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By default, WordPress offers a featured image for all posts and pages. The Ixion theme supports featured images on single Posts and Pages. In the Astra theme, launch the edit screen of your desired page and expand the Astra settings tab from the bottom right corner. You can do this by simply asking the theme developer, reading the documentation, or going to the functions.php file. This means that as long as you click Save Draft or Publish, the image remains active on that post until you remove it. These are the general settings for all social media sharing, making sure Facebook and Twitter dont randomly select photos from your article or other places on your website. Many of them provide tools for seeing previews of what shows up on Facebook and other social networks. You may have a lot of old posts that dont generate featured images when shared on Facebook. You would select those images later and swap every single one of them out in place of the new one. These are the general Media settings for your entire WordPress website. Post thumbnails are what featured images used to be called in WordPress from its early days. Your theme, or a plugin, has an error or is causing a conflict with your featured images working. After all, a post shared on Facebook with no image wont gain much traction. Theres no reason to go into troubleshooting mode if your featured images and post content all come up fine on Facebook when the post gets shared. The Featured Image from URL, or FIFU, plugin allows you to take an external image and use it as a featured image for a post or page. Giving it a new position within the template will also tell WordPress that it should render somewhere else on the frontend. After each reinstallation, you should check to see if the featured images are still functioning and showing up properly. It promises to make the featured image upload process a little easier for website owners. Theres a long list of settings to mess around with, so its entirely up to you. The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. Scroll down to the section called Document Settings. Start your free trial today. Be sure to Save the settings after youre done. Besides, the featured images for each post should be shown above the post title and link. Auto Featured Image even has a bulk featured image generation tool. Its separate from the main content. First, you can do it from your WordPress site's dashboard via the Kinsta Cache tab in the left sidebar and the Clear cache button: How to clear Kinsta page cache in WordPress Dashboard Second, you can also clear your site's cache via your MyKinsta dashboard. Theres quite a bit of information about how your URL interacts with Facebook, but all you need to look at is the preview. To begin, go to your WordPress dashboard. Its more common to see something with specifics, like a message that tells you an image or video Exceeds the Maximum Upload Size For This Site.. You can include your header image in your posts by placing it in the tag of your WordPress site's root document. Fix Featured Image Not Showing on a Blog Post Gallery Page 7. Theres a completely different section that handles the featured image. You can insert a Cover block anywhere in a post or page, not just at the beginning. Both cover and featured images function in similar ways, providing large photos at the top of posts and pages, yet they have some differences. An easy way to see if the Open Graph code is activated on your site is by utilizing an SEO plugin. However, only the front-page.php file shows the image. After youve located the potential culprit, turn off lazy loading, clear your site cache, and check if that resolves any issues you may have with your featured images. Click the Remove Block option at the very end of the list. One of the last areas to consider for the Featured Image section (in the Latest Posts block) is the number of items you show in the block and how many columns make up the block. A lot! Now its time to look at the content within that page to ensure the featured images show up the way they should. We covered the Quick Featured Images plugin above in this article. This button has disappeared for me on WordPress. The first problem arises when you cant see the featured image thumbnails in your list of pages or posts. After that, click on the Save Changes button and test to see if Facebook sharing allows the featured image to appear. The new cover shows up in the editor preview, and you can also edit the blocks settings on the right-hand panel. Note: Sometimes newer websites have trouble with Facebook and other social sites because Facebook hasnt crawled the site already. There are several steps you can take to mitigate the problems: Thats a simple three-step process, but theres much more detail behind fixing your featured images. You may discover that your theme does well with slightly wider or shorter featured images. Get a personalized demo of our powerful dashboard and hosting features. The Thumbnail size is the featured image shown in other parts of your website, outside of the post itself. You can find the Featured Image in the right-side Settings panel for all posts and pages. Open the Media Library in your WordPress dashboard Select the desired image Uncheck the box Protect this file in the attachment details Fix Images not Showing in Media Library You might suffer a nightmare when there are no images available in the WordPress Media Library. This tells us the plugin is doing its job by adding the default featured image to the right posts and leaving out the ones that already have featured images. However, the 1200 x 628 pixels suggestion is just a starting off point. There can be up to 3 different headers (and footers) in a document, or each Section of a document. For free, a fee, or with attribution. This should be empty, asking you to upload a featured image. In the Preferences overlay, click on Panels on the left. It is then presented as the primary image for that website item whenever the article gets shared on social media and other sites. You probably have the Different First Page box checked in the Options section of the Header & Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon. Reactivate each plugin one-by-one. Finding free images for personal and commercial is hard. Thats a sure-fire way to eliminating legal problems. Luckily, as WordPress has evolved, the errors have become a little less ambiguous, making it somewhat easier to determine their cause. This might be the root of your