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She indicated that she had fallen asleep at inappropriate or dangerous times, including while eating, while socializing with friends, and while driving her car. Insomnia, a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep, is the most common of the sleep disorders. Infants should not have caps placed on their heads when put down to sleep in order to prevent overheating, and people in the childs household should abstain from smoking in the home. There was a significant positive correlation between the degree to which women thought about their former spouses during waking hours and the number of times their former spouses appeared as characters in their dreams (Cartwright, Agargun, Kirkby, & Friedman, 2006). In our discussion of the mental symptoms I reported as an illustration of the suggestive treatment of the drug passion the case of a morphinist. As mentioned earlier, one of the criteria for insomnia involves experiencing these symptoms for at least three nights a week for at least one months time (Roth, 2007). Generally, treatment for night terrors is unnecessary unless there is some underlying medical or psychological condition that is contributing to the night terrors (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). a. The fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fifth Edition(DSM-5) is used by clinicians to diagnose individuals suffering from various psychological disorders. This feeling of a depressed mood is also accompanied by two or more additional symptoms, to include changes in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, and poor concentration or difficulty with decision making. Like hypnosis, meditation also shows promise in stress management, sleep quality (Caldwell, Harrison, Adams, Quin, & Greeson, 2010), treatment of mood and anxiety disorders (Chen et al., 2013; Freeman et al., 2010; Vllestad, Nielsen, & Nielsen, 2012), and pain management (Reiner, Tibi, & Lipsitz, 2013). A person who has a substance use disorder often uses more of the substance than they originally intended to and continues to use that substance despite experiencing significant adverse consequences. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia (i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month's time) (Roth, 2007). Asleep spindleis a rapid burst of higher frequency brain waves that may be important for learning and memory (Fogel & Smith, 2011; Poe, Walsh, & Bjorness, 2010). Social programs like Medicare: a - offer health coverage for the older adults 24. To date, people have used a variety ofnicotinereplacement therapies in addition to various psychotherapeutic options in an attempt to discontinue their use of tobacco products. The pons is important for regulating rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (National Institutes of Health, n.d.). In such instances, the individuals schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained. Inflammation has many causes, including infections, injuries, and diseases. Heavy meals may make you sleepy, but they can also lead to frequent awakenings due to gastric distress. Clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication with sedative properties, is most often used to treat RBD. The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. There are a variety of drugs that treat restless leg syndrome: benzodiazepines, opiates, and anticonvulsants (Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, n.d.). Obviously, regular narcoleptic episodes could interfere with the ability to perform ones job or complete schoolwork, and in some situations, narcolepsy can result in significant harm and injury (e.g., driving a car or operating machinery or other potentially dangerous equipment). While cognitive deficits may be the most obvious, many body systems are negatively impacted by lack of sleep. Furthermore, slow-wave sleep after learning a new task can improve resultant performance on that task (Huber, Ghilardi, Massimini, & Tononi, 2004) and seems essential for effective memory formation (Stickgold, 2005). Contrary to popular belief, individuals undergoing hypnosis usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors. While caffeine may have some indirect effects on dopamine neurotransmission, its primary mechanism of action involves antagonizing adenosine activity (Porkka-Heiskanen, 2011). Beyond being awake or asleep, there are many other states of consciousness people experience. Individuals who do rotating shift work are also likely to experience disruptions in circadian cycles. Psychological dependence, or drug craving, is a recent addition to the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder in DSM-5. The internal state of an object is the set of all its attributes' values. . These drugs share in common their ability to serve as agonists of the gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter system. Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of both sleep spindles and K-complexes. Add a comment. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our environments natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. These changes in brain wave activity can be visualized using EEG and are distinguished from one another by both the frequency and amplitude of brain waves (Figure 4.7). Generally, narcolepsy is treated using psychomotor stimulant drugs, such as amphetamines (Mignot, 2012). For instance, the concentration of various ions in your blood must be kept steady, along with pH and the concentration of glucose. It is not uncommon for people suffering from insomnia to experience increased levels of anxiety about their inability to fall asleep. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. Drug withdrawal is usually an aversive experience, and it can be a life-threatening process in individuals who have a long history of very high doses of alcohol and/or barbiturates. Nicotine is most commonly used in the form of tobacco products like cigarettes or chewing tobacco; therefore, there is a tremendous interest in developing effective smoking cessation techniques. The participant is guided to focus on one thing, such as the hypnotists words or a ticking watch. While individuals suffering from sleep apnea may not be aware of these repeated disruptions in sleep, they do experience increased levels of fatigue. Toleranceis linked to physiological dependence, and it occurs when a person requires more and more drug to achieve effects previously experienced at lower doses. Avoid anything stimulating for an hour before bed. Several of the nurses interviewed commented that their work schedules affected their relationships with their family. Understanding the impact of sleep on cognitive function should help you understand that cramming all night for a test may be not effective and can even prove counterproductive. Alan Hobson, a neuroscientist, is credited for developing activation-synthesis theory of dreaming. One of the nurses said, If youve had a partner who does work regular job 9 to 5 office hours . Narcoleptic episodes take on other features of REM sleep. As mentioned earlier, lack of sleep can result in decreased mental alertness and cognitive function. Jet lagis a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. Loss of appetite. Thirst. It appeared that Scott Falater had killed his wife in his sleep, or at least, that is the defense he used when he was tried for his wifes murder (Cartwright, 2004; CNN, 1999). During this time, there is a slowdown in both the rates of respiration and heartbeat. Sleepwalking, restless leg syndrome, and night terrors are all examples of parasomnias (Mahowald & Schenck, 2000). Thus, K-complexes might serve as a bridge to higher levels of arousal in response to what is going on in our environments (Halsz, 1993; Steriade & Amzica, 1998). This often results in sleeping problems, and it can lead to signs of depression and anxiety. While there are variations, there are four parts that appear consistent in bringing people into the state of suggestibility associated with hypnosis (National Research Council, 1994). Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, mescaline, DMT, dissociative anesthetics including ketamine and PCP, Increased heart rate and blood pressure that may dissipate over time, Mild to intense perceptual changes with high variability in effects based on strain, method of ingestion, and individual differences, Understand what is meant by consciousness, Explain how circadian rhythms are involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, and how circadian cycles can be disrupted, Describe areas of the brain involved in sleep, Understand hormone secretions associated with sleep, Describe several theories aimed at explaining the function of sleep, Differentiate between REM and non-REM sleep, Describe the differences between the three stages of non-REM sleep, Understand the role that REM and non-REM sleep play in learning and memory, Describe the symptoms and treatments of insomnia, Recognize the symptoms of several parasomnias, Describe the symptoms and treatments for sleep apnea, Recognize risk factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and steps to prevent it, Describe the symptoms and treatments for narcolepsy. Acontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)device includes a mask that fits over the sleepers nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the persons airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown inFigure 4.13. Popular portrayals of hypnosis have led to some widely-held misconceptions. Humans have an endogenous opioid neurotransmitter systemthe body makes small quantities of opioid compounds that bind to opioid receptors reducing pain and producing euphoria. Alcohol, barbiturates (e.g., secobarbital, pentobarbital), Benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax). If people are deprived of REM sleep and then allowed to sleep without disturbance, they will spend more time in REM sleep in what would appear to be an effort to recoup the lost time in REM. That includes exercise and bright light from devices. You have read that sleep is distinguished by low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness. In addition, the appearance of K-complexes is often associated with stage 2 sleep. Keep your bedroom temperature between 60 and 67 degrees. These kinds of schedules are common for individuals working in health care professions and service industries, and they are associated with persistent feelings of exhaustion and agitation that can make someone more prone to making mistakes on the job (Gold et al., 1992; Presser, 1995). The clock sets itself with light information received through projections from the retina. While the possession and use of marijuana remain illegal in many states, it is now legal to possess limited quantities of marijuana for recreational use in eleven states: Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. People sleep better in cooler temperatures. Homeostasis refers to the body's need to reach and maintain a certain state of equilibrium. Some research suggests that species that face higher predatory risks sleep fewer hours than other species (Capellini et al., 2008), while other researchers suggest there is no relationship between the amount of time a given species spends in deep sleep and its predation risk (Lesku, Roth, Amlaner, & Lima, 2006). . Awareness of external stimuli includes experiences such as seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend. If you get peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis symptoms also may include: Cloudy dialysis fluid. Central sleep apnea is caused by a failure of the brain to activate the muscles of breathing during sleep. LINK TO LEARNING: To learn more about some of the most commonly abused prescription and street drugs, check out the, LINK TO LEARNING: Feeling stressed? Repeated use of these stimulants can have significant adverse consequences. In fact, it has been suggested that there is no reason to think that energetic demands could not be addressed with periods of rest and inactivity (Frank, 2006; Rial et al., 2007), and some research has actually found a negative correlation between energetic demands and the amount of time spent sleeping (Capellini, Barton, McNamara, Preston, & Nunn, 2008). Primary signs and symptoms of Ebola often include some or several of the following: Fever. When he told me, I made him go see the college therapist. However, the success rate of such treatments is questionable. Scott Falater had a history of regular episodes of sleepwalking as a child, and he had even behaved violently toward his sister once when she tried to prevent him from leaving their home in his pajamas during a sleepwalking episode. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and heavy meals before bed. Like NREM sleep, REM has been implicated in various aspects of learning and memory (Wagner, Gais, & Born, 2001; Siegel, 2001). Sleep regulationrefers to the brains control of switching between sleep and wakefulness as well as coordinating this cycle with the outside world. Some can cause heightened sensitivity to physical stimuli. Two of them I didnt even know I was involved in until afterwards (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013, p. 52). Research indicates that meditation may help reduce blood pressure, and the American Heart Association suggests that meditation might be used in conjunction with more traditional treatments as a way to manage hypertension, although there is not sufficient data for a recommendation to be made (Brook et al., 2013). Given that college students are notorious for suffering from significant sleep debt (Hicks, Fernandez, & Pelligrini, 2001; Hicks, Johnson, & Pelligrini, 1992; Miller, Shattuck, & Matsangas, 2010), chances are you and your classmates deal with sleep debt-related issues on a regular basis. describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli. A number of risk factors have been associated with SIDS including premature birth, smoking within the home, and hyperthermia. Site has information/education resources on a broad range of topics, including asthma, birth defects, radiation, sanitation, lead in blood, and more. When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-to-day life, they accumulate a sleep debt. EVERYDAY CONNECTION: Solutions to Support Healthy Sleep, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). In the brain, the hypothalamus, which lies above the pituitary gland, is a main center of homeostasis. Many college students struggle getting the recommended 79 hours of sleep each night. Nicotine exerts its effects through its interaction with acetylcholine receptors. The crisis actually began in the 1990s, when pharmaceutical companies began mass-marketing pain-relieving opioid drugs like OxyContin with the promise (now known to be false) that they were non-addictive. c. Some research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000). Sleep apnea is much more common in overweight people and is often associated with loud snoring. (West et al., 2009, p. 114). These episodes can last 1020 seconds or longer and often are associated with brief periods of arousal. Ahallucinogenis one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences (Figure 4.18). These components include: These steps are conducive to being open to the heightened suggestibility of hypnosis. Sleep deprivation, in general, is associated with a number of negative consequences (Brown, 2012). How exactly does a hypnotist bring a participant to a state of hypnosis? Furthermore, these types of behaviors ultimately disrupt sleep, although affected individuals have no memories that these behaviors have occurred (Arnulf, 2012). (b) People practicing meditation may experience an alternate state of consciousness. They can be helpful for people working night shifts or for people affected by seasonal variations in light. This disorder is associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease. When we are very young, we spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping. In Hilgards experiments, he induced participants into a state of hypnosis, and placed their arms into ice water. Generally, people use caffeine to maintain increased levels of alertness and arousal. One complete menstrual cycle takes about 28 daysa lunar monthbut many biological cycles are much shorter. Some circadian rhythms play a role in changes in our state of consciousness. In addition, stage 1 sleep involves a marked decrease in both overall muscle tension and core body temperature. After dinner, he prepared some materials to use in leading a church youth group the following morning, and then he attempted to repair the familys swimming pool pump before retiring to bed. Just as bears hibernate in the winter when resources are scarce, perhaps people sleep at night to reduce their energy expenditures. Evolutionary psychologyis a discipline that studies how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time as a result ofnatural selection. There may also be differences in both brain structure and function in infants that die from SIDS (Berkowitz, 2012; Mage & Donner, 2006; Thach, 2005). According to the dissociation view, hypnosis is effectively a dissociated state of consciousness, much like our earlier example where you may drive to work, but you are only minimally aware of the process of driving because your attention is focused elsewhere. 23. Delusions. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, andinsomnia(i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a months time) (Roth, 2007). A) managed care Awareness of internal stimuli includes feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions. These drugs promote increased levels of neural activity. Narcolepsy is associated with reduced levels of the signaling molecule hypocretin in some areas of the brain (De la Herrn-Arita & Drucker-Coln, 2012; Han, 2012), and the traditional stimulant drugs do not have direct effects on this system. 