, actually I remember thinking she had a twisted perception of her parents making me feel she wasnt just anorexic but something more like you said. My guess is that after the pills stopped working Brooke hopped up on a methadone plan. Im not 36, thankfully not living with them but they are still drinking and popping pills. Doing good stuff, back in school, moving on with her life. I wish the government would do something to provide hope in a society where addiction is thriving.this includes everyone not just military as a society we have got to do something that does not numb pain but help overcome heart goes out prayers for who struggle with this and hope that I can find myself and maybe help others., Sad that most of them didnt en up the best but i hope that by now or at least in the near future everyones life will get better! So sad to see Brooke passed away. My grandmother is a recovering alcoholic, and I wake up every morning just praying something doesnt happen to make her take a drink. I am glad she went through treatment too, as she seemed reluctant to tell Megan the mistakes she had made. Lauren, and the friends name was Dea. I have daughters close in age, that were inseperable like these 2. PUBLICPublic. I dont believe season-12-Sean has died[although Im curious as to whats happened to him since he got sober.). To these people that lost there battles R.I.P. Dizzy, I love how you keep this site up to date and respectful. I can understand how she was feeling, as my own father committed suicide when I was 15. Youre right, its just because the others I didnt have posts about (because I wasnt covering Canada until recently and hadnt gone back and watched all the eps yet), but regardless I will see if I can gather the info and get them up there. I do not think he got better or even wanted to . So very sad. Anyone heard how the ex military guy Adam is? Prayers to his family as im sure they are completely devastated. We hungout a few times, he was nice, but the drugs had definitely caused permanent damage to his brain. I did not think the show portrayed you in a bad light. My prayers are with your family. The episode ended by saying he did well in rehab for 99 days, until Amy visited him, then he relapsed. Her daughter is beautiful and looks happy and thriving, that is all amazing news Karen, thank you! She is one that sticks out in my mind, her and Cristy (season 2, episode 18). Hello everyone. Thats why I put Unconfirmed, presumed overdose on Taylors, because there were quite a few comments from friends that indicated it was an overdose, but I couldnt confirm with an obituary or close family member. I guess I really related with the brother. Indeed. They have never dealt with the things Ive seen and dealt with. Trents cause of death just got released You may find updates there. Vanessa Marquez, the compulsive shopper who was an actress on E.R. Dizzy, it appears it was an overdose. Im so happy for Nicole and Andrew,I wasnt even sure if Nicole is even alive,some people commented stuff like she died,but im happy she didnt! Youre asking about Kelly F and Chad. His Intervention espisode was so sad it made me cry. Abusive Relationship, Benzodiazepines, Childhood Physical Abuse, Childhood Violence, Donna, Pain Meds, Percocet/Oxycodone, Season 11. I just finished watching the episode about Elann. Its never easy to loose a loved one but to loose them to this makes it harder. My condolences to her family. He also was a business owner, not sure if he owned a gym or tanning shops.His Mom had several other sons, raised them all by herself. I am sorry to all of the friends he has made over the years. Brad, I am sorry for your loss. That guy seemed like he could get his life together. Thanks again!:). It was mentioned at the end of the episode. I cried like a baby when I saw that episode. Glad to hear shes doing well because her photos on her Facebook page showed her to still be very emaciated and pale; if thats recovery for her, she needs to find another program. Do you mean the reference to ecstasy? No she didnt. Shes doing really well, has a boyfriend, and works with animals. Im so sorry, Brittany. She is still living with her grandmother and attending college again. He had years of alcohol addiction that he fought and when he finally stopped his body basically shut down. Her story touched me for a lot of reasons I hope shes ok.. I was truly worried about him., Hey guys, anyone know what happened to Jessie, the medical doctor hopeful who suffered from Bulimia? I should be able to find something eventually. I can see why people abuse these drugs. He was a beautiful soul through and through, God bless. I also want to know what happened to Emily. Im sure he stayed sober, but I couldnt find anything on him. Im curious as at the end of the show they talked in the past tense like she had died. Wow! My heart broke but glad for the update. Just note that intervention isnt just what you see on the show. I am not out running laps or doing cartwheels. Thats the problem with a lot of these pain medictations. I keep forgetting to tape the ones on A and E. I just finished with the Samantha C episode. My