you may not relate to this goddess like others reading her post do/did. you just have an interesting take on everything. you may have a closer-knit group that I would likely classify as a cult or clique (lol there is no in-between). you may be prone to changing your look up pretty often. you are likely a dewy makeup type or the type that rolls out of bed and still looks like a million bucks! Narcissus is naturally named after the infamous Narccissus, who loved himself so much that he became transfixed with his own image and committed suicide when he could not have the object of his desire. Eros- in the orbit of Mars, Mars, Aries, Scorpio. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. you are also very prone to being curvy. Zayn's Charis is in 11 Capricorn, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus conjunct the Sun. This asteroid can also talk about areas of wounding we cannot escape, such as alcoholism or drug abuse. negative aspects: you get into it with women around you - they may judge you for your sexuality (could be a religious outlook on sex and its virtue) - there are probably a lot of rumors and whispers about your sex life. aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). you may see intervening in others lives like helping others to have a happier life - its not advice from you, its fixing because you get actively involved in others lives. Chiron is an asteroid, regarded in astrology as the wise, sensitive healer who could not heal himself. it could also indicate a negative relationship with masculine energies in your life. you may appear to others as someone with a pretty mouth, pretty hands, and/or someone with toned arms. Adonis: Adonis, the asteroid number 2010, is named after the personification of masculine beauty in Greek myth. They lean towards beauty and harmony. you may also have a very memorable face - sharp cheekbones, cut jaw, etc. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. If you are ND and find this post offensive I will take it down. Ate was said to be behind the curse that started the Trojan War. al.). you probably love your sweats but also love to glam it up every so often! negative aspects: you may be viewed by others as the reason women are kept down and lack independence from men. like many paintings of this greek goddess, everyone notices you but you are noticing everything else - the atmosphere as an example. Asteroid Lysistrata refers to the heroine of an infamous Greek comedy of the same name. aphrodite-mercury: admired for your intelligence, advice, comedic abilities, accommodating/go-getter nature, and/or your vast amounts of knowledge regarding others. However, his own heart is not involved, although it LOOKS as it is. Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. i will give yall the same warning i did 5h aphrodites if you do not want a kid USE PROTECTION - yall are super fertile. you likely have pretty good self-esteem and are likely charming. Juno- placed between Mars and Jupiter. Chiron was the first centaur discovered and equally the most well-known of the mythical centaurs; arguably Chiron is the most important of all the centaurs. Pains, suffering. Where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. you may be a dress-up queen :p. aphrodite-pluto: you likely had a big glow-up at random moments in your life. you have very round features (face, butt, boobs, hips, etc. *all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to "Additional Objects" and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. Talent in Aries: Talent may be one of passion and excitement, possibly talented in sports or physical . people may be worried about your rejection of them. you likely have a high sex drive that has zero end to it (you are always hungry for more). aphrodite-poseidon (4341): positive aspects: you likely attract charming individuals who have power - you may even have the ability of make others fall in love with you with minimal effort. Many of the asteroids are named after the female family of Jupiterhis daughter Pallas Athena, his sister Ceres, his wife Juno. Can indicate illness and agony. Persephone (aka Proserpina) is attached to her mother Ceres they are the best of friends and completely inseparable. but like think about what this love goddess would post if she wasnt allowed to post her face every day (thats funny too because i notice patterns? there is a chance like, emily in paris, you have a travel blog or some sort of social media presence that showcases where you are and where you have been. Reminder that Chiron is currently in retrograde, and will be until December 15th. like for sports, prom coverage, etc.? Weaving, woven items, weaving things together, jealousy of god-given talents, talents that lead to pain or persecution, arrogance, boastfulness. The wound never heals despite his healing knowledge, which explains Chirons well-known nickname as the Wounded Healer. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a combo of everything your energy, your manner of speaking, your style - everything draws people in (queue the edward cullen speech from twilight)! plus lets not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. there is also a likelihood that you may not be as aware of those around you - this love goddess tended to only focus on her and her situation disregarding those around her :/ you may have to work harder than other placements to place yourself in other peoples shoes. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. 