And since chickens are so small, it doesn't take much to cause serious health problems. Your email address will not be published. Essential oils are fat-soluble, hydrophobic phytochemicalsbiologically active compounds found in plants. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Ayurvedic physicians in India used them widely. Chickens care for their feathers and skin by digging shallow ditches in soil, mulch, sand, even pine shavings, then tossing it onto themselves. Unlike most dairy products, which are good for your chickens, you should avoid butter, since it is high in fat and low in other nutrients. Most chickens that have even a little bit will quickly expire, so make any point to clear it off of your property if you have chickens. Vines are wonderful for growing up on the side of a chicken enclosure. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Salt6 slices Regular Bacon2 c. Bittersweet Chocolate ChipsPreheat the oven to 350F. Research the topic. Remember that any plant eaten in excess may be harmful or, at minimum, cause gastrointestinal upset. It gives them a shady place in summer but its flimsy enough that predators cant perch on it to pick off the flock. Required fields are marked *. Koalas have evolved to be able to eat these leaves without being poisoned by the toxins in the plant. This should go without saying, but dont feed your chickens anything that you would not eat yourself. Not one bit. I'm new to the chicken life but am trying to learn more all the time. Essential oils are very highly concentrated, which is why it takes just a miniscule amount to do the trick. Why its good for chickens: These three oils are wonderful for all kinds of skin irritations. Meat production is just one reason why rabbits on the homestead are a great idea. *Catnip 3-9 Perennial*Lavender 5-10 Perennial*Lemon Balm 4-11 Perennial*Mint 3-10 PerennialOregano 5-11 Perennial*Rosemary 6-10 Perennial. chickens, bunnies, and guinea pig! Get your copy of Preserving Tomatoes today! Im Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. The chickens love this treat. Is there a list of harmful and or Deadly Plants for Chickens as well? Their instincts will only make them eat as much as they need and eating their own eggs is the BEST way to replenish the vitamins they lose.laying eggs. Can you please let me know if any of these plants are ok for chickens to eat? Talk about gourmet! Lemon pasta!8 ingredients & 40 minutes to make the best Lemon Pasta! Proceed carefully, allowing for individual sensitivities and allergies. Seeds and pits can be harmful to chickens because they can contain toxins (like cyanide) that can make the chickens sick. This is another entry that can be okay with strict control and in strict moderation, but I think it is best to just avoid the hassle altogether. Ripe tomatoes no longer contain solanine, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Animals that do eat eucalyptus, like koalas, eat the leaves. Foxglove, one of many pretty flowering plants in the digitalis family, have various toxic compounds that can interfere with the rhythm of the heart as well as causing intense vomiting, diarrhea, and other problems. The secondary benefit is that we dont have an ant problem anymore. And Simply Earth is not a MLM or pyramid scheme. if your chickens are not bothering them, then dont worry about it. You should avoid feeding your chickens the leaves, stems, or raw fruits from tomato or eggplant plants. I don't know? Bee Balm 3-9 PerennialBegonia AnnualBlack-Eyed Susan 3-11 PerennialCoreopsis 3-9 PerennialCalendula AnnualDaisy 5-8 Perennial*Dandelion AnnualDay Lilly 4-8 PerennialEchinacea (Coneflower) 3-9 PerennialImpatiens Annual*Marigold Annual*Nasturtium AnnualOrchid 6-8 PerennialPetunia AnnualSunflower AnnualThistle 3-10 PerennialVelvet Nettle 3-10 PerennialViolet AnnualZinnia Annual. Lettuce (including iceberg lettuce) is fine in small quantities, but when fed in large amounts to your chickens, it can cause diarrhea, since it has so much water. How to use it: Mix 20 drops Peppermint oil and 10 drops of Melaleuca per gallon of water. The best way to prevent mosquitoes is to change out the chickens water every day. I don't know. Why its good for chickens: Use an easy spray with Lemon oil to clean and disinfect the chicken coop. All parts of the plant, but particularly the roots and bulbs are highly toxic and can cause severe diarrhea and kidney problems in chickens. It can cause heart problems, coma and even death. Blessings to you and may you discover . Onions contain a toxin known as thiosulphate that can destroy your hens red blood cells. Tannins can cause liver damage and gastrointestinal distress, and can even lead to death. They love them! While you might like the smell, eucalyptus isn't safe to keep around cats whether it's dried or fresh. 12 Fascinating Chicken Facts You Probably Didnt Know, 6 Things You Should Know About Keeping Chickens, Chickens Dust Baths 101 and How To Make Them, Composting With Chicken Poop: The Right Way To Do It. Harvest faster if you are that worried. Aromatherapy as we know it originated in 1910, when French chemist Ren-Maurice Gattefoss was working in the laboratory of his familys cosmetics firm and badly burned his hand. Youll keep your chickens away from holly plants if you know what is good for them. How to use it:Spray diluted citrus oils on hens being pecked by their coopmates. What is your favorite treat to give your backyard flock? