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Hate him. Though Snape is handed the truth about Sirius on a silver platter, his hatred of the wizard clouds his judgment, as Sirius was once his schoolyard rival. The deaths at the Battle of Hogwarts would haunt Harry forever. Why would anyone think that?!?!?! I wouldn't have been surprised. Was Snape Harry's real father? Amongst Severus Snape's possessions that he kept at his home was a curious object called a, Snape's death takes place in the school's. Rowling described him in one 2015 tweet as "grey," with both saint-like and devil-like tendencies. I'm just really confused that they think that way. Voldemort might not be the dark wizard we thought he was as we see glimpses of his slightly happier childhood. J. K. Rowlings, author of the Harry Potter series, went to a great deal of trouble creating unique characters who shared common connections. It's ultimately revealed that during their time at school, James, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew discovered that Lupin was a werewolf. While it doesn't excuse Snape's behavior at the time, James Potter's seemingly only redeeming moment from that period of his life was his decision to keep his friend from accidentally killing someone. In The Deathly Hallows, the last book in the saga, we realize that there are no longer any people who we could classify as good or bad. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital 15 Books for Your Oscar Season Reading List, How We Can Learn to Live with COVID-19 After Vaccinations. While Dumbledore trusted him, Harry didnt, and consequently neither did the readers. Dumbledore has been preparing Harry to die at the hands of Voldemort all this time, while Snape has been looking out for him at the risk of his own life. After Snape and Lily leave Hogwarts, the space between them only grows as Snape joins Voldemort, the Dark Lord, to help him overtake the wizarding world, while Lily . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. After the big reveal that Snape was a double agent, fans started debating whether he was a hero or a villain. Even just from his name, Snape, it sounds like snake, usually associated with evil. Towards the end of the series you start to notice Snapes attitude discreetly change and in the last movie you could see he really did care for Harry. Our suspicions are confirmed when we discover that Severus Snape is indeed one of them, and that he even murdered the person who had always trusted him: Albus Dumbledore. I've also read all the books, and I knew that Snape wasn't Harry's real father. In the Harry Potter series, Severus Snape is long established as one of Harry's most consistent antagonists. However, Snape's life takes a turn when he meets a young Lily Evans, who lives nearby. To contain his transformations, Lupin was kept inside the supposedly haunted Shrieking Shack at the full moon. Though Harry believes that Sirius James and Lily's best friend sold them out to Voldemort, the truth is that Peter Pettigrew, who was friends with all three, actually betrayed James and Lily and worked for Voldemort. Snape, once again, proved he was a hero by acting as a double agent, which was revealed the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Snape's family lived on Spinner's End, which is shown as a run-down street in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," insinuating that Snape's family wasn't very wealthy. " I'm looking for Harry Potter" Snape said. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Sometime before 1960, pure-blood witch Eileen Prince married Muggle Tobias Snape. In the backstory of theHarry Potter franchise, James Potter's rescueofSeverus Snape served as a quietly pivotal momentof the world -- even if neither man was particularly happy about the development, and it only spurred on their longstanding rivalry. I actually thought Snape was Harry's dad for a while. While Snape may have protectedHarry partially out of hisenduring love for Lily, his debt to James can't be understated -- and was directly referenced asthe reason why Snape savedHarryfrom Quarrel in the novel version ofHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I found a few clues in all 8 movies minute 83:54. Anyways, they did meat again. I can see why people who didn't read the books could have somehow jumped to that conclusion. After Snape's death, Harry Potter ensured that his portrait remained at Hogwarts, honouring him as a hero, despite their significant personal differences. Their shared feelings for Lily Evans had only escalated their rivalry, and Snape's impulsive lashing out at Lily over her Muggle-born status strained their relationship. oh com eon this is just stupid youre seriously gonna vote this as the best answer just because it is silly and "funny" and dumb? Somehow, Rowling is telling us that even the nicest people are capable of committing reprehensible acts. If it's the former that's actually one of my favorite scenarios, I don't read fanfiction much but. Patronus doesn't indicate bloodline. "That is great. When the year draws to a close, Harry and Sirius come face to face, flanked by Ron, Hermione, and Lupin, and a shocking realization comes to light. What made them think THAT, of all things. Look again, the guy doesn't have black hair. That would have been a brilliant twist! This shows that, sometimes, our senses deceive us. According to Wizarding World, a Patronus is generated through "memories of happiness and hope." But even so, he sticks to his promise and helps Harry survive a harrowing first year at Hogwarts. A better question is, why do those who read the book look down and laugh at those who didn't? Doesnt he look just like James, with Lilys eyes? because people