featured image problems. Click the Save & Activate button. If you switch it to the Thumbnail option, those images shrink slightly and usually become perfect squares. Its important to test out how the Default Featured Image works on your site. Click on the area where you want to place a header image. We recommend experimenting with the content settings, like showing Post Content, Display Author Name, or Display Post Date. Scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the Next button. Another way to use featured images is by listing a feed of your blog posts on your sites homepage (or any other page). For instance, we added a Recent Posts feed on the homepage of our test site. For instance, you could cut down each featured image to 25% of its original size. Click the Choose Image button to proceed. For instance, you may want to revamp your homepage completely, and its easier to just make an entirely new page instead of editing the current one. Our feature-packed, high-performance cloud platform includes: Get started with a free trial of our Application Hosting or Database Hosting. Once everything looks good and youve decided that those old featured images are ready to be replaced, click the Apply button to finish the bulk edit. Images in my header seem to be spontaneously not showing in my headers. You may see a simple list of links, along with descriptions from those posts. A cover image, or any image placed in an articles content area, wont show up elsewhere (like in a Recent Posts list) as the featured image. Were most interested in the bulk editing tool for this tutorial. But what if the featured images arent showing on the blog page? It may sound silly to some, but many WordPress beginners dont know how to upload a featured image in the first place. Youll see a message that tells you the Image Saved. The image is showing on pages that use a different header. The first few settings dont have anything to do with the featured image, but they can affect how the posts show up in the block and make your featured images look strange. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions about featured images or problems with WordPress featured images. The featured image is too small or too large. Three options are available for you to bulk edit the featured images: Choose the right option depending on what youre trying to achieve. Its also rather common to adjust the cover to fill the pages full width, making it even more effective to introduce an article or a separator between sections. Therefore, click on the Choose Images button under the section titled Select the featured images you want to replace by the selected image.. Overall, if youre editing an image, like a cover or a standard media item, youre not using a featured image in the WordPress post or page editors. Again, in this tutorial, we named the page Homepage, but you may have something different. The function get_header is used for calling a new header file. has_header_image (): bool. Now, go to Settings > Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags. To start, install and activate the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin on your WordPress site. You can troubleshoot a featured image not showing up or edit each featured image manually. Not all themes have the same featured image settings. Thats what we were trying to accomplish. Also, I believe the classic editor should be a matter of choice instead of another plugin to install. Check out how this strategy can help get your blog get more traffic. The Ixion theme page provides details of setting up your Header images and also the size specifications at the bottom of the page. If not, reactivate the plugins and move onto a different cause of the problem. Here, youll see a button to Set Featured Image. Therefore, you may have to use custom code to customize the featured images appearance. As you can see, the image we inserted into the post content is shown second since the featured image gets prioritized. In this tutorial, we have a page called Homepage. Yours may have a different name depending on what youve named it. Therefore, Kinsta bans the majority of Open Graph plugins as they can cause conflicts. After you select an image, click the Set Default Featured Image button. You can still maintain the quality of an image after compression, cropping, or resizing. You may have to switch it from Page to Block. Rather, quickly explain whats in the picture and potentially add the keyword to boost your rankings. Again, the images from Pexels are free, but you must give a linked credit to the photographer, which is automatically inserted when using Pexels through WordPress. Go to its Post Settings panel and open the Featured Image section. However, if you right click this rectangle and choose 'View image', the correct image is shown. Without automated featured images, youre left with blocks of text and links to webpages. However, with the Default Featured Image plugin active, all you have to do is click on the posts Update button. Run your Node.js, Python, Go, PHP, Ruby, Java, and Scala apps, (or almost anything else if you use your own custom Dockerfiles), in three, easy steps! Regardless, a WordPress featured image not showing up is both frustrating and concerning. The following block of code is what you can insert (or look for) in the functions.php file: Lazy Loading serves as one of the many methods used for optimizing images to improve site performance. As an alternative, its often a better idea to leave the Crop Thumbnail box unchecked, so the Thumbnail dimensions are used as more of a guideline. To edit featured images in WordPress, open a post and scroll to the Featured Images section in the Post Settings panel. As a test, lets visit a post that already has a featured image included with the article. I have created several files/pages, such as; index.php, front-page.php, page-about.php and single.php for example. It greatly benefits the website by turning what could very well be a dull website into something beautiful. The downside of setting a default featured image is that theres a chance you end up with several featured images that arent relevant to the post. Thats a tremendous problem. You can now go to Posts > All Posts in your dashboard to view the posts in a list and make sure the featured images truly got replaced in the posts. The featured image has its own section for uploading, away from the content editor. Legal information. If the goal is to have no featured image, you can remove it altogether. However, keep in mind that an image