Danielle Hirsch Katt, Articles J

View Jasmine Fares' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. [152], Following the 2005 elections, much of the leadership of Iran has been described as more "staunchly committed to core Shia values" and lacking Ayatollah Khomeini's commitment to ShiaSunni unity. He continued the Umayyad dynastic practice of succession, and his brother al-Mansur succeeded him in 754. This research paper has tried to focus on origin and development of Sunni-Shia division in Islam and also on its political, socio-economic implications and contemporary relations. Not too long after they began getting to know each other. [1], The present demographic breakdown between the two denominations is difficult to assess and varies by source, with most approximations stating that 90% of the world's Muslims are Sunni and 10% are Shia, with most Shias belonging to the Twelver tradition and the rest divided between many other groups. Everglow Line Distribution; Atos Klinik Mnchen Putzbrunner Strae; Hoi4 Anarchist Spain How To Core For example, there are festivals which Sunnis and Shias do not celebrate in the same way, such as Ashura. [137] One Shia Grand Ayatollah, Yousef Saanei, who has been described as a moderate, reacted to the 2005 suicide bombings of Shia targets in Iraq by saying the bombers were "wolves without pity" and that "sooner rather than later, Iran will have to put them down".[138]. Their shared demographic makeup may help explain Iran's support for Iraq's Shia-dominated government led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. ShiaSunni conflict in Yemen involves the Shia insurgency in northern Yemen.[17]. According to scholar Vali Nasr, as the Muslim world was decolonialised and Arab nationalism lost its appeal, fundamentalism blossomed and reasserted the differences and conflicts between the two movements, particularly in the strict teachings of Sunni scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. European Pressphoto Agency After Ali also was assassinated, with a poison-laced sword at the mosque in Kufa, in what is now Iraq, his sons Hasan and then Hussein claimed the title. Their woman are more independent and can make decisions too. There were many between 1904 and 1908. This decision was not a spontaneous one. [226] According to a former U.S. State Department specialist on Nigeria, Matthew Page, the Islamic Movement receives "about $10,000 a month" in Iranian funding. First, through the Asharis[clarification needed] at the end of the 7th and during the 8th century. You must either accept to be Muslims or leave Afghanistan. [113], The British, having put down a Shia rebellion against their rule in the 1920s, "confirmed their reliance on a corps of Sunni ex-officers of the collapsed Ottoman empire". One of these was Muhammad Ibn Makki, called Shahid-i Awwal (the First Martyr), one of the great figures in Shia jurisprudence, who was killed in Damascus in 1384. The groups demand the expulsion of all Shias from Pakistan and have killed hundreds of Pakistani Shias between 1996 and 1999. In 1998 more than 8,000 noncombatants were killed when the Taliban attacked Mazar-i-Sharif and Bamiyan where many Hazaras live. Monument commemorating the Battle of Chaldiran, which was fought between the Sunni Ottoman Empire and the Shia Safavid dynasty. According to most sources, including the CIA's World Factbook, the majority of Iraqis are Shia Arab Muslims (60%), and Sunni muslims represent between 37% of the population. There are many intermarriages between Shia and Sunnis in Pakistan. Although the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, supported good SunniShia relations, there have been complaints by Sunni of discrimination, particularly in important government positions. The general observations recorded by Muslim travellers passing through the Levant during the tenth and eleventh centuries, notably al-Maqdisi in his geographical works, The best divisions in the knowledge of the regions, as well as Ibn Jubayr, indicate that Shia Muslims made up the majority of the populations of the regions of the Levant during this era, notably in the cities of Damascus, Tiberias, Nablus, Tyre, Homs and Jabal Amel. According to one estimate, of the approximately 1,200 foreign fighters captured in Syria between summer 2003 and summer 2005, 85% were Saudis. Under Hafez al-Assad, Alawites dominated the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, a secular Arab nationalist party which had ruled Syria under a state of emergency from 1963 to 2011. While Shias and Sunnis differ on the nature of the Mahdi, many members of both groups[34] believe that the Mahdi will appear at the end of the world to bring about a perfect and just Islamic society. [154] Sunni mosques are not allowed in the capital city of Tehran, and a number of Sunni mosques in other cities have been demolished,[155] Sunni literature and teachings are banned in public schools and construction of new Sunni mosques and schools are banned. Human Rights Watch has accused government-backed Shia militias of kidnapping and killing scores of Sunni civilians in 2014. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims live throughout the world. [84], According to some reports, as of mid-2013, the Syrian Civil War has become "overtly sectarian" with the "sectarian lines fall most sharply" between Alawites and Sunnis. After the Iranian Revolution and the fall of Pahlavi dynasty, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini endeavored to bridge the gap between Shiites and Sunnis by declaring it permissible for Twelvers to pray behind Sunni imams and by forbidding criticizing the Caliphs who preceded Alian issue that had caused much animosity between the two groups. In this paper, we use young Canadian Muslims' lived experience of multiculturalism to reflect on this debate. Its the place where Muslims gather for Friday prayers and other special occasions. Britain has an estimated Muslim population of about 2.8 million. Some Shia perform prayers more than once in quick succession (1+2+2 i.e. Some of the Ismailis whose power had been broken by the Mongols, went underground and appeared later within Sufi orders or as new branches of already existing orders. A relative of mine (born Shia) started listening to Mufti Menk and my relative no longer celebrates the birthdays of Ahlul Bayt AS nor does he mourn the shahadat days. Sectarian violence persists to this day from Pakistan to Yemen and is a major element of friction throughout the Middle East and South Asia. These five practices are essential to Sunni and Shia Muslims. After the death of Muhammad in 632, a group of Muslims, who would come to be known as the Sunnis, believed that Muhammad's successor should be Abu Bakr, whereas a second group of Muslims, who would come to be known as the Shias, believed that his successor should have been Ali. In December 2015 the Nigerian government alleged that the Islamic Movement attempted to kill Nigeria's army chief-of-staff. This spread of Shiism to the inner circles of the government enabled the Shia to withstand those who opposed them by relying upon the power of the caliphate. [104][105][106] Thus, although the Iranian revolution's leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, was very much in favor of ShiaSunni unity, and "the leadership position that went with it",[107] his revolution worked against it. [193] In 2013 a mob of several hundred attacked a house in the village of Abu Musallim near Cairo, dragging four Shia worshipers through the street before lynching them. [139], information indicates Sunnis, along with other religious minorities, are denied by law or practice access to such government positions as cabinet minister, ambassador, provincial governor, mayor and the like, Sunni schools and mosques have been destroyed, and Sunni leaders have been imprisoned, executed and assassinated. During the uprising, the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood attacked military cadets at an artillery school in Aleppo, performed car bomb attacks in Damascus, as well as bomb attacks against the government and its officials, including Hafez al-Assad himself, and had killed several hundred. Devout women of the Shia traditionally wear black and yellow as do some Sunni women in the Persian Gulf. The two communities have often remained separate, mingling regularly only during the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca. Others insisted the Prophet had designated his cousin and son-in-law Ali as his legitimate heir. Two of these orders are of particular significance in this question of the relation of Shiism and Sufism: The Nimatullahi order and Nurbakhshi order. The world's Muslims fall into two major camps, Sunni and Shia, sometimes likened to Christianity's Catholics and Protestants. Sunni Muslims are also present in more countries and regions throughout the world, whereas most of Shia Muslims live in four . ISIS. diensthost wpnuserservice. [255] In