1. These same women were awakened during REM sleep in order to provide a detailed account of their dream content. A sleep deprived individual generally will fall asleep more quickly than if she were not sleep deprived. Here are some tips to maintain healthy sleep: Aparasomniais one of a group of sleep disorders in which unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep play a role. My sophomore college housemate got so stressed out during finals sophomore year he drank almost a whole bottle of Nyquil to try to fall asleep. Opium, Heroin, Fentanyl, Morphine, Oxycodone, Vicoden, methadone, and other prescription pain relievers, Decreased pain, pupil dilation, decreased gut motility, decreased respiratory function. I was really sleepy and having trouble concentrating. Our states of consciousness change as we move from wakefulness to sleep. Mescaline and LSD are serotonin agonists, and PCP (angel dust) and ketamine (an animal anesthetic) act as antagonists of the NMDA glutamate receptor. Aside from their utility as analgesic drugs, opioid-like compounds are often found in cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and anti-diarrhea medications. Feeling tired. Unfortunately, this is not the case; however, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the function of sleep. Train your body to associate the bed with sleeping rather than other activities like studying, eating, or watching television shows. We might even describe consciousness as a continuum that ranges from full awareness to a deep sleep. Methamphetamine addiction produces an intense craving that is difficult to treat. We might also experience unconscious states of being via drug-induced anesthesia for medical purposes. Chronic insomnia is almost always associated with feeling overtired and may be associated with symptoms of depression. Has something like this ever happened to you? Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. It is also associated with paralysis of muscle systems in the body with the exception of those that make circulation and respiration possible. In terms of brain wave activity, stage 1 sleep is associated with both alpha and theta waves. Acetylcholine functions as a neurotransmitter in motor neurons. For example, a person may work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 3:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Whilecaffeineis generally considered a relatively safe drug, high blood levels of caffeine can result in insomnia, agitation, muscle twitching, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and even death (Reissig, Strain, & Griffiths, 2009; Wolt, Ganetsky, & Babu, 2012). The typical episode can last from a minute or two to half an hour. Research shows that the most severe effects of sleep deprivation occur when a person stays awake for more than 24 hours (Killgore & Weber, 2014; Killgore et al., 2007), or following repeated nights with fewer than four hours in bed (Wickens, Hutchins, Lauk, Seebook, 2015). Acircadian rhythmis a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours. Users can experience physical symptoms that include nausea, elevated blood pressure, and increased heart rate. . Cognitive-behavioral therapyis a type of psychotherapy that focuses on cognitive processes and problem behaviors. Aside from the role that REM sleep may play in processes related to learning and memory, REM sleep may also be involved in emotional processing and regulation. Confusion. Research indicates that included among these possible benefits are increased capacities for creative thinking (Cai, Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, & Mednick, 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004), language learning (Fenn, Nusbaum, & Margoliash, 2003; Gmez, Bootzin, & Nadel, 2006), and inferential judgments (Ellenbogen, Hu, Payne, Titone, & Walker, 2007). If we have biological rhythms, then is there some sort ofbiological clock? (2005) found that sleepwalking was not alleviated with the use of benzodiazepines. Its simply that they feel so overwhelmed and stressed that they cannot fall asleep or stay asleep. By analyzing dreams, Freud thought people could increase self-awareness and gain valuable insight to help them deal with the problems they faced in their lives. Participants were told they would not feel pain, but they could press a button if they did; while they reported not feeling pain, they did, in fact, press the button, suggesting a dissociation of consciousness while in the hypnotic state (Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). The participant is made comfortable and is directed to be relaxed and sleepy. The amount of sleep we get varies across the lifespan. In this section, we will discuss each of these stages of sleep and their associated patterns of brain wave activity. It may surprise you to know that sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress hormones, and reduced immune functioning (Banks & Dinges, 2007). In a lucid dream, a person becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming, and as such, they can control the dreams content (LaBerge, 1990). Sleep is also associated with the secretion and regulation of a number of hormones from several endocrine glands including: melatonin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and growth hormone (National Institutes of Health, n.d.). Users experience increased energy, feelings of pleasure, and emotional warmth. Homeostasisis the tendency to maintain a balance, or optimal level, within a biological system. In addition, these drugs can cause feelings of anxiety, hallucinations, and paranoia (Fiorentini et al., 2011). Some animals never sleep (e.g., some fish and amphibian species); other animals sleep very little without apparent negative consequences (e.g., giraffes); yet some animals (e.g., rats) die after two weeks of sleep deprivation (Siegel, 2008). Some of these approaches, such as using a bright light as shown inFigure 4.4, have been shown to alleviate some of the problems experienced by individuals suffering from jet lag or from the consequences of rotating shift work. While hypnosis may be useful in enhancing memory or a skill, such enhancements are very modest in nature (Raz, 2011). For example, she and her colleagues published a study in which women going through divorce were asked several times over a five-month period to report the degree to which their former spouses were on their minds.