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Not a perfect example but I was striving for some other options besides stripling warriors moms. Ere the sun goes down. . I chuckled, but was not surprised when I saw that chocolate was the most popular! Sacrament meeting is a time for us to renew our covenants, it is a sacred ordinance. Nourishing their souls instead of feeding their bodies? I am on the Speakers Bureau for the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) and we would welcome the donations too. I also choose to focus on the women in the scriptures like #30 has mentioned. It hurts. April 24, 2015 in General Discussions. THE major Mothers Day talk in Sacrament Meeting in our ward this week, I have forwarded all of this discussion on to him! Thanks for all your thoughts. The first consideration is that you, the speaker, need to begin with your audience in mind. So no one is left out. More than at any time in the history of the world, we need mothers who know. Fun Photos of Latter-day Saint Leaders in the Snow! Last year, I gave this talk. We were each handed full size chocolate bars that had been wrapped at the end of Sac Mtng. Is this really the Mothers Day message I need? Im also a High Councilor, who always tries very much not to speak in rose-colored platitudes that, sadly, you associate with High Council speakers. That was the job of the family, and for single sisters, the home teacher. Kind of it takes a village/ward to raise a child philosophy. Alma 56:47-48. To be fair, diabetics can eat chocolate. If I would obtain the blessing, And home teachers were not comfortable giving flowers or candy to a single sister. There is a *big* difference a HUGE difference between being *foreordained* to something and actually **BEING** something, as is made very clear in the temple. I would expect him to give a talk like that because he is so utterly black and white in his thinking and he never heard a strict utterance over the pulpit that he did not love. http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2008/04/daughters-of-god?lang=eng, Ray (#58) Steve Ps post is evidence that a talk from 2007 which has been essentially corrected is still being recycled today. You dont come, you dont get one. Seriously, it would be nice to have some idea. Beware the philosophies of Hallmark, mingled with scripture. lol. If you personally need one, thats fine, but not everyone needs a model for something that is experienced differently by everyone. It is Mother's Day and yet the day is supposed to about everything about women EXCEPT being a mother. Or better yet, teach their classes and let them attend RS for a day? Even now, 4 years after her passing, I miss her. She never got her kids back and they never forgave her, and she died of some incurable stress induced disease. 2) If your outfit doesnt match, no one who matters will notice. Just pass out the chocolates and let all the women go to a park where buckets of KFC, potato salad and slaw are in abundance and/or veggie pizza and cheesecake. So I would personally prefer if they didnt do those honor-mothers meetings. And this is all in addition to the everyday problems like getting the bills paid and the laundry done. Somehow those who are not mothers are incapable of celebrating motherhood and thus it is painful for them and thus no one should celebrate motherhood as a church. And dont even get me started on the Are We Not All Mothers tripe. I get really tired of hearing the stripling warrior passages on Mother's Day. ( Bonus: You get to visit Relief Society and YW! I didnt enjoy Mothers Day during my years of infertility, but Ive been surprised that I enjoy it even less now that I have children. I love this. Our new bishop, for the last three years, gave no gift or acknowledgement. "The ordinance of the sacrament," taught then Elder Dallin H. Oaks in 2008, "makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church." 21 Accordingly, in 2015, Church leaders called for a renewed emphasis on Sabbath worship centered on partaking of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Ours, like most, has its strengths and its weaknesses. It was part of the talk. But alas, Mother's Day 11 years ago will forever be known as the day I landed face down on the floor of the chapel, on top of my 3-year-old, in the middle of sacrament meeting, with my skirt flung over my head. Mothers Day for me is when my children and Grandchildren call me. Your email address will not be published. We also have free LDS program covers and printable LDS program covers you can print off at home. After observing and empathizing with three generations of mothers and thinking of my own dear mother, I surely know that there is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood.. But since we have instituted Mothers Day as the day my family ditches church and meets my parents at Shoshone Falls for a picnic, I look forward to it every year. Im grateful for it. The story of Martha and Mary each bringing important and valuable things, even though they were very different. I recommend that you take President Eyrings approach and assume that the women to whom you are speaking are doing their best, but that often their very best means just barely hanging on. Its never the men. Trust her. Gospel Q&A: My Children Have Left the Church & I Worry for Their Souls. rockpond Flowers were also given to anyone who wanted to wear one in honour of their mothers. That being said, my ward will be nice and quiet next Sunday, one of the joys of the YSA wards. I would say that since Christ is supposed to be the express image of his Father that we do know quite a bit about the Father. The rest of us mortals should stick with real. What a nice gift for a Mom..hey, you guys have a great time!! Members have now learned to accept it. My mother was an ideal, and she is schizophrenic, couldnt