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I tapped him on the shoulder after we crossed the street and started talking to him. (Paul), France felt like home and still does. If this will happen in the future given the eternity of time ahead of us why is it not just as reasonable to conclude that this has happened in the past and that we are part of a immortal eternal race who are here on earth to learn how to make moral decisions without being forced to IE Agency. When we got there it turned out that the sister missionaries where there as well. The LDS Church in French Polynesia was founded in 1843 as the first foreign-language mission of the church. The ability to speak to strangers and to do hard things. The church and the work of the restoration will go forward and we can be a part if we choose. The members are incredible. (Scott), In short, I was in Amiens, my comp and I were headed home for dinner, we ran into a young man who had been possessed by a bad spirit, he took off my plaque and broke it. (Nicholai), Frites and sauce, Belgian waffles, foufou. :) Although most Missionaries are American, there are a good number of native french speaking Missionaries as well. (Stuart), I was blessed with two difficult companions. (Jacob), St Maur des Fosses, Chelles, Sarcelles, Rennes. Moules frites. We just kept riding. Definitely thermal garments. The temperatures didnt seem all that different than the, Cloudy and rainy. (Jeffrey), We were about to enter an enclosed complex where I saw few exits and 2 young Arabs when I was prompted that we should ignore the reference and travel and hour back to our main area. (Nicholai), Be more outgoing and less afraid of making mistakes. (Dennis), Raclette, Crpes, Quiche lorraine, Ptisseries (viennoise and pain au chocolat aux amandes), African peanut chicken sauce and rice, and Baguette ham & gruyre sandwich. (Jeffrey), Nantes, Rennes, Poitier, Bourges, Tours, Reims, Antony, Sarcelles. Bring a shoulder bag. I just waited until the last possible month to earn it. (Scott), Organization, being bold, self discipline, diligence, hard work, following the spirit, studying scriptures, working with others. Read the Book of Mormon in the language. HUMOR AND SPIRIT ARE POWERFUL TOOLS in making relationships work. Like when someone disses someone and you say Burn! well I said Brul (burn) and found out that doesnt work too well. She nearly fell off the couch laughing. (Bryan), The Bible better and Book of Mormon. (Kale), I would shore up your testimony and knowledge of the Gospel and Book of Mormon. Here are survey responses from France ParisRMs, to give you a snapshot into what its like to live in the mission. France Paris Alumni Web Site is dedicated to the alumni of this mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It never got too cold, but spending too much time outdoors in the winter was chilly business. Wescoured YouTubeto find the best quality videos aboutFrance, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity. We do them ourselves using buses, metros and trains. But when I got to France they used cheese on everything and I started eating it and could not believe how much I loved it. Keep them affordable, too. The Church was legally recognized in October 1968. (Nicholai), I had 4 Mission PresidentsI only officially met 2 of them. I want to live in a place like this. My nervousness changed to joy, and we kept walking along the road, talking to everyone that came close. What blessings did you receive from serving a mission? (Jeffrey), Teaching and investigator in french, with him replying back in English, while reading from the Arabic Book of Mormon. Knowing to use common sense. Whether we are full-time missionaries or not, no matter where were from or what language we speak, we can all invite others to come unto Christ and partake of the joy that can only be found in His gospel. Great way to finish! For many of them, the path that led them to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ wasn't easy, but meeting these people has helped us see how the Lord guides people to find His true gospel. I should have just tried and learned rather than being worried about being embarrassed. The ability to learn and speak another language. We fled war in our country and went to Tanzania in 1995. (Scott), St Nazaire Sarcelles Versailles Paris Poitiers Meaux Cergy. (Matt), Let your mission be a compass for the rest of your life. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews. Well, us Canadians (me) did not have a clue how wild the American missionaries would be. The country side is amazing. (Doug), Changed every aspect of my life. I never actually baptized someone the entire 2 years I served. (Jordan), How to speak another language. I told myself one more time he hits me he is going to to get the Book of Mormon across his head. Self Control. Hangers take up a lot of space in your luggage. Try to keep your luggage limited, too: one large suitcase, one good backpack or carry-on piece, and a wardrobe bag for your suits/dresses. I also learned to listen better. (Bryan), The people are very kind and stick to themselves. He told us (in French) that he was excited to be there, but exciter in French means to be sexually aroused. Buy winter jackets there if youre going in the summer. Hated it so never tried it. Argentina Bahia Blanca. (Anna), A lady answered the door in a robe and looked directly into my eyes and said, You have beautiful eyes. (Matt), Too many to count. We kept working through the crowd, and somehow, up ahead another block or two away was that bright pink. (Chloe), Do not bring clothes hangers even though the missionary preparation manuals advise it. Shortly after leaving the apartment, I felt the Spirit tell me to talk to the guy crossing the street in front of me. Missionary Moms & Dads DC North Mission Group. Dont contend with them, but always be able to inform them where they can readily find accurate information and that youre always happy to teach them more about the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This led me in Patience to realize that, Have a good attitude. I came here as a refugee, says Brother Justin Luala. We really should have gotten off, shouldnt we! (Paul), Kebab. Turns out she loves family history and was full of love towards us and interested in what we did. (Nicholai), I walked around for the first 6 weeks saying that Jesus Christ is my flavor because the words for savior and flavor are really close. Very little snow (winter in Orleans). We were having our district meeting that morning, so two companionships from out of town had arrived earlier by train and they were stopped and informed by police officers just outside our apartment of the situation. (Alex), Their loyalty to family and good friends. Full-Time Senior Missionaries. (Michael), Once, my companion and I were waiting for the mtro (subway) when a homeless man came up to us to ask for money. Get to know the members, become their friends, and find out ways how you can help them do missionary work. John Taylor was one of the first missionaries here, but the church is still young. We spoke French to her and she repeated it all in Russian. I got a letter saying that I had successfully completed the BBN mission and a new call letter came. (Michael), Too many to list. Ah well. They are amazing men and their wives are incredible and strong. I asked for her name as she ran out and she yelled it back. Croissante aux aumaund. The beauty of the mission is going to teach you how to rely on the Spirit which will force you to learn talents as you go! Other times, it was just having a conversation with the man in the park about death, and what he was going through. Has awesome preparation days. To access the official, up-to-date map for the Paris Mission: Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the France ParisMission. Fortitude. (Matt), My family has grown much stronger together! Racolette. (Kara), Love every minute and never stop praying! (Michael), It covers three countries. Heres a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the ParisLDS Mission. Armani isnt exactly for missionaries. Libraries. The French people are incredible! The countryside is where you find more of the French people, and they vary from region and town to town. Mainly humid. Avoid accumulating things on your mission. That was the last time I let him schedule dinner appointments. More trust in the Lord. (Jeffrey), Have a young punk kid saying ta mre and I laughed back at him because I realized he had just said youre mom which doesnt translate as a bad word into English. No clue why but he then proceeded to yell at us and we just walked away. Lots of rain In the winter. But throughout the course of our service, the Spirit has confirmed to us that we are exactly where the Lord needs us to be and that He will magnify our efforts to accomplish His will here in this corner of the earth. (Roberto), My dad served in the Franco-Belge Mission 20 years earlier. (Mariah), I packed all the stuff on the list and used almost everything. (Elsa), Grecs (kbab sandwiches) were a staple of my diet in every area I served in Northern France. (Dennis), One day we stopped a girl in the center of La Rochelle, we had a chat about the Gospel, she told us she had relatives who are Latter-day Saints. (Anna), Living & spending all your time with many different types of companions. Pastries. People skills. Hair? Frequently Asked Questions. (Jeffrey), You will teach mostly African immigrants. We were trying to get away from him for like 30 minutes. That feeling of love was astounding. (Valan), St Quentin, St Omer, Brussels, Paris, Nantes, Tours. Wherever and however we are called to serve, may we take comfort in President RussellM. Nelsons words to youth (many of whom are now full-time missionaries! Many people told me I wouldnt see any since I was going to France. (Douglas), Everybody kept telling me that a mission would be so difficult, hard work, lots of rejection and stress. We studied listening to the Spirit and acting on faith. It was a surprise for me to meet American people who speak French. I know that I choose my joy or sadness. What doyou wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission? Then we were praying for safety. A language and an extra degree. Likewise, there are so many people out