Qatari another Shiite preacher, Nazar al-Qatari, "put on military fatigues to rally worshipers after evening prayers," calling on them to fight against the slayers of Imams Hasan and Hussein (the second and third Imams of Shia history) and for Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This is considered to be the defining event in Shia history. [139] In a joint appearance with former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani calling for Shia-Sunni unity, Sunni Shiekh Yusuf al-Qaradawi complained that no ministers in Iran have been Sunni for a long time, that Sunni officials are scarce even in the regions with majority of Sunni population (such as Kurdistan, or Balochistan)[140] and despite the presence of Christian churches, as a prominent example of this discrimination. Jasmine Fares is a Lebanese 25 year old, who currently lives in Toronto. [38] Umar, Uthman, Abu Bakr, Aisha, Muawiya, being the names of figures recognized by Sunnis but not Shias, are commonly used as names for Sunnis but are very rare, if not virtually absent, for Shias.[50]. jasmine and dawoud shia or sunnialte rubel scheine umtauschen. Of course, it cannot be denied that Iran's environment was more favourable to the flourishing of the Shi'ism as compared to all other parts of the Muslim world. [21], Shias make up the majority of the Muslim population in Iran (around 90%), Azerbaijan (around 65%),[22] Iraq (around 55%) and Bahrain (around 60% of the citizens, excluding expatriates). [225][229][230] As of 2019, El-Zakzaky was still imprisoned. [208] Pakistan has become a battleground between Saudi Arabia-funded Deobandi Sunni and Wahhabis and Iran-funded Shia resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent Muslims. -- Imam Reza (A.S.) Network", "Shias of Kashmir Socio Political Dilemmas", An introduction to Shi'i Islam: the history and doctrines of Twelver Shi'ism, Information on sectarian violence against Sunni Muslims, Syrian fight now 'overtly sectarian,' U.N. says, As Syria fights, sectarian wave rises in region, "Saudi king meets with Iranian president", "The Pentagon plan to 'divide and rule' the Muslim world", March 14, 2008 The Independent/UK "The Cult of the Suicide Bomber" by Robert Fisk, "Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera", "Iraqi funeral procession bombed; at least 26 killed", "Ansar al-Islam is listed as a terrorist group by the US State Dept", Sectarian violence kills 36 during climax of Shia holy festival, "Iraq 101: Aftermath Long-Term Thinking", "Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war", "US: Iraq failing to tackle death squads", Iraq militias' wave of death, Sectarian killings now surpass terrorist bombings, Interview with Molavi Ali Akbar Mollahzadeh, Rafsanjani & Al-Qaradawi call upon nation to unite & reject fighting, 2007-02-15, "UN Commission on Human Rights - Visit by the Special Rapporteur to Iran (Feb 96)", Shia equality or Shia supremacy? [193] Eight other Shia were injured. We decided to take measures to confront such plots. Jasmine Fares is a Lebanese 25 year old, who currently lives in Toronto. There are Roots of Religion (Usl al-Dn) and Branches of Religion (Furu al Din). Manzoor Nomani, a senior Indian cleric with close ties to Saudi Arabia published a book entitled Iranian Revolution: Imam Khomeini and Shiism. Shia make up the majority of the citizen population in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan, as well as being a minority in Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Chad and Kuwait.[13][14]. The beautiful couple planned a lush honeymoon and they also bought a house! In contrast, mainstream Sunnis believe the Mahdi will be named Muhammad, be a descendant of Muhammad, and will revive the faith, and forms an important component of Sunni eschatology, his appearance being considered the last of the minor signs of the Day of Judgment before its major signs. [236], Conflict between religious groups in the Middle East have spread to the Australian Muslim community[242][243][244][245][246] and within Australian schools.