uploaded to your blog posts content area doesnt have anything to do with the featured image, even if its the first photo you upload to that article. Avoid images that are way too large or small. Yoast SEO is another SEO plugin that includes social sharing features and options to enable/disable the Open Graph functionality. I looked at the Graphene theme and didn't see anything in the theme which would do that so it's probably a plugin. To add the featured images, click on the Latest Posts block. You are not familiar with PHP so you can use this plugin for the header image. This setting controls the sizing of all featured images shown in the Latest Posts block. Test out the fields for the Number of Items and Columns to ensure your featured images are both presentable and appealing when they get published on the homepage. This is particularly important if youre highlighting your recent posts on the homepage. Check to see if you can now upload and see your featured images. This way, the thumbnails remain proportional, and you dont see any unexpected cropping effects. Make sure thats checked off to reveal the Featured Image option in your posts and pages. Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. You can see that two of my posts now have a new featured image, and theyre the same images. Checks whether a header image is set or not. This should get you closer to the optimal featured image size for your theme. WordPress offers several ways to list your blog posts elsewhere on a website, yet sometimes you have to configure the right settings to ensure they show up properly. All of them allow you to adjust or get rid of the current featured image. Here, we want to make sure the checkbox for the Featured Image is checked. One of the more frustrating problems with WordPress featured images not showing involves the dashboard settings. All other image editing tools are located above the featured image preview. Here are some plugins that tend to include lazy loading features: Each WordPress page and post template specifies a featured images location. However, you may have to update previously published posts for the default featured image to show up on those. The Screen Options section has a long list of fields to check off and sets what you want in your WordPress dashboard. One way to ensure your featured image field is never empty is to set a default featured image for all posts. Problematic WordPress themes or plugins. You can search for the Cover block or scroll through the library to find it. This way, youre not limiting your sites resources with too many large photos. However, if you use any other hosting provider, it may prove useful. This is done by using the align feature. If you find a photo that you really love, reach out to the photographer or artist and ask if you can use their work on your website. Activating Open Graph on your WordPress site is pivotal in showing your featured images on platforms like Facebook. This could lead to a photo owner reaching out and asking you to remove many of your featured images, or worse, threatening legal action. We recommend reading our guide on WordPress user roles to ensure everyone on your team can access and view featured images at all times. You may want to move the featured image to another location, like below the first bit of content or above the byline with the authors name. There should be no image at the beginning of the post nowjust an image thumbnail preview in the Featured Image module. Then scroll down through the settings. @chrissel: Hello there, I am afraid the option to display Header Images on all pages is only available in the pro version of the theme. This lists various settings for the entire post and can also reveal Block-specific settings if you have a WordPress Gutenberg block currently selected. A big part of making sure featured images look right is to understand the best practices before uploading them to your WordPress site. Theres also an Image Alignment setting to indicate if the images should slide to the right, center, or left. Think about using the built-in image editing tools in WordPress for featured images that are already uploaded but could use some changes. Overall, its best to opt for a plugin that optimizes your images on a third-party server. Many blind people are using the internet through screen readers. Finally, a cover image allows for its own unique customization options, like the ability to place overlaying text on top of the image or including a filter. Whether youre overriding existing featured images or trying to fix ones that werent existent in the first place, the Quick Featured Images plugin does the trick for all of that. Best regards . To adjust the location of a featured image, go to the page or post template being used. We recommend solutions like Optimoleand Imagify. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. This brings you to the settings required to activate the Open Graph protocol and calibrate which content elements youd like to see when your posts and pages get shared to social media sites. Depending on your theme settings and various other factors, like certain plugins that change image settings, the featured image should appear first in your published blog post. Its settings are located in the WordPress Media Settings, but you have only one field you to fill out. Its a must-read to speed up your WordPress site. Some of WordPress built-in image editing features include: The Crop tool is usually the most important, so click on that to activate the edit module. There are several reasons for images to disappear from WordPress. it's not working. It's only on select pages though (front page and blog page). The problem prevents images from displaying on both the backend and frontend. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. Click the Background Image section of the Customizer panel. THANKS Also, you may have to configure a specific theme setting so that featured images are populating for all posts. If thats the case for you, youll have to consult with the plugins developer. So after a serious research, I realized that, I need to export both post and media as well. You have the option to crop the featured image thumbnail to the exact dimensions. Some WordPress users complete all the right steps to upload a featured image but realize that a duplicate of the featured image appears. Try to set the images as featured images for the Posts and the pages. In general, a cover image is far more customizable directly from the WordPress dashboard than a featured image.