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Get your free copy of 100+ Amazing Diffuser Recipes today! Just like too much sugar is bad for humans, too much sugar can cause your chickens to be overweight leading to a drop in egg production. Some of the information pertaining to other species, including humans, must be extrapolated to birds. Autumn Long-McGie keeps an array of large fowl and bantam chickens at her home just south of Minneapolis. Rabbit meat is popular among homesteaders because rabbits are easy to raise, and they breed easily and birth in less time than other traditional homestead livestock like sheep, goats, pigs, and cows. ---1 c. Butter c. Bacon Grease c. Granulated Sugar c. Brown Sugar2 large Eggs2 tsp. First of all, hydrangea is a member of the plant family Caprifoliaceae, which also includes key lime and Honeysuckle. Although shrubs like azaleas and rhododendron can pose a risk, these plants are perfectly safe. What about plum? It can be a side dish or an entree. But here is a more extensive list of what not to feed your chickens (and why you shouldnt). But also like many herbs the potent oil that gives Jasmine its alluring fragrance can cause digestive problems in chickens. Why its good for chickens: Use citrus oils to make an anti-peck spray. And just for kicks, here are 35 more ways to use Wild Orange. According to doTERRA, a leading distiller of essential oils, it takes roughly 60 pounds of lavender flowers to produce 16 ounces of essential oil, 6,000 pounds of Melissa (lemon balm) to distill 16 ounces of Melissa oil and a whopping 10,000 pounds of rose petals to distill a single pound of rose oil. Or, you can compost them directly without giving them to the chickens. Popular carriers include almond, apricot kernel, borage, evening primrose, macadamia, peach kernel and jojoba oils. If they die back completely, I usually toss some netting over them until they get established. Acorns should be avoided as chicken feed for several reasons. Here is a list of some specific vegetables that are safe to feed to chickens: Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts brassicas in general should only be given as a treat. Absolutely not. Heliotrope, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Solomons Seal, Butterfly Ginger, Daphne, Sweet William Nicotiana, Sweet Woodruff, Woodland Phlox, Wood Hyacinth & Four Oclocks. These vegetables contain goitrogens, substances that interfere with the thyroid glands ability to function properly. Having a backyard flock of chickens is a great way to get fresh eggs. Valerie Ann Worwood, a consultant clinical aromatherapist and author with a doctorate in complementary medicine, writes in The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy that home practitioners should avoid the oral use of essential oils unless under the direction of a professional health care provider. Luckily, chickens will rarely give these any attention assuming they have anything else to eat but you shouldnt take chances. The Persians began distilling essential oils in the 10th century, and in 1597, a German physician, Hieronymus Brunschwig, wrote several books referencing the therapeutic use of 25 essential oils including lavender, cinnamon and myrrh. Essential oils can be applied to the skin or inhaled. Why its good for chickens: Peppermint oil helps to repel flies. Eucalyptus. Hi Again, I know the chickens will eventually wonder far enough to get into them. Part of the whole litter thing is overpowering the smell of the droppings. Do you know if this list is inclusive to most livestock? Do not feed your chickens butter. Guess what`s for dinner tonight? I read of the internet saying that Eucalyptus is a natural biodegradable product that repels bugs. Eucalyptus is a tree. Even if the chicken aren't meant to eat a particular product, I avoid any product that contains any ingredients that could be potentially harmful, since as we know, chickens like to nibble and taste even things not necessarily meant to be eaten! This includes table scraps, as well as commercial chicken feed that may have added salt. This can result in a condition known as goiter, which can eventually be fatal. Ask and read the experts. Although a member of the mint family, which is generally innocuous and perfectly safe to ingest, pennyroyal is toxic, resulting in liver failure and eventual death. Fortunately, I read that tomatoes were dangerous. Save money with barley seed fodder for your animals. Should I add anything to my chickens water. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). I'm pretty sure the Eastern Redbud is OK - when my chickens were small, they loved to eat the leaves - now they don't care for them so much but no one ever got sick. Eucalyptus contains many different chemicals. You can also use the prunings in their nesting boxes to . [click the link in my bio for detailed recipe instructions and tips for amping up your chocolate chip cookies] #recipe #baking #bakinglove #cookies #cookierecipes #chocolatechips #chocolatechipcookie #recipeoftheday, If you want to breed rabbits for a sustainable meat supply, there are a few things to take into consideration before beginning a rabbitry. I am not a doctor, lawyer, veterinarian or Martha Stewart. Other weeds and herbs that are good for chickens include: Some other treats you can give your chickens include: There you have it a list of all the foods you shouldnt (and should!) Also, if someone notices their chickens are acting cannibalistic, I would assume first that its either a methionine deficiency and they need some mealworms or other insects in their diet. She became interested in essential oils for her chickens after she started using essential oils and aromatherapy for her own medical reasons. He`s my sweet guy and I adore him. Prussic acid inhibits the animals body from being able to deliver oxygen to its tissue and cells. Stay hydrated and eat a bland diet. Most of the time, what to feed chickens is a no-brainer. figure that they work hard to give their