cook water without burning the pan, never cleaned a thing in the house while we were children, had rebellious to some degree or another, etc. This change wasnt well-received as it occurred without any advance notice. I am a single (divorced) old man with no children. Also waiting by the library's tiny window with the Dutch door was a . In simple terms his philosophy was that the church is not true because it is madeconsists of people who are imperfect and therefore not always true to all of the ideals taught. All women were given a 'present' which looked like a flower or something, I didn't inspect it; many men and women took extra ones to give to any mother or lady in the neighborhood, single, mother, any sister or non member. Local leaders are ministering to them at this time," Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said. Thanks for reminding me so I can stay home. Primary kids singing, oh, 12 songs, and then someone real standing up and talking about the incredible power of hope, even when we feel that we dont measure up, and the wonder of the atonement and Gods love for us. There are wrongs that need redressing I did live in one ward where the mothers always got plants but the fathers always got cookies. Sharon if that is our Sharon, please PM me. The water is a reminder that the Savior shed His blood in intense spiritual suffering and anguish, beginning in the Garden of Gethsemane and concluding on the cross. Excuse everyone after Sacrament meeting to spend the time with their mothers. Latter-day Saints to Attend Sacrament Meeting Only on Christmas Day Church Newsroom November 10, 2022 Church The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has. I think its the best way to go. We were utterly gobsmacked. Nice post Mark, I think we do need to be careful about how we say some of the things we do in church, and elsewhere. from Pres. So this year we are setting up tables and chairs in the gym, hauling in meat and cheese and veggies and chocolate, and the Bishop will talk for five minutes and then we will let everybody socialize while I play the tuba for the entire primary. Wards/branches can use this app to create and print traditional . In the same way, when we make a dramatic production of Mothers Day, I fear that we are sometimestrying to compensate for the way we devalue the real and important work they do on the other 364 days of the year. Your comment was excellent, especially this part: Jesus the Messiah wasnt just sinless, He was God. Ill be hiding in the clerks office. I have been avoiding the mother's day sacrament meeting for the last couple of years. I plan to skip church on Mothers Day morning to visit my mother in the home and I will receive my Masters Degree that afternoon! https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/wanted-hands-and-hearts-to-hasten-the-work?lang=eng. But guess what?! I hope none of you mind if I quote from this. Last year we did two songs for the Mother's Day sacrament meeting, and they turned out beautifully, so I thought I would share them with you. You can guess how well that went over. A break from the primary room!) I only mentioned Mothers Day once, and I said how much my mom hated the hypocrisy of Mothers Day, and that we should treat women right every day of the year, not give platitudes one day of the year. Its hard to please everyone. But one thing is for sure, Ill be drawing on much of this. That feels a little thin still, so Im glad this post exists. I have seen women leave the meeting in tears, and I know others who have learned, through sad experience, that it is best for them to take a break from church on Mothers Day. For myself and kindred too, I remember my dad saying it was one of the most powerful and real talks hed ever heard in a Mormon church meeting. Ziff, thank you. I was initially surprised he went that way, but I have to say although Ive occasionally heard people say they wish something were did, I heard many complaints every previous year that something was done about what that something was. Lewis moments ago which speaks directly to those thoughts: Motherhood as a path to choose to be a better disciple of Christ by caring for those Christ lives.feed my sheep, etc. Great post, Mark! I Know I would like Mothers Day more if they changed the official hymn of the day from Love at Home to this one (to be sung from the perspective of the mother): 1. I havent had a bad Mothers Day since I divorced my ex and the day stopped being about making my kids miserable so that he could appear to be a good husband. Where everyone else is happy and interested in celebrating motherhood - those terrible males and those rancorous children in particular - they need to be denied for "me" and "what I want". Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? To the light the lost ones leading, It will easily demonstrate the weaknesses in the position: The logic is faulty. Identifying ideals is somehow so treacherous for the psyches of women that that must never be mentioned? Have a variety of ages speak on ideas or what they've done to help their mothers and ways they've stayed close to their mothers. I know they happened fairly regularly in my own adolesence and early adulthood, but I cant remember one Ive heard personally in quite a while. Although I have the suspicion that he had an ulterior motive of hoping never to be asked to speak again. Latter-day Saint Missionary Hospitalized After Stabbing in Colombia, A Slam Dunk of a Service Project: The NBA and Church of Jesus Christ Feed the Hungry, All Missionaries Accounted for in New Zealand After Devastating Cyclone, New Zealand Latter-day Saints Urged to Prepare for Cyclone, Latter-day Saint Artists Paints Uvalde Shooting Victims, Delivers Portraits to Families, Tender Advice from President Monson Trends on Instagram Reels, Church of Jesus Christ Releases Statement of Support After Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria, Try Faith: A 30-Day Challenge Shows How Four Young Vloggers Built Faith in Jesus. Do you also not need an idea such as the Savior, your Father in Heaven or your Heavenly Mother? Last year, I did an arrangement of "I Often Go Walking" for the Primary children and our ward choir to perform together. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? He invites mothers to count the debits and credits in your role as a mother. President Hinckley then goes through a number of important gospel teachings mothers should focus on. I could send you a PDF of the sheet music, but it's probably too late now for your choir and Primary to prepare in time for Mother's Day. Didnt we predict this? To find a ward near you, try the Meetinghouse Locator, which will also provide sacrament meeting times, driving directions, and contact information. 1 Dead, 1 Injured in Shooting During LDS Sacrament Meeting in Nevada. I could brave baby showers and birth announcements just fine, but Mother's Day cut me to the core. My wife and I were not in his ward to hear the talk, but he told us about it later. Regular G.A.S. I feel for how it hurts people to attend church and the sorrows they bear. Talking to other grownups while nice doesnt belong in 3rd hour. I agree with the chocolate, lack of talks, and the third hour refreshments! Integrate how Jesus takes care of his mother's future well being while hanging on the cross with the scripture John 19:26-27. " Cogito! It was the service ofthe sisters that made the talk memorable. It is good to share personal stories, but be aware that your own family might be abit stranger than you think. Mark did as well in his postminus the saccharine and accent. kc I love me some Pres. Oh yes, Ive read the scriptures to be like Him, to be perfect. 22 How about we don't celebrate either at church, but celebrate it in our homes with our mothers and fathers? As for me, I will be sitting this Mothers day out. How did your Mother's Day Sacrament meeting turnout, Rockpond? Let's apply your logic standard to other holidays. Needless to say he was not asked to speak in sacrament meeting for a long, long time. I may have to borrow that. But her mother held a yardstick, and if her daughter played the wrong key, her mother smacked her across the back ofher hands, thus providing sufficient negative reinforcement to motivate her to do it right the next time through. This post should be required reading for all Mothers Day speakers. Have You Discovered the Love of The Everyday Christ? It can be any of those. #46 That is an awesome idea for your talk. This might be a useful reference in terms of stories about Christ and women (not saying to cite it, just to get scripture references and helpful context): http://www.fairmormon.org/perspectives/fair-conferences/2015-fairmormon-conference/christs-emancipation-of-women-in-the-new-testament. For sacrament meeting, we can give the men a sternly worded warning about the danger of tehpernogriffiez. Some were difficult for metotell without choking up. Diversity and Unity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Environmental Stewardship and Conservation, Joseph Smiths Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women, Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints, The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage, Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham. A year later he died in a car accident, and the children went back to mom, whose life was now very different. Ancient Romans and Greeks would celebrate Cybele / Rhea, the mother of the Gods with festivals in the spring time. Snickers. Now we have a tradition that during the last ten minutes of priesthood meeting, they gather all the classes from deacons to high priests together in the multi-purpose room and present them with Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches. lesson about prayer. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. Feelings of guilt, shame, loneliness, anger, disappointment, abandonment, and not measuring up to impossible expectations are prevalent. MD really is a no-win. I think mixing it up, at least every other year, from Mother I Love You, is nice as a mom. I am 70 years old and have never been a mother, but I had one. As far as Jesus is concerned, he was sinless so is able to stand as an ideal. Families are good about this but public acknowledgement is hard to come by. I do think it is easy to understand my point and I appreciate it when others understand my position. God still loves her, and her life still had value and meaningTHE END!! Its a complete set-up for failure. A day focused on mothers is hard enough for many women, and much more so when thats all they hear about at church. He also addressed many different groups of women separately with distinct advice for their situation, including women with small children, older women, and women who never marry. Women are saved in child bearing is good as always. I just read that talk again; and I see nothing wrong with it. It is even worse when women are so enthused with Father's Day that they want to ignore it completely - as in absolutely not mention it. They always see what they havent done instead of what they have because they are constantly reminded of what they should be doing. Thanks for the reminder. Many said not to assignmother or female focused messages in sacrament meeting, others said to keep your effortssimple as long as it is sincere. I know that traditionally it has been men and children who honor mothers. I dont know why that would be, unless people are just assuming we ache for something more to nurture. We once had a bishop hand out frozen TV dinners! It appears that we have adopted the perverted sense of inclusion to such a degree that we cannot mention our gratitude for our mothers and motherhood without "hurting" or "marginalizing" those who are not mothers. For those in Europe, is Mothers Day celebrated to the same awful-gut-wrenching extent? Beware the philosophies of Hallmark, mingled with scripture. Ive decided to see if I can discern consistent reasons why the good ones are good and the bad ones are terrible. All my daily tasks fulfilling, I dont remember all 18 things, but two of them stuck with me, even 15 years later. That in no way shape or form precludes me from looking to Christ/HF/HM for ideals. Don't subscribe