get confuse with the patronus.. some people thought that the patrunus was from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.. and in that movie harry said that was his father who made the patronus but later we all knew that was harry.. so people doesn't remenber that.. so when snape sent the patronus for help harry to find the sword of griffyndor there is the confuse..I say this . This time, however, she wasn't here. [21] In addition, Harry later named his second son Albus Severus Potter in honour of Dumbledore and Severus, both of whom were an inspiration in Harry's life after the Battle of Hogwarts. It was because of Snape that Harry Potter became aware and practical of the Disarming Charm (. It clearly states that BOTH of Harry's parents are dead. In this way, he shows us his forgiveness, his acceptance of their mistakes, and his love for both of them. Rupert Grint admitted to being afraid of him in an interview. (I did read the books awhile ago and recently watched the movies). H arry Potter named his son after the character Professor Severus Snape in tribute to him dying for "for Harry out of love for Lily [Potter],"JK Rowling revealed on Friday. Snapes story moves us deeply; hes the repentant mortal who sacrifices his life for the son of the person he loved. His mother was a witch and his father was a Muggle, leading to the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince." Severus and Lily were also close in age. Though Snape was hard on Harry and his friends throughout the series, he was deeply in love with Lily Potter, Harry's mom. You see your self in DH 2 James making a fool of Snape and James looks just like harry for a REASON!!! Harry's real father is James Potter, and this has been consistent from the first book to the last, and even in all the films. While he had a sudden redemption arc before his . Warner Bros. Pictures. From The Philosophers Stone, we realize that Dumbledore never doubts his trust and loyalty; he believes deeply in repentance and second chances. On twitlonger Rowling said that when Snape went to meet with Dumbledore on the windy hilltop he was still a subscriber to the inhuman philosophy of Voldemort. But maybe when Voldemort kills Snape, and he gives the teardrop to Harry, maybe that confused her or something. The answer is simple, though harry looks a bit like James, he has more of snappes features, as you see in the movie Lilly and James are very alike so just because they say he is like his "father " they might just se his mothers features instead. Though it's been more than 20 years since the first Harry Potter book was published, new fans are coming to the series all the time. @ClaireVoyant: OMFH ROFLMMFAO Right on. In a 2007 interview with Bloomsbury, Rowling joked that Skeeter would probably have gone on to write a biography titled "Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?" Rickman was Rowling's first choice for the role. Snape's responsibilities include monitoring the welfare and discipline of those in Slytherin House and just generally assuming charge of the students. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. There was adventure, heartbreak, and even deathall the elements that . We all shed a few tears when we discovered that, after all this time, Snape still loved Harrys mother Lily and that, in fact, everything he had done was to ensure the young mans safety. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News., Snape is all grey. But those words and that moving scene hide something else, something much deeper that Rowling has let us catch a glimpse of throughout her seven books. This would likely explain his hostility towards Peter in. The novel version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban further explored this connection through the introduction of James' friend, Remus Lupin. Thoughts? He also learns that Snape's doe Patronus, after Lily's own Patronus, appeared to Harry in the woods and guided him towards Gryffindor's sword. When we came out of the theatre my sister was wide eyed and shocked I felt proud that I read the books and she didnt because she looked confused so I told her in the I-read-the-book-and-you-didnt tone "Al right Alice what is it that got you confused from the movie I can answer ANYTHING.." she turned to me and said: "One question: Is Snape Harry's REAL father" I just wanted to slap her when I heard that question and its not just her my friends asked me THE SAME THING. except techinally in a sense Snape is probably related to Harry on his dad's side and Snape's mom's side (James Sr. and Ellieen Prince both being pure-bloods). Who is Harry Potter's real father? " No thank you Tom I will go up and see him myself" Snape said. The Elder Wand, which he stole from Dumbledore's tomb, won't work for him because he isn't the true "master" of it. Well hope this wasn't to bad I tried my best. Following that incident, Severus Snape passed the counterfeit sword to Bellatrix Lestrange. Why can't Harry see thestrals before he saw Cedric dying, because he saw his mum dying? The Harry Potter saga grows in perfect harmony with its main character. In this 'Snape is the father of Harry story' nobody knows that Snape is the father of Harry. Snape had a doe as his patroness. Their Patronuses were the same because Snape had loved Lily, not because they'd had an affair or had a child together. Also, Snape's love for Lily was most definitely romantic by the end. Finally someone with some sense. But his surname also holds ancestral significance in England, where it's tied to families who lived near the snp (boggy land) in North Yorkshire, the Lowlands, and Suffolk. As for Snape, we see that, behind his dark exterior, lies a devastated heart, a man whos suffered, but who still loves.