2h: i mean like get it though! aphrodite-anchises (1173): positive aspects: you may be an incredible actress and can seduce others into loving you based on who they believe you are based on the role you act out. you are too nice to admit you dont remember someone as well. if this aspect is a negative one you may be prone to cheating or being the jealous ex. They may be very conceited or full of vanity. you likely dont fall in love as easily as this love goddess did. you have a lot of drama surrounding beauty standards, with women around you and old flings, or regarding your possession (black friday may get ugly for you lol). 6h: you and your 2h aphrodite friend should go into business together, like a day spa and gym. Persephone is well-known for her beauty, but constantly rebuffs marriage proposals to stay as companion to her mother. Arachne was an incredibly talented weaver, and compared herself to the Gods (and actually, said she was better than them!). Normally, asteroid Ara would show where and how one is likely to give aid or be aided by others. In the end, Arachne cant go without diminishing the Gods, therefore royally pissing of Athena, who as punishment turns her into a spider. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship 12h: oof i fear this placement steps into a highly jealous territory that makes me slightly on edge. you seem like the person that others would follow anywhere. In order to do so, one must blast the foundations of assuming that this the way life is and the way life always will be. Chart owners can be more sensitive to the energy of specific asteroids when they are found: -On the angles IC, Midheaven, Ascendant, Descendant, -Conjunct or in dynamic (the big 4- trine, conjunct, square, opposition) aspectation with the luminaries (Sun and Moon), *Retrogrades in any asteroids can signify karmic tie-ups in these placements. In astrology, Charis is related to charisma, beauty. Next to any of the love asteroids (Amor, Eros, Psyche) this can make for disastrous or painful love affairs, and can even indicate death or loss of a partner. oddly people are often thankful for your intervention. Klytia was in love Apollo (or Helios, the Sun God), but he had another lover. The myth of Tantalus is pretty full-on. If you have Juno in the 12th/Pisces house marriage may ruin the harmony of your partnership, because you may end up feeling trapped by rules and laws. I am not Moroccan myself but my stepfather is Moroccan and I enjoy the culture. people with this aspect likely have a darker aesthetic to them (dark clothes, dark hair, etc.). In transit, Hygeia can show medical intervention, surgery, sickness, and imbalance if aspected poorly. Ate may show where one is likely to respond to real or imagined threats in an exaggerated fashion. y'all are like a sorority in my mind and you are the leader. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Juno in the 7th house/in Libra is really unforgiving after argument and you probably really demand strict rules of your partners behaviour, you refuse to compromise, you see permanent togetherness as the end goal of a partnership. When poorly afflicted, Echo individuals do not believe in themselves, copy others, have little original thought, have no self-esteem or self-worth or have a hard time valuing/defending them against narcissistic partners. you may go for a very grunge look - ripped jeans, flannel, etc. you definitely arent someone to start drama with or gossip about - think of psyche and aphrodite: youve got all the time in the world and know the truth. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner. ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. I am undiagnosed so please take this with a grain of salt. you lowkey look like you come from connecticut where the old money families live. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! absolute sins for what im about to ask but have you read heroes of olympus by rick riordan? you may be the type to love being in love - you may not be the safest when entering these relations (you dont care about your heart or theirs) - its always raw and unguarded (lmfao like the sex - but no seriously you likely arent concerned about a possible kid or anything like that you just want to feel free and wild). but no y'all have a ton of friends, followers, acquaintances, and whatever else distinction can be used to organize all those people around you. Cupido uses it's native eroticism as a player; to draw people to himself . cancer (4, 16, 28): your presence naturally puts everyone at ease. negative aspects: could indicate inappropriate attraction to young boys - needing to put space between them and you so that no one gets in trouble. you are likely the most insecure in your beauty compared to the other signs (lowkey a toss-up with virgo though), it may take you a while to see your uniqueness as a positive for the beauty standards of the world over it being a negative. Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. ), chances are your hair is darker and finer than those around you, you are probably shorter than most, have a cute nose, and semi-prominent eyes. Aggression, strength and power. aquarius (11, 23): you have the aura that really gets under peoples skin - i think of ares frustration when he found out about poseidon with this placement. you could be an incredible salesperson as well -you have that friendly, pretty face that could sell a poor man a diamond and a billionaire a box of girl scout cookies (despicable me reference). definitely the jealous lover in the romantic realm just like this goddess of love is. It draws people to itself, as does Eros. you may also be hypnotic in the way you walk or have a very relaxing way of speaking - there is something peaceful about you. . you likely wear leather, satins, silks - really anything that makes you look seductive yet badass. you may also be jealous of those you find prettier than you - you may target them. your makeup makes you look flawless and unreal at times (how could someone be so perfect type of vibes). you may be very envious of others when you have no cause to be - maybe if you just told others how you feel then the problems wouldnt be as big as you imagine them being. They are really only relevant astrologically if the Asteroid is conjunct the Sun, Moon, chart ruler, rising or Midheaven degree. Just like it says on the tin: Beer is commonly found in strong positions in the chart of heavy drinkers, or those who have or have had issues with alcohol. home may be the first place you disappear to when drama seems to consume you and you may find yourself venting to your family! STARR (4150) is an asteroid that is usually used for fame/ stardom. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. Asteroid Karma stands for exactly what it should: Karmic connections, relationships, pain or circumstances that go back lifetimes. you probably got really nice skin and hair too (venus ruled signs have me jelly). He was later freed by Heracles. The asteroid Achilles is one of my key tools, alongside (3811) Karma and (2060) Chiron. The sword of Damocles is quite well known as an expression: in short, it encapsulates the danger that rulers/leaders live with as a by-product of their power. there may be a tendency to judge others based on appearance over conversations. you could be a bully towards these women - in the cattiest of ways. Asteroid Klio is commonly associated with history, storytelling and writing, so is not a bad asteroid per se. Since Venus and the moon are the only ones representing the feminine force in the chart, we've turned to the asteroid belt to fill in the blanks.. Black moon is just a black moon symbol in the chart, whereas black moon Lilith will have the cross at the bottom of the moon. Clues as to how we make most of our connections. you are the type that doesnt block an ex just so they know you are living the dream and they missed out on it OR you just rather that everyone in the situation walks away rather amicably (lets stay friends energy). Phaethon is generally associated with out of control, dangerous behaviour, people that get carried away, car crashes and accidents. Asteroids are great fun to play with however, and synchronistic at times. you likely speak a love language or possibly multiple - it always sounds so exotic and beautiful when you speak as well. Its just interesting how much I relate to and understand people on the spectrum, and have my chart to reflect that. i know you have hella samples and have tried it all! there is a chance you have an elegant neck (lovers are likely obsessed), you may be shorter than those around you, and/or have a stocky build (you are probably curvy af :p). Vesta wraps herself around the human craving for security, stability, and safety, and if preoccupied with making sure that everything is taken care of, pragmatically with dogged persistence. virgo (6, 18): you are the person on a mission - aphrodite emerged from the sea and went to olympus. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. you may be prone to changing your relationship status quite often as well. there may be a lot of drama surrounding your ego or status - maybe even your energy (you may be seen as fake or uppity). though after a while they may see you as manipulative or controlling. Hope has astrological significance of ambush, attacks, prejudice, territorial disputes, Native Americans, minority experiences. Over-confidence. otherwise, you may have been very pretty your whole life (even if you dont realize it yet). OH MY GOD THERE ARE 500 PEOPLE FOLLOWING ME WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN, Hey all! Secrets, hidden things, mysteries. aphrodite-uranus: you love open relationships - you may be reading my aphrodite post like why tf was ares pissed about poseidon, its not like they were exclusive lol. you may have been treated as a mini adult from a young age and may have learned more about romance and sex than you should at that age. Lie, cheat, fraud, steal. Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. Achilles is incredible for highlighting potential areas of deep wounding, or the achilles heel of the chart when prominently placed in the natal chart. 9h: please let me be you. The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people". aphrodite-adonis (2101): positive aspects: could indicate dating younger men, insta-love, and/or running away together. Not necessarily insecure but u pick up on negativity a lot and u channel it tho u dont rlly mean it and u wonder where these thoughts r comin from. Can show healing, wellness if aspected positively. the downside though is that others may believe you are vain. you may appear to others as magnetic - everyone tends to find you pretty; your beauty is physical and personality-based. you may also be the placement to dance in the rain - who cares about your hair, right? you may have a very athletic or toned body, with intriguing scars and/or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). it could be drama about you or drama that you create. Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first address for astrology on the web. negative aspects: you may think no one is good enough for your son or any other male energy you are close to. When using asteroids the orbs must be very tight, not more than 1 orb. when your attention is captured, you are a complete enigma to those around you. Grief, loss, mourning. She became overcome with grief, unable to sleep, and thereafter alternated between sucking the life out of young men, or murdering other peoples children. Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. this is the person to ask for skin care recommendations and routines/systems. you may just lowkey adore babies but when they are kids youre like :/ see me again when you are older, you know when we can have fun gossiping. However, when Skepticus is placed very near to asteroids like the Moon or Venus, the skepticism carries over to emotions and/or love, creating an impossible situation. you likely have great style - very iconic and elegant. never try to be on trend or look like everyone else thats lowkey boring and you know it - we both know you got a different look in mind and i am telling you to do it. you are likely very fit-looking as well. With Apollos love gone, Klytia hopes to be snatched up by her paramour but he once again ignores her, and she withers away on a rock, staring at him, until she dies. aphrodite-eos (221): positive aspects: you may befriend your exs new partner and be able to be cordial with people that typically others would hate point-blank without actually knowing them. Warning : This asteroid is only prominent or important in ur chart if it only conjuncts ur sun,moon,mercury,mars,venus,ac,ic,dc,mc,anti vertex and vertex , i have this conjunct jupiterdoesnt count ig. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. Also, the 12th house is where spirit guides reside. you likely agree that you are dramatic or sassy but at the same time wont admit it because its part of the fun. Spirit asteroid shows your unique abilities brought to you to earth to use for greater good. Lucifer is the 1st house - the physical appearance is a source of evil in them. how do they know you? (been there, I just wanted to follow someone in each of my classes in case I got sick so I got notes - wasnt even malicious, he just sat behind me lmfao)). Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. your look is your everything to you - it shows who you truly are more than most any of the other signs because people tend to talk for you instead of talking with you (aphrodites arrival in olympus vibes for sure)! One of four major asteroids. In astrology, Pallas Athene indicates intuition, problem solving and wisdom. or hey confront your significant other face to face - youll be able to sniff out a lie. negative aspects: you are likely viewed as just a sex object with no brain by women around you. you may even be smug when they ask you for help - feeling as though you have all the power back within the dynamic. However, Cupido has a different slant than Eros. Nyctimene is a particularly painful asteroid. you may be the person who struggles to gain a following unlike other placements though you are very caring. Manipulation can be at play. you are super charming to those around you one wink and youll have people swooning or plotting how to start a conversation with you or get your number. ellie-mae-astrology:. A real charmer Casanova also talks about attraction and charm but this is about active pursuit. It has to do with aspects and placements of Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. When opposed or squared by natal planets, Ara can stand for a lack of aid, care or support. i know you are killing it. Vesta in the houses: indicates what is most sacred to us and our fire within, but also what you may deny yourself of, 1st house: expresses dedication and devotion through the partner, you take away things that are not absolutely necessary, 2nd house: you share finances and food with others in times of shortage, you deny foolish spending and extravagance, you give shelter and protection, 3rd house: you devote a lot of time to your training, family and career preparations, your family probably doesnt approve your relationship, 4th house: you have good understanding of humanitarian sacrifices, youre emphatic, however you might deny or delay family expansion, 5th house: you approach relationships very seriously, you can be jealous, you might also not be so keen on idea of having children, 6th house: you may be asked to choose between career and duty, you focus a lot on self-denial, you are given opportunities for service, 7th house: you might have more of a conservative public image, you might deny yourself of complete fulfillment in marriage, you have an amazing sense of responsibilities and actually doing them, 8th house: you deny yourself fruition of plans, you might use funds in an unwise way, 9th house: you break down fixed ideas very easily, you suggest, but then delay travel plans, you question ideas, 10th house: you join on unusual quests, your ambitions are delayed, you hold back promotions, you know how to feel other people needed, 11th house: you remain loyal in the group, you have great humanitarian qualities, 12th house: you have psychic connections, you have a lot of energy for spiritual development. okay :/). Skepticus means skeptical, skepticism, doubting or discerning. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. aphrodite-venus: admired for your beauty, style, and/or charming personality. You could potentially attract a partner that restricts your personal freedom. you are probably an iconic dresser: everything you wear looks like its made for you! it could indicate a female dominant family as well. However with asteroids one must be careful not to give them too much weight in a natal chart. Stuck in a vicious cycle of rebuilding. Long time no see. The Sun chariot ended up scorching Africa, accounting for its desert areas; eventually Zeus struck him off the chariot to save the world and Phaethon died. *PLEASE do not take this as a self diagnosis assessment, astrology is a reflection of the world and not what the world IS. you may have the ability to expand and grow in the opportunities that arise around you. Echo was the fairy-like creture that fell in love with Narcissus but was ignored and held in disdain by him. kind of like how aphrodite wanted eos and psyche GONE - no questions asked type of gone. On the other hand, their jobs/success/position stifle their ability to have a relationship, spend time with family, or have true friends. other than that you are pretty like aurora (get it sleeping beauty? May not work well in Scorpio, Chiron- Association with Pisces and Sagittarius. If it conjuncts his Sun or Ascendant, seduction is like breathing. seriously you are the businesswoman who uses her money to buy the pretty things and looks well maintained - like your nails are always done, your hair is on a schedule for highlights, trims, and all that, etc. But . you may be incredibly wise from your time devouring culture and experiencing the world - many people come to you for advice. you may trend towards being overbearing like aphrodite. The appearance is highly important to them. Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. Any behaviours that challenge the gods of your life (parents, partners, bosses). 8h: we know that every relationship for you feels like you are flying and then by the end the whole town is burning to ash. Said another way with great power comes great responsibility. your realism and black and white thinking makes drama and gossip seem like bullshit. I dont like it when Toro crops up around a personal planet like Venus, as it can sometimes indicate violent or intense and aggressive relationships. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. Goddess of blind folly, rashness, infatuation, and mischief. i feel like this aspect likes to dress up or wear wigs? What your biggest wounds are and how to heal them, inner soft spot. Im hesitant to put this out there, but based upon research I have done I think I may be autistic. you likely travel a lot as well and you do so in style. the shinier the better (whether its jewelry, lipgloss, nail polish, etc. use the number to find it in an extended chart selection. you may attract potential long-term relationships very easily. you likely have an athletic build or very sharp angles. but have no fear as long as your aphrodite isnt aspecting zeus or hephaestus (see below), you are more than likely safe from being unwillingly married or immediately unsatisfied in marriage. you are the person that everyone doats on - the person that people dreamily agree with readily. aphrodite-psyche (16): positive aspects: you may be more willing to give people you once hated another chance and/or show remorse when you were mean to others. Asteroids Cheat Sheet. you are just as strong as any of these other placements, never think anything different - no need to tear other women down (women should support other women - we are not each others enemies naturally). you are likely very proportionate with incredible eyes and eyelashes. sagittarius (9, 21): magnetic - you are magnetic. it needs to look as though youve been doing something to yourself - you may be afraid of the phrase youve let yourself go (a big fuck you to anyone who has actually told that to someone from your worst nightmare a.d.). Related to the mythical, lost kingdom of Atlantis, asteroid Atlantis can also talk about excessive pride or hubris that leads to a downfall, as well as extinction, cultural snobbery, a sense of imminent doom, expiation; use of karma to rationalize events. I have seen asteroid Dejanaira come up time and time again as a reliable indicator of childhood abuse, especially sexual abuse. The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people".. you could be a social media influencer as well and make pretty good money from it. you are probably very victorian and gothic-like a modern-day vampire. lmfao. I also saw someone who is interested in medical astrology mention black moon Lilith: So this made me look at black moon Lilith in my personal chart, and here is my placements: Mercury Conjunction Black Moon Lilith (040), Venus Conjunction Black Moon Lilith (017). Though, you are very sensitive individual who has trouble blending in. Pandora is both an asteroid as well as a Moon to Saturn, here we only speak about the asteroid Pandora. It's also an indicator of twin flame and soulmate. ), etc. Nota Bene: its possible this myth has been twisted, and many people note that in some versions of the myth Persephone willingly went into the Underworld with the dark and sexy Pluto. Pile 3 i must apologize -pinkpantheress. and i have to agree lmao - because he low-key was pissed when they were doing the same thing to hephaestus (lmfao every time i write that name it autocorrects to hepatitis <3 we love that) but the story is you found that act of rebellion fun as well (like zeus just forced them to marry where was aphrodites consent to this?). i will sit with you all day and tell you, you are pretty because you truly are - there is something so surreal about you. You can be distant. 7328 Casanova your flirting style 3989 Odin your personal power 76 Freya your gift of sorcery 1388 Aphrodite your brand of beauty 1862 Apollo the talents that make you beam 80 Sappho your poetic side 42 Isis your caring side 1923 Osiris how you regenerate 2598 Merlin your magical skill Grief at losing a child, sterility, sleeplessness, trauma, PTSD, intense jealousy from other women, vampires (Lameia sucks the lifeblood out of young men). many people likely find you dramatic and a bit childish when its important you not be. If you have a strong natal asteroid Bacchus, you may be someone who parties hard, at least in your younger years, and has difficulty stopping once you get going.