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They will also be asked to spend many hours outside the school day to achieve the level of skill necessary to successfully compete in athletics at the interscholastic level. If a student is suspected of violating the dress code, the violation shall be reported to the appropriate administrator. Willfully intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment or any right or privilege secured to him/her because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. on a 4.0 scale from the LAST grade period with a minimum of four classes passed. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. Air Force Junior ROTC A program that promotes teamwork, leadership development, and the study of military and civilian aerospace careers. Locally and nationally recognized as a top high school for academic, arts and athletics. An individual who did not get a yearbook for this reason ONLY may receive a refund if he/she has a proof of purchase. Produce effectively as an individual and in collaboration with various groups. cards and new student I.D. OUR Sundevil Familyis expected to support the spirit of academic integrity with students, parents, counselors, teachers and other staff members anywhere on campus. About Sun Valley High School; Directions to Sun Valley High School; Staff Directory; Communication History; Title IX info; ATSI non-Title 1 School Plan; Lack of transportation is NOT considered a valid reason to reschedule or fail to attend. For complaints alleging unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation and bullying based on state law, complainant may pursue available civil law remedies outside of the District's Complaint Procedures including seeking assistance from mediation Centers or public/private interest attorneys sixty (60) days after the filing of an appeal with the CDE. Fri 17 Mar. 925-479-6400 . A.V.I.DAdvancement Via Individual Determination These students promote college awareness on campus, learn more about career options, and foster a spirit of excellence. Procedures for Picking Up Your Student Early (Off-Grounds Pass). Students that fail to meet this requirement entering the first semester may be reevaluated at the beginning of the second semester to determine eligibility. You may leave a message (24 hours) or speak to someone in the Attendance Office from 6:30am to 3:00pm. 500 Harkins Slough Road. 1. It will also provide them with the opportunity to become physically fit, emotionally mature, and socially acceptable young adults. Unless extended by written agreement with the complainant, the compliance officers shall prepare and send the complainant a written report of the. Students will work from 12:45-1:45 and get 4 demerits removed. If it is necessary to make a class change, counselors are available by appointment. Saturday School - Saturday School is an on-campus study/work program to improve student behavior and attendance. Every high school, like every faction of civilized society, must have expectations and the means to enforce those expectations to prevent disorder and provide a safe learning environment. Attendance is mandatory. pictures will be taken in the Front Office. (48900n), (5) Possession of an explosive as defined in 18 USC 921. Students or their parents have ten days to clear the absence(s) through the Attendance Office. ~Building and maintaining the display and trophy cases in the main office. The school will notify parents about the School Parental Involvement Policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand at the beginning of every school year. Citrus Valley High School; Bell Schedule 22-23; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Visit www.avhs.netfor additional contact information. This computer schedule will be your official notification of the program change. Select a School. Apple Valley Unified School District will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with parental involvement strategies under. This is a high-powered law team that practices the defense and prosecution for various trial cases and then competes against other schools using their knowledge of law to assist them. If a student receives a failing grade because of unexcused absences exceeding the above maximum, school records shall specify that the grade was given because of excessive unexcused absences. All suspensions will be preceded by an informational conference between the student and a school administrator during which the student shall be informed of the reason for the suspension and the evidence that supported the action. See page 48 for a map of the designated lunch-time boundaries. The parent/guardian requests permission in writing from the principal at least two weeks prior to the desired early withdrawal date. ~Noontime activities program sponsored by ASB leadership. Your counselor will participate in the meeting, if you wish. The citations will be handled by the Victorville Juvenile Traffic Courts. (See Early-Out Policy.). This policy applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, and during a school-sponsored activity. For a free copy of Board Policy 1312,3- Uniform Complaint Procedures, or assistance in filing a complaint, please call: Apple Valley Unified School District Director Compliance Coordinator: Assistant Superintendent Human Resources 1-760-247-8001, Extension 1318, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources, 22974 Bear Valley Road, Apple Valley, CA 92308, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act provides that no person.shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal assistance. [20 U.S.C. Such actions may be described as, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 4. No checks for purchases will be accepted after May 1 of the current school year. Code 48911, either the Superintendent, Principal, or their Designee may suspenda student; however, only the Superintendent or Principal may recommend expulsion per Ed. The appeal shall include a copy of the complaint filed with the District and a copy of the District's decision. We will then determine if the message is of an emergency nature and will be delivered. Wearing a special sash at the graduation ceremony. 