[247]. [202], The small Persian Gulf island state of Bahrain has a Shia majority but is ruled by Sunni Al Khalifa family as a constitutional monarchy, with Sunni dominating the ruling class and military and disproportionately represented in the business and landownership. hopkins basketball coach; jackson county georgia news; The divide between Sunnis and Shia is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. Around 10% of Afghanistan, less than 5% of the Muslims in Nigeria, and around 5% of population of Tajikistan are Shia. The first Abbasid caliph, As-Saffah, recruited Shia support in his campaign against the Umayyads by emphasising his blood relationship to Muhammad's household through descent from his uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib. The commonly-known term is shortened from the historical Shia't-Ali , or "the Party of Ali." This group is also known as Shiites or followers of Ahl al-Bayt or "People of the Household" (of the Prophet). These differences stem from the extreme claims on both sides. Shia communities are also found in Yemen where a large minority of the population are Shia (mostly of the Zaidi sect), according to the UNHCR. This dispute spread across various parts of the Muslim world, which eventually led to the Battle of the Camel and Battle of Siffin. Other Iraqi Shias are ethnic Arabs with roots in Iraq as deep as those of their Sunni counterparts.[58]. The divide. [208] There have also been conflagrations in the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Azad Kashmir,[208] with several hundreds of Shia Hazara killed in Balochistan killed since 2008.[209]. [234] The Shia community has also been subject to hate campaigns and intimidation, with fears of this escalating into violence. kriegshetzer mal'korak respawn; jasmine and dawoud shia or sunni In 1959, al-Azhar University in Cairo, the most influential center of Sunni learning, authorized the teaching of courses of Shia jurisprudence as part of its curriculum. [214], ShiaSunni strife in Pakistan is strongly intertwined with that in Afghanistan. promised "a thaw in relations between the two regional powers but stopped short of agreeing on any concrete plans to tackle the escalating sectarian and political crises throughout the Middle East."[257]. She did her honours bachelor in science and later realised that this career path was not for her. Saudi Arabia backed Iraq in the 19801988 war with Iran and sponsored militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan whothough primarily targeting the Soviet Union, which had invaded Afghanistan in 1979also fought to suppress Shia movements. [108] In Syria, a Shia minoritythe heterodox Alawi sect that makes up only about 13 percent of the populationdominate the upper reaches of the government, military and security services in Syria, and are the "backbone" of the forces fighting to protect the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria's civil war. Jasmine & Dawoud @JasmineFares 591K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Shorts Playlists Community Channels About I FINALLY pranked my wife! BeYOUtiful written by Shelina Janmohamed: Book Review. Jasmine & Dawoud 531K subscribers Hi everyone! There are over 2.5 million Muslims in the UK and the mosque has a central role in Islam. As well as this they found that it was not worth spending on other people. Both sides of the couples family were very supportive of their decision. The anti-Shia Afghan Taliban regime helped anti-Shia Pakistani groups and vice versa. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud bin Faisal bin Abdul-Aziz said: The two parties have agreed to stop any attempt aimed at spreading sectarian strife in the region. According to Shia rights watch, in 2014 ISIS forces killed over 1,700 Shia civilians at Camp Speicher in Tikrit Iraq, and 670 Shia prisoners at the detention facility on the outskirts of Mosul. As a Muslim woman, one of the biggest days of our lives is our wedding day. jasminefares Hamilton, Ontario Washington, DC: National Geographic 2008, "Hijab, The Muslim Womens Dress, Islamic or Cultural? traditional elders and notables. [225] Its network is similar to that of Hezbollah in Lebanon, with a focus on Iran, its Supreme Leader, and fighting America as the enemy of Islam. New York: Saint Martin's Press, 1999. Not even a single terrorist group is run by them, excluding the one Run b. As-Saffah assumed both the temporal and religious mantle of Caliph himself. Answer (1 of 53): Of course Shia's. 1. [16] Despite the fact that Pakistan is a Sunni majority country, Shias have been elected to top offices and played an important part in the country's politics. Pakistan's citizens have had serious Shia-Sunni discord. In addition to the account of Nasir Khusraw who visited Jerusalem in the year 1045 AD and reported: "The population of Jerusalem is about 20,000, the populace being mostly Shi'a Muslims". Some Shia have