At the end of the survey there was a comments box where individuals could leave specific feedback to bishoprics that organize Mothers Day. I think it turned out great. I love your idea of wearing different color of flowers. I wonder if a member of our bishopric reads this blog? Why is that or is that just in my ward? Especially since whoever asked him to speak didnt learn their lesson and he said the exact same talk a year later. Perhaps the reason so many women have an aversion to an all Sacrament Mtg. Over the years, Ive heard some very good Mothers Day talks, but I have also heard some that were cringe-worthy. Alece 100 it is a bit rich for you to interpret that your comment and that quote by Lewis mean the same thing. Scriptural women are perhaps safer :-) And in our ward, the men get cans of Dads Root Beer or Sugar Daddy candies. You can still give the women the day off. Best Mother's Day Topics, Scriptures, Conference Talks, Etc. I found out the hard way after a long list of them declined to give the talk. Cannot load blog information at this time. What are we trying to create? It is not a bad thing and it might be the one day that young mothers will remember and enjoy the most. The responsibility mothers have today has never required more vigilance. Loverboy was gone, she was outside of the church, and she had no means of support. Nice meeting. Not necessarily mothersjust women. Could someone remind of what the day is for after all? Great, and I was just asked to talk on Sunday, I guess I will be very careful. Geesh! I am the wife of a bishopric member, and I used to love Mothers Day. #37 Now that you mention it, Uchtdorf is pretty Hallmarky. Tell the moms that you'll be playing a game with the kids on Mother's Day and that . No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child.. It demands that the single day of the year that Mother's are celebrated to a holiday that is solely for adult females and no one else. Enter your email address to follow BCC and receive new posts by email. I do think a lot of Mormon women enjoy talks that validate their efforts at motherhood, and I think some of these talks get interpreted as angel mother talks when theyre really not. me) before deciding on these speakers. I agree Ray. Maybe, eventually, I will heal and that will change. Since my husband gets to give Reading over those messages, it is hard to come up with any form of consensus other than, everyone has a different opinion. Aleah served a mission in California and loves baking, Lang Leav poetry, Gaynor Minden pointe shoes, and Bollywood movies. 1) Peanut butter sandwiches served with a smile tastes much better than the fanciest meal served with a side of stress. Beautiful. Uchtdorf. Mothers Day gifts at church should be like free t-shirt day at the baseball game. Sorry for the sacrilege I think all women want massages but not sure the church is the right place for it. The Barker Brothers' Projects These videos were created for Latter-day Saint parents and allies to voice their love for their LGBT brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Latter-day Saints in a contemporary congregation partake of the sacrament. Respect her. The good talks that I have heard tend toaddressthe details ofan individual womans life, in all its messiness and particularity. Plus, I thought it was extra cool that the Bish consulted the RS pres. Keep in mind, this is from a male perspective, andmy opinions might be worth exactly what you paid for them. Just to be clear - I meant 'written/given' by women (aka musical number "O My Father" written by Eliza R Snow, conf talk by Reeve/Oscarson/Okazaki). Latter-day Saint pianist Monica Scott has arranged a touching Mother's Day medley in honor of Stephanie Pope, a mother of five who recently passed away . I think its terribly sad that growing up Mormon, I never heard anyone make any serious attempt to talk about Heavenly Mother on Mothers Day. Further, that it wasnt the wards responsibility to celebrate the day. Gag. Do other Christian women struggle with church-going on this day? Focus on womanhood and examples of strong women, not on a perfect homemaker mother. Seriously, no one is going to be pleased. See also What to Expect at Church Services. 30 Inspiring LDS Quotes About Mothers & Motherhood, Church Leaders Honor Mothers Over the Holiday Weekend, Church Releases Tribute to Mothers, You Are Enough, FREE Happy Mothers Day Coloring Page Printable, The Family is a Divine Blessing | 6 March 2023, Come Follow Me Recap Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee | 5 March 2023, Miracles Come Through Fasting | 4 March 2023, Young Latter-day Saint Missionary Passes Away in Georgia, 5 Things You Didnt Know About the Day the LDS Church Was Organized. I just pray that the spirit can convey the message that seems so exciting in my heart. It hasnt yet. Id really love to see the fathers acknowledged on Fathers Day. The perfect hymn for Mothers Day Sacrament meeting. For the past two years, I have been passed over because other women tell the youth passing out the gift, that they need to take one for so-and-so, shes ill today,without looking for women in the room that havent received one yet. But shes never experienced the horrors I have where the local ward nut case talks about how his wife isnt putting out thanks to menopause.