precious eggs that have complete protein in them so the least I can do is take good care of them. Increase ratio if necessary. Spray down your coop with eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, peppermint, basil, and cinnamon bark essential oils. #meatrabbits #sustainableliving #meatlovers #leanmeats #rabbitry #homestead #homesteadlife #familyfarm, People with #houserabbits are statistically happier than people without house rabbits. #planters #growsomethinggreen #containerplants #diy #myo, Coturnix quail are nearly perfect for homesteads. Learn how to breed chickens for specific egg colors to add pizzazz to your basket. No products in the cart. My name is Jessica Knowles. The answer is yes! Hello! Chickens are very sensitive to salt and it can cause serious health problems if they eat too much of it. If redness or itchiness develops, try a greater dilution or different oil. However, cooking or sprouting the beans before serving them to chickens will kill this toxin. Possibly, but what is known is that oregano is a healthy addition to a chickens diet, and they love it. Is it pretty aromatic? Should we worry about the chickens eating the apples falling from the trees? They love the spent blossoms. Lentils also contain hemagglutinin. It was theyre favorite treat. The berries are only safe and in limited quantities, and even then, they are pretty high in sugar. #noproblem #bronco #rockcrawling #drivewaylife, 2013-2023 Jessica Knowles of The 104 Homestead, How to Find Out What Breed Your Chicken Is: Feather Patterns & Comb Styles, Using Herbs & Essential Oils with Your Backyard Chickens, Making Natural Easter Egg Dyes in a Variety of Colors, Easy 5-Ingredient Potato Soup (Freezer-Friendly & Gluten-Free) . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Heres a list of our favorite essential oils for chickens. How often would you need to spray them? Taken internally in large enough amounts, comfrey can cause diarrhea or liver failure as well as cancer of the liver. Be sure to check out this big list of poisonous plants if you are worried about a plant already located on your homestead. Once again, chickens typically steer clear of them but you must ensure that any free-range chickens cannot get to them. Honeysuckle is a maybe, maybe not food item for chickens. Hope somebody can help you. Lavender also increases blood circulation so its especially beneficial to chickens sitting on eggs who dont get up and move around as much as they should. I don't actually *know*, but I would not want to be the first one on my block to find out, either. Best to steer clear. The dirt coats their feathers and settles next to their skin, absorbing excess moisture and oil. What essential oils are harmful to chickens? I dont mean to offend you but there are some brands of oils like Simply Earth that are just as pure. Animals like koalas which have evolved to be able to eat these leaves can eat eucalyptus leaves. Though feeding chickens hydrangea may seem like a harmless way to provide them with extra nutrients, there are actually a few reasons why it is not recommended. Oregano is a powerful oil, but its also a hot oil and needs to be used cautiously.. Second, they can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, leading to deficiencies. If you are concerned about the safety of specific plants not listed here, then consult your local animal Poison Control Center or your veterinarian for more information. Apple seeds contain cyanide, which makes them a dangerous food for chickens. They ate them daily all summer and into the fall. Chickens cannot take eucalyptus oil either, they cannot have it whether the bird ingests it or if the oil is applied to the birds skin. I dont know about chickens, but what does Eucalyptus wood smell like when you are burning it in the fireplace? Laurie Hess, DVM; Rick Axelson, DVM, Contributors: Laurie Hess, DVM; Rick Axelson, DVM. The leaves can also carry Aspergillosis spores, these spores can cause the chicken to develop a fungal infection. Make sure its smooth and flat on the bottom. Here's a list of some of the potentially toxic herbs I try to stay away from. You can feed chicken other meats, including chicken, in most cases. While it wont necessarily harm your birds, amaranth contains antinutrients that can suppress the growth of your birds. Just a few beans can cause severe illness or death. Ensure your chickens do not have ready access to such plants, especially if you are free ranging your chickens ARUM LILY AMARYLLIS ARALIA ARROWHEAD VINE AUTUMN CROCUS AUSTRALIAN FLAMETREE AUSTRALIAN UMBRELLA TREE 51. Foxglove, also known as digitalis, can cause heart failure in animals and humans. This chemical may be harmful to your flock, even deadly. It was totally worth buying. Adding some oyster shells or even crushed egg shells back into their diet can help. If you have lantana in your garden, make sure that your chickens cannot access it. Youll love the look and the functionality. So, Do Chickens' Feathers Grow Back After a While? well, bearing in mind that I love reusing materials, I would encourage you to use that stuff as much as possible. Part of the whole litter thing is overpowering the smell of the droppings. While not toxic itself, Eucalyptus leaves can harbor Aspergillosis spores (a dangerous fungus that can cause death in various types of birds, including chickens and ducks). Spray carefully on the victimized hens, avoiding the head area. She turned 10 in June of this year so I must be doing something right. In The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, aromatherapist and author Julia Lawless writes that essential oils, in general, consist of chemical compounds that have hydrogen, carbon and oxygen as their building blocks.