there who try to use the secular history of Mormons as a tool of deceit, confusion, and contention. (For sisters) A coat with a hood. Yes. France Paris Mission. (Jordan), Weather was always great. You will learn sacrifice real fast. On my first assignment, I was asked to lead the music in the Relief Society in Versailles. You are hereby called to serve in the Arizona Phoenix Mission. (Mariah), Cooking. My prayer worked and he left us alone and minutes later almost had a brawl with some Arabs up to no good. In Europe (and especially Paris), people wear skinnier suits/pants/shirts, so youll want to either buy these beforehand or be prepared to buy them when you arrive. They encourage you to learn French, and become part of their home. Dress and Grooming. (Jacob), A stronger testimony of the Gospel. (Doug), Pain au chocolat (Nantes) Falafel (Paris 4eme) Baozi (Paris Rue Au Maire 3eme) Banh Mi (Paris 13eme) Gaufres (Bruxelles) Kebab Poulet (18eme, Rue Marx Dormoy) Any McDonalds (really good in Europe). How to keep pushing past hard times. Mission President:President Paul J. Sorensen. See DieterF. Uchtdorf, God Will Do Something Unimaginable, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 54. (Drew), Soak up the Temple experience while at the Mission Training Center as much as possible. A big reason that I memorized the discussions so quickly and taught so many shallow street lessons was to be better than others. Long suffering. (Matt), Being threatened numerous times and actually being punched in the face. Click the mission name for a page that indicates the mission (s) that now serve the same area. (Anonymous), My companion and I were beat up by three Arabs about a month after 9/11. You dont generally need a large trench coat. Learn the discussions in English before going to the Mission Training Center then you have a better idea of what you are saying in French. Pick things that you feel great in when you feel beautiful in the morning, you can stop worrying about yourself and your confidence is boosted as you go around talking to everyone. (Bryan), Calling a Madame a Monsieur . (Dennis), Planning, prioritizing, organizing meetings and much more. (Doug), Good sturdy yet lightweight luggage. [1] By country/territory [ edit] List of missions within each country, territory or dependency. Later missionaries entered Quebec City where a branch was organized in 1969. Sometimes I would directly translate English to French and confuse people too haha. 172 Years. It was very embarrassing. About Us. It was great. Language mastery. Remember this when you are off your mission and are in the process of choosing an eternal partner. So I turned my bleue away and walked around the median just to be safe. A bit rainy in the winter but otherwise okay. But all of the skills and leadership traits and work ethic I received from the mission is allowing me to excel after my mission. (Doug), Pray for the people even before you get your call. People are proper and polite, they love their language, beauty and history. My last name is White. Then they asked me if they could visit my home because they had a message for me.. Members are helpful. (Chloe), I wish I was more dedicated in obtaining the Ammon Award. (Michael), Just be careful where you go after dark. (Jordan), If you say je suis plein for I am full it really means I am, HA HA I bet everyone makes this one. I have a stronger testimony. American baggy clothes stick out like a sore thumb. (Jeffrey), Kebabs, crpes, coquilles St Jacques. (Merrilyn), I never ate cheese in my life. I felt the Spirit very strongly as I was able to answer Yes. (Drew), Most of the blessings come from the friendships I made with many members, friends of the church, and even neighbors. (Zakarias), I wish I knew better how to listen, and especially how to work with members. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: France Parismissionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments. How to serve and make amazing friends. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. There are 346 missions in this index. I know Christ and his mission on earth. You were called to that area to talk to the people you will talk to for a specific reason. Bad idea. We were going to take a trip to Spain but decided not to. (Alex), Love the people and enjoy your differences and similarities. We went around a corner and a bunch of soldiers started clapping for us. Serve. Go all out! (Anna), People always told me it would be SO HARD. Tropical island Evan Long, a BYU student from Oregon, expected malaria pills and poverty when he opened his mission call to Antananarivo, Madagascar. You can submit your own article, ideas, or feedback at (Kale), Dont worry too much about getting Everything before you leave there are markets with skirts and dresses, big shoe stores for when your shoes wear out, their styles are similar, and members and investigators will be happy to direct you on your P day to find more clothes. I wish I wasnt so self-conscious about not speaking French. Since the 1970s, French Saints have prayed for a temple in their own country. You have the power and talent to help people. Charles E. Jones (1990-93) Group, Paris Mission- Dennis K. Brown (1996-99) Group, Paris Mission Heber M. Thompson (1993-96) Group, Paris Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group, Paris Mission- President Johnson (1987-90) Group, 30 Funny French Language Mistakes LDS Missionaries Have Made, Things That Keep People From Recording Their Lifey (And Why They Shouldn't), Paris, Orlans, Cergy-Pontoise, Caen, and Cherbourg. Winters do get cold. I was blessed with the Spirit and was able to do so sufficiently well that no one laughed at me. 188 Countries Receiving Humanitarian Aid (Since 1985) 36,639 Welfare Services Missionaries (Incl. People will say they believe in God but they really dont act like they do. (Jeffrey), I wish I knew the language better. Alaska Anchorage. Make sure youre prepared. The temporal/secular history of the Church is often many individuals only exposure to the Church, but intelligent discussion of such is often an amazingly positive and readily accessible way to reach people about the Gospel. (Alex), Force yourself to learn the language, talk to people, talk to your companion. Dont assume they dont understand you if you are speaking in English together. You are assigned to teach in the French language. We were both more than surprised to receive such a mission call. (Valan), People skills. It was the first time for me! Today, Brother Luala is preparing to enter the holy temple. (Nicholai), Layers. (Kale), St. Brieuc, Chateauroux, Limoges, Talence, Nantes, and Montauban. We were praying for a ride back and a drunk guy picked us up. Online Recommendation System. The next day, we were notified from our Mission President that missionaries were no longer to hold Halloween parties in any way whatsoever. (Anonymous), It gets very hot and very cold. DC North - President Dennis E. Simmons Group. Im so excited to see how it grows and now the temple is being dedicated! (Mariah), Getting city vendors to sell you little souvenirs for really cheap by having two of them competing with each other for your purchase. It was so frightening that one minister from another church ran out of the house yelling If this is religion, I want nothing to do with it. Two girls fainted. Make sure you have good, sturdy walking shoes that will last. To this day, he recalls how miraculous it was to meet missionaries in Arizona who could speak his language. (Stuart), Cholet (twice), Troyes, Coutances, Aulnay-sous-Bois, le Vesinet, Tours. We were told that our street was pretty much on the line of the evacuation zone and that we could leave if we wanted but otherwise were advised to stay in our apartment until the demolition specialist from Belgium could arrive on the TGV later that afternoon. I was a part of many individuals accepting the gospel and joining the church. (Alex), Saint-Quentin, Brussels, Saint-Ouen. Rabbit. It was right outside a train station and everyone stopped to see how I would react. Ha Ha I had no idea how to lead music. I wish I knew the doctrine better or even had a stronger testimony on certain things. Full-Time Senior Missionaries Senior Service Missionaries Service Missionaries Missionary Manuals Dress and Grooming Missionary Training Centers Online Recommendation System Missionary Recommendation Interview Questions Missionary Preparation Frequently Asked Questions Sharing the Gospel Online Mission Maps Home Missionary (Chloe), Drunk people on the streets were sometimes hostile. (Mariah), We were out knocking on doors late one night and missed the last bus back into the main town where our apartment was. That ended my first porting experience and the Elders bought me my first French pastry. The missionaries attracted converts and established a base for more Latter-day Saint French-speaking immigrants. How to work harder when exhausted. When we left the appointment and went down the stairs, the migraine and weakness both returned. (Chloe), My companion and I were street contacting in Troyes and we were stopped by a woman dressed in a volleyball uniform holding a volleyball with two holding a net. The French-speaking members in Phoenix have a deep love for the Savior and strong testimonies that God knows each of His children. Alpine German-Speaking Mission. The language of the Spirit is the codex for the universal translator that is the Gift of Tongues. Make sure your luggage can roll so it is easier to travel on transfer days. (Stuart), It is humid and moderate. to LDS Mission Network (LDSMN Official Donation Page) Number of records: Alumni: 3108: . Just when we were starting to talk, she jumped up and ran to the door This is my stop! Layers. Dont buy more than you need. Here's a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Paris LDS Mission. Family unity. Not only was I blessed with the chance to develop near-native fluency in French during my time serving, but I developed a literary fluency in most of the Romance Languages along the way. I didnt say anything to my companion until after 2 more stops. Scott M. Naatjes, 53, and Jodi T. Naatjes, five children, Lake Marion Ward, Lakeville Minnesota Stake: Alpine German-Speaking Mission, succeeding President Christopher S. Brown and Sister Laura G. Brown.