Former Wtaj Meteorologist, Articles S

They worked alongside the Vader Alliance and are speculated to fight alongside them in their affairs in other systems. The TR-3B is an example of a commonly sighted ARV. to do a solar flight, it is not the first solar powered airplane to fly in history. Interestingly, before releasing any photos, he said that the government used Photoshop to edit out the UFOs from them. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. This is a primary thing about this GGLN space program. It was presumed that they stood for the United States Space Ship. The Solaris was a large, long-shaped ship resembling an aircraft carrier mixed with a rocket. Also the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. They have flexible beaks. , setting the record back then as both the longest and highest manned solar powered flight to be made. In the following months, the prototype succeeded in making the first trip in which it charged its batteries within the flight (May 2010) as well as completing its first overnight trip which lasted for 26 straight hours at an altitude of 8,600 meters, setting the record back then as both the longest and highest manned solar powered flight to be made. Interestingly, the US navy ships have only two letters S but he saw three S. Command the Solar Warden space fleet from the real-time strategy overlay or choose to assume immediate control of any of your fleet directly and combat the Silicoid menace up close! This name was chosen because the members of the Cabal prefer to call themselves the Illuminati, which means the illuminated ones. According to the Earth Alliance, however, this group is not illuminated at all and has in fact been responsible for casting the denizens of our planet into a dark pit of disease, war, political disenfranchisement, civic unawareness, and wage slavery. They are attempting to gradually engineer global society into a state in which this sort of revelation would only cement the role of the Cabal as absolute and eternal overlords over mankind. Answer (1 of 2): Solar warden is a hoax, so basically whatever comes out of the creator's ass. While Hitler believed that the Black Sun Society, a group controlled by the SS, had thoroughly infiltrated the Vril and Thule societies, it appears that Orsic had plans other than giving up control of her spacefaring capabilities to the warlike Third Reich. 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Some say theyre defending us against alien threats. Bestselling author Jerome Corsi has expanded on this point by relaying that factions in the US military recruited Donald Trump to run for president of the United States with their assurances that any efforts to rig the election would be nullified. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars' orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. Owing to the inexhaustible supply of solar electricity, solar-powered airplanes have a significant potential for high altitude and long-endurance (HALE) missions. A made-in-Germany solar aircraft, Solair 1 utilized 2,499 solar cells with a capacity that ranges between 2.4hp and 3.0hp. Big governments consolidated and reorganized their space defense complex in year 2002. USAF pilot Colonel Steve "Scarecrow" Richardson is injured when his F-35 crashes in the mountains of northern Afghanistan. Solar Impulse 1, the first prototype of the project, completed its first test flight in December 2009 covering a distance of 350 meters about 1 meter above the ground. Strategic Command is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space. about 1 meter above the ground. The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for 5 hours and 40 minutes. They used to consider the occurrence of SSP. The first outcome of the program, Pathfinder, has set a record for an altitude of solar-empowered airplanes in 1995 by flying at 50,000 feet for 12 hours. The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under Air Force Space Command. (14.4). Solar Impulse 2s first take-off occurred in 2014, where it reached an altitude of 1,700 meters and traveled at an average ground speed of 56 kilometers per hour. [1] Around the late-90's, Solar Warden changed its name to Radiant Guardian. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. aircraft was produced in December 1978, four months before the take-off of Mauro Solar Riser, it did not take off before June 1979. , the most expensive component of Solar One was its, Piloted by Ken Stewart, Solar One took off in its first successful attempt on 13 June 1979 where it flew at. It is responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the solar system. Solar-powered airplanes are not yet able to replace conventional jet-fueled airplanes, as they have several limitations. Solar energy is a clean, free, and renewable source of energy, which gives it a grand advantage over fossil fuel. The aircraft has a maximum speed of 140 kilometers per hour, almost double that of Solar Impulse 1. According to the sources, Government has running the military exercise in order to execute the secret space mission. Here, we demonstrate the history of solar aircraft from the date of the earliest known successful solar flight till today, as well as the foreseen future of this field. Therefore, the elite caste in societies that have been infiltrated by the Draco turn traitor against their own species in order to engineer panoptic prisons that keep their fellow beings enslaved, terrified, ill, and ignorant. These misanthropic priorities made the Draco and the Nazis a perfect match. "Aurora" is the most secretive existing aerospace program. On This Page Overview Featured News Experience Sky Warden The prototype is now displayed in the German Museum in Munich. See Enoch. Star Nations has made it quite clear that space is to be used for peaceful purposes only. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA, wrote Perks. Leave a comment telling us what you think about this idea. Title Solar Warden Author Peter Fuller Genre Military Science Fiction Book Blurb Everything you were taught about man's exploration of space is a lie. Cramer reportedly defended these bases from indigenous Martians and other extraterrestrial species. Solar Warden : U.S. Navy - Corey Goode Radiant Guardian : U.S. Marine Corps - Captain Randy Cramer - Mars Defense Force Randy trying to bring an operational Holographic Regenerating Medical Bed to Earth. Thepostgoes like this: I was arrested in March 2002 for hacking into various .gov/.mil networks in America, looking for evidence of UFOs and free energy. It wasnt a clever hack, no fragmented packets to bypass firewalls or any of the glossy crap. They are very martial and a bit outrageous. In 2011, the Solar Impulse program began working on building its second eponymous aircraft and completed it in three years. Present. Apr 2022 - Present1 year. The image slowly filled the screen and I could see blackness, superimposed upon which was a blue/white planet, and superimposed on that was a tubular form that was metallic white and had domes around its central circumference and at its ends. Supposed secret space program insider William Tompkins claims to have helped develop the vessels used in the Solar Warden fleet. . Enduring, modern and ready now - the austere, multi-mission solution for ISR Strike. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising. The Nazis, however, had other plans in motion for achieving a permanent presence among the stars. Dark Fleet. In 1998, Pathfinder Plus broke the record of its predecessor by achieving an altitude of 80,000 feet. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. we make errors in between. What was really significant is that we had never once talked with Henry about SOLAR WARDEN. He claimed to have found extremely classified information in which he learned about the existence of non-terrestrial officers, fleet-to-fleet transfers and a secret program called Solar Warden. He did not say that those were aliens but he believed that the US military has a secret battalion in space. The . Aircraft Construction: How are airplanes made? What Is Trypophobia A Disgust More Than Fear, 16 Interesting Facts About Ambidextrous People, 20 Interesting Facts About Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorite, 10 Facts About Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response & Triggers That Cause It. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command . So, it will be good to call it Dark Fleet which is what secret space program insider Corey Goode says about it, according to his confidential sources. Though the SSP Alliance is composed almost entirely of members that spend most of their time off-planet, this organization is still highly involved in Earthly affairs. Its mission is to patrol and supervise space within our solar system. Others say they're involved in the covert colonization of space. The existence of the F-117A stealth fighter was kept secret for nearly ten years until the eve of the Gulf War. Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. McKinnon pinpointed DARPA (Defence Advanced Research and Projects Agency) saying that the agencys main motive is only to dominate space. Various insiders have revealed that highly sensitive information pertaining to extraterrestrials and the secret space programs is habitually disclosed in the form of fiction. And thats when conspiracy voices start mentioning the deep black budgets. It quickly became apparent, however, that the ETs were not sticking to their end of the bargain. Russia, China, the United States, and Germany were the core members of this group, but other nations were given token membership in exchange for keeping quiet about the UFO phenomenon. No information exists on how Solar Warden was established and what extraterrestrial specie(s) contributed to its creation but rumors about the implication of various earthly agencies and corporations abound. Though this is true for all types of aircraft, weather changes impact traditional flights to a less extent than it does solar powered flights. The first intercontinental flight for Solar Impulse 1 took place on June 2012 when the solar powered airplane flew from Madrid, Spain to Rabat, Morocco in a 19-hour flight. In the recent rise of and need for clean energy, the Swiss project known as Solar Impulse was launched in 2003 by Swiss engineer Andr Borschberg and balloonist Bertrand Piccard; the programs objective was to develop single-seated fixed-wing solar powered airplanes that have the ability to circumnavigate the globe. Sure, the ongoing modern global direction towards renewable and clean energy has helped accelerated its progress, but the fact of the matter is that the first successful solar powered flight to ever take place happened more than 4 decades ago. Some of these aircraft are apparently capable of speeds in excess of Mach 10. Hunleythe first manned submarine to sink an enemy warship during the Civil Warto giant aircraft carriers like the Ronald Reagan, the collection also includes many dirigibles, aircraft and even space vehicles, all in the same scale. The Sky Warden team has been selected for U.S. Special Operations Command's Armed Overwatch program. The United States, however, wasnt the only superpower to find the wreckage of alien craft. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. While the members of the Earth Alliance, the Global Galactic League of Nations, and even the Cabal all agree that the secrets of the clandestine space programs, extraterrestrial contact, and suppressed technologies should be disclosed to the people of the world, there is some contention over how this feat should be accomplished. Developed in the 1960s and 1970s and deployed in 1980, Solar Warden is one of earliest secret space programs.