complained of mistreatment in countries dominated by Sunnis, especially in Saudi Arabia,[81] while some Sunnis have complained of discrimination in the Twelver-dominated states of Iraq and Iran. Some Shia religious leaders also wear a black robe. The Shia constitute around 20% of Kuwait,[26][27] 45% of the Muslim population in Lebanon, 10% of Saudi Arabia,[27][28] 12% of Syria, and 10% of Pakistan. "[207] Most violence takes place in the largest province of Punjab and the country's commercial and financial capital, Karachi. Saudi Clerics and Shia Islam, by Raihan Ismail, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 08:39. Historically, the inner rifts within Islamic ideology were to be hidden from the public sphere, while the new violent outbreaks highlight said rift in an obvious manner and is nourished by the two extremes of their mutual rivalry which will strongly affect both globally and regionally. In particular, the names Fatima, Zaynab, Ali, Abbas, Hussein, and Hassan are disproportionately common among Shias, though they may also be used by Sunnis. However, Shia opposition to the government was brutally suppressed, resulting in some 50,000 to 100,000 casualties and successive repression by Saddam's forces. The report notes that while some of the information received may be difficult to corroborate there is a clear impression that the right of freedom of religion is not being respected with regard to the Sunni minority. Ab anfa, for example, was imprisoned by al-Mansur and tortured. This central position was transferred to Iran during the Safavid era for two-and-a-half centuries, after which it partly returned to Najaf. [225] According to Wikileaks, "Saudi cables" released in 2015 "reveal concern" about "Iran-driven Shiite expansion from Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Nigeria" to Shia Islam has taken place in Nigeria since the Iranian Revolution. [143][144], Members of the 'Balochistan Peoples Front' claim that Sunnis are systematically discriminated against educationally by denial of places at universities, politically by not allowing Sunnis to be army generals, ambassadors, ministers, prime minister, or president, religiously insulting Sunnis in the media, economic discrimination by not giving import or export licenses for Sunni businesses while the majority of Sunnis are left unemployed. [39][40][41][42][43], Twelver Shia as the main branch of Shia Islam[44][45] permit Nikah mutah[46][47]fixed-term temporary marriagewhich is not acceptable within the Sunni community, the Ismaili Shia or the Zaidi Shia and is believed a planned and agreed fornication. The Arab Shia: The Forgotten Muslims, by Graham E. Fuller and Rend Rahim Francke. [259], Effort to bring unity between Sunni and Shia Muslims had been attempted by Allama Muhammad Taqi Qummi.[88]. roger clemens baseball cards for sale. This spreading influence has caused concern to the Sunni rulers of Arab countries with Shia minorities, such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Members of the two sects have co-existed for centuries and share many fundamental beliefs and practices. The book, which "became the gospel of Deobandi militants" in the 1980s, attacked Khomeini and argued the excesses of the Islamic revolution were proof that Shiism was not the doctrine of misguided brothers, but beyond the Islamic pale. We don't have accurate statistics because in much of the Middle East it is not convenient to have them, for ruling regimes in particular. [186], According to Pew, roughly 99% of Egyptian Muslims regarded themselves as Sunni Muslims. Of these some 5% are Shia, the rest are Sunni. [169], Following the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Shia in Hasa ignored the ban on mourning ceremonies commemorating Ashura. [142], Soon after the 1979 revolution, Sunni leaders from Kurdistan, Balouchistan, and Khorassan, set up a new party known as Shams, which is short for Shora-ye Markaz-e al Sunaat, to unite Sunnis and lobby for their rights. This website uses cookies. An animated A to Z guide for pupils aged 11-14 that explores and introduces a variety of religious topics. [163], The Saudi conflict of Shia and Sunni extends beyond the borders of the kingdom because of international Saudi "Petro-Islam" influence. In March 2005 Salt, al-Banna's home town, saw a three-day wake for al-Banna who Jordanian newspapers and celebrants proclaimed a martyr to Islam, which by definition made the Shia victims "infidels whose murder was justified."