2900 Pinole Valley Rd. Knowledge of the Expectations - As a student at Apple Valley High, you are expected to know and follow the expectations and regulations of the school. All officers are chosen by a combination of general election, teacher recommendations, and an interview process, held in April or May of each school year. 1. g. Fabricating or altering laboratory data, without teacher permission. Students who repeatedly or seriously violate the rights of others will not be allowed to remain at Apple Valley High School. If students are disruptive during lunch detention they can be re-assigned lunch detention or assigned After School Detention. Chromebooks are checked in and out through the library. Staff are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. The complainant shall have the opportunity to provide relevant information and/or documents during the investigation. This would include team play-offs in CIF. Saturday School will give a student the opportunity to make up unexcused absences. Instruction BP6173(a) EDUCATION FOR HOMELESS CHILDREN, Apple Valley Unified School District, Apple Valley High School Title/LEA Parent Involvement Policy, ANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES (UCP), The sixty (60 day moratorium does not apply to complaints seeking injunctive relief in state courts or to discrimination complaints based on federal law. At least annually, the Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board on outcomes for homeless students, which may include, but are not limited to, school attendance, student achievement test results, promotion and retention rates by grade level, graduation rates, suspension/expulsion rates, and other outcomes related to any goals and specific actions identified in the LCAP. ASB stickers are only $35.00 for the entire year. I further declare that I am not a registered sex offender nor am I required to register as a sex offender by any state or federal law. Students that come to class tardy will receive a demerit. All elected officers and commissioners must enroll for both semesters in the Leadership Class, which is scheduled fifth period Monday through Friday. 2. Our School Bell Schedules Bell Schedules. However, the student who turns 18 does not gain the right to receive unverifiable off-grounds passes. AVHS Parking Permits should be displayed in the front window area of the vehicle. Notices of major activities are also posted on the ASB bulletin boards around campus and in the ASB office. Students must be considered to be students in good standing in order to compete in athletic contests. Apple Valley Unified School District will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I schools. No new courses for credit, including office aides and teacher aides will be added to the students schedule after the second week (10 days) of school first semester and five (5) days of school second semester. In summary, our program will provide young people with the opportunity to achieve a high degree of skill in the area of their choice. Makin Bacon (Agricultural Business Students) conducts sales and production of livestock through the school farm. ~CIF and MRL fees and dues for the athletes. Bell Schedule. detention, in-school suspension, and home suspension. The Board of Trustees desires to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other students within the district. Block 1 7:20 - 8:18 Submitting work that was submitted for credit in a prior assignment/course. Students and parents should make class selections thoughtfully. Skills USA The club aids students in developing leadership, interviewing, and public speaking skills. Ramapo High School East Ramapo Central School District. If you would like to add this to your personal Google calendar, click on the "Google Calendar" icon in the lower right corner. Notices of major activities are also posted on the ASB bulletin boards around campus and in the ASB office. Graniteville, SC 29829. Sundial Newspaper The Apple Valley High School paper, The Sundial, is staffed by students whose dedication and hard work produce a campus newspaper. Apple Valley Unified School District "Proudly Preparing our Students for Their Future" 12555 Navajo Rd. Teacher Comments: (Please provide a printout of students current progress.). Proud of the Past, Committed to the Future. For more detailed information regarding election procedures and the Leadership class refer to the ASB Constitution, which you may obtain in the Activities Office located in A-3. 3. Students work on assigned homework from their regular classroom teachers, or in some instances the Saturday School teacher. 12555 Navajo Rd. 6 mins. Although these actions may vary from course to course, the following categories are used to provide clarification for common violations of this policy. ~Social activities held on and off campus for our students. (Representing ones work as wholly ones own when it is not.). NOTE: Teachers should carefully check computer attendance to be sure all changes are reflected.