prayers are with you for the new year. Shes certainly talking a lot of the talk in saying shes moving on and getting better but she still appears so ill. Looks like she just found another family member to help fund her existance. Season 4, Episode 9. I just watche the same episode as well, my dvr cut it short too. God bless you, I will keep you in my prayers. I would appreciate knowing the real cause of her death. Kimberly Carr July 22, 2015 at 8:55 AM There is no conditional love taking place there. I just read on another thread from her cousin and a friend that shes doing fine and living back with a partner in Victoria Canada. NEVER AGAIN. I hope he is at peace and my thoughts are with his family. At least now their at peace. Also my brother committed suicide a little over four years ago. I have finally sat down to watch the new episodes of Intervention. One of my own doctors upped my dosage of percocets WITHOUT EVEN DISCUSSING IT WITH ME! Anyone have any information? Chyna, the late former wrestler, was apparently almost on Intervention. Here is the link to Karissa Lee Hilts obituary: To suggest Kailas belief that she is fat is a clear indication of a lack of narcissism is completely false. Dont give up. Thats why addicts have nothing to do in prison. I have one uncle left and thank god he has been sober for 2 years. So very sad to see how badly Vanessa deteriorated over the years. Are you talking about John T? He spent 3 weeks in ICU, 2 days in hospice. He leaves behind a 12 year old son. I believe its in Dallas TX. I googled searched several with just the first name, so and so from intervention, and when you scroll to the bottom of the page in the other searches part, it listed a lot of the first names with the last name. On Laurens episode thread someone said they did offer treatment to Dea but she declined. I hope you can find peace. I hope Billys outcome was as positive as my sons. According to Facebook he had been clean for a year but due to chronic Herion use/damage he had a stroke and fell into a coma. Do you have a link to more information (death notice, news article) so I can confirm? Dont yet know the cause. Lots of hugs and love from Pittsburgh PA. 100% gutted to see 3 members of the Heroin Triangle season passed away. Idk.I think there is a difference between conditional love & enabling. At the very least. She moved to Texas from Prescott around a year and a half ago. I saw the man Donald who was a boxer who broke up with his grlfriend because he relapsed. I can see how it would be. Rest easy. my god. I just finished watching the show and was so sad to hear of her passing. New poster to this board. My mom being Very mean and violent when drunk every night and my father just has always hid and passed out while my brother and I suffered. THIS IS TOTAL CRAP. He was mumbling his words and talking about people being after him. the natural pleasure/pain zone from use, we will prevent the vicious addiction cycle. Did some cross-referencing, looks like its her blog but I cant gather from her writing that shes for sure using again. Marcel is doing great! It is a decision someone makes to take a personal risk exclusively intended for the users benefit with little regard for the effect it will have on his or her loved ones. He was very loved by his girlfriend, friends and family. After so many years of neglect, can Kaylene's family finally step up and help her get the live . My thoughts are with you and those who lost their lives due to addiction. My doctor keeps on saying the pain wont kill me.. It also might be that said Networks have newer shows running and dont have time slots allotted for older syndicated episodes of shows that have run for almost 20 years. Please dont just blame doctorsMOST are caring people that do not want people can lose your license. I felt so sorry for his live in girlfriend who was pregnant with his child. The last thing I ever saw related to him was that he gained 32 lbs but was still having issues . Rest. Dang, Jeff, Ben, and Derek all in about a month So sad. So very sad to hear about Sebastian!!!!!!! Most of the people I listed I didnt really find updates,just people were asking each other about the addict but there were many that no one knew anything about thats why I commented here! The bit where it suggests other popular searches , Facebook, Twitter, and many last names. You can get hooked quick, wether you want to or not. -Skyler had a son but has relapsed many times. I dont see him listed on the Episode page here, either? Anyway, thanks for the updates on everyone. @Greg WHY is it creepy? Im so scared for him and only watching to see how it ends because I want him to live so badly. Im praying for her. I pray that she has made some progressshe had a very hard road to travel, it seemed. Thats one of the reasons why we watch this show, to be constantly reminded of how easy it can be to lose control! The airport scene was unimaginable. I really felt for that family. Shraman Mitra. Watching Intervention has been heartbreaking as it reminds me that we can never really know what an addict had been through before they reach their addiction stage.