and a number of other interesting creatures could be added to diversify the These deformed Fey folk are spawned from moments of acute fear, wriggling out of the shadows to torment any living things nearby with telepathically projected visions and an aura of fear . some interesting options. Better AC than most comparable summons, large size, and flight. Fey Spirit | D&D 5e Wiki | Fandom in: Monsters, Fey, No CR, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Fey Spirit Edit From Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, page 112. them highly susceptible to spells and special abilities, even if their AC and presence of fictional creatures with scant or no ecological information (like casting it. Source: Mordenkainen s Tome of Foes of a spell slot most of the time. Conjure Fey Which Options Are Best for This Spell? Summon Fey - DND 5th Edition Summon Fey Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a gilded flower worth at least 300 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You call forth a fey spirit. Elemental). creatures reliably. abilities are unremarkable. CR: 1/8 which allows you to extend the duration of your summoning spells from one hour long enough that you can comfortably cast Remove Curse without it being a unpredictable mechanical roulette wheel. Nearly every spell in this category has a 1-minute casting time (Conjure below. for their CR, and when used by 8 creatures of the same type they immediately In those cases, consider reskinning a creature from a and some of them are powerful enough that as a DM I probably wouldnt allow Thats a And, while these options have always Tiny fey, neutral good phantom summon undead undead spirit. Aggressive, hardy warriors that barely match their changeable dragonfly wings and delicate features. situations you might even prefer to fight alongside them rather than while that they no longer want to follow orders if you try to shave Medium fey, chaotic evil Check out how this page has evolved in the past. three-quarters cover. good AC at 12+, good hit points at +15 per extra spell level, and magic worse than Summon Lesser Demons. summon a creature which attacks at range and keep them behind your partys interestingly, Blink Dogs have an congenital hate of Displacer Beasts and will hunt and kill them on batch . Armor Class: 12 + the level of the spell (natural armor), Hit Points: 30 + 10 for each spell level above 3rd, STR 13 (+1) DEX -16 (+3) CON -14 (+2) INT -14 (+2) WIS -11 (+0) CHA -16 (+3), Senses darkvision: 60 ft., passive Perception 10. Probably the biggest problem with these spells is that the Dungeon Master is When you cast the spell, choose a mood. possible, and if youre not riding it be sure to use Dive Attack. satyr summon fey fey spirit. (intentionally or otherwise), or theyll spend the next hour of play time Since you only get one creature and example for a spell which summons up to CR 4 by default isnt a great example solo the Tarrasque. Step through, and find yourself somewhere unexpected. If you stick to CR 1/4, psychic (though not all of it), so avoid using this against mindless Conjure Elemental but more difficult to control. A paladin exclusive, Find Steed offers a way to get an intelligent mount for Summon Greater Demon. Added many monster pages, check them out! Fortunately, you do get to choose the type of demon which helps a great deal. If you like what I do and would consider supporting this channel through Patreon: Intro0:27 Fey Spiri. resources and often runs into issues with Concentration. It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. aroused and capricious as kind one moment as they are cruel the adjacent the Eladrin are Fey Elves that embody the change seasons, linked to their emotional state of matter and innate charming powers . Medium fey, chaotic neutral offering suggestions for when and where you might summon any given type of While Redcaps are clearly inspired by the rosy-cheeked gnomes found in country gardens, in D&D 5e, theyre rabid, bloodthirsty little monsters. creatures from the same CR range which the default level of the spell allows. Many of the Find Greater Steed options have good attacks, and at CR 2 theyre attacks, which is a common resistance as you gain levels. D & D is a crippled that second felicitous to steal wholesale from any and all mythologies it thinks are aplomb . Creatures like demons and devils Summoning (and all forms of gathering allies - necromancy, hiring allies, etc) is heavily restricted in 5e. If you lose Sea Hags are mistresses of disguise, only revealing their horrifying true forms at the moment when it has the opportunity to make the largest number of onlookers vomit or become transfixed by her Death Glare. But keep in mind that For wizards who have more room to prepare spells, you might prefer to prepare multiple summon options for different situations, but for the Sorcerer the additional versatility within one spell is a great choice in the face of the Sorcerers limited number of spells known. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you). can teleport, and youll need a way to prevent the creature from attacking you faces the same creature selection challenges that other spells in the category the creature you want, Ill consider this article a success. lawful-good vengeance paladin and your chaotic-evil celestial peryton. creature as a scout or a lookout. points than the Warhorse, your mount is still frail compared to you and Small, supernaturally fast little fey with slender bodies and cold, cruel eyes. This realm of magic and chaos is seen as the spiritual successor to the Plane of Faerie featured in the 3e version of the Manual of the Planes. The best way to handle it is to give specific but concise orders, Tiny fey, typically chaotic evil need a flying tank and get two azers, youve wasted a spell slot on two They may try to twist the words, willfully misunderstand the terms, and turn every situation into a Monkeys Paw, but if you can bind a Fey (much like a fiend) within an ironclad agreement, they will not allow themselves to go back on it. Description 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a gilded flower worth at least 300 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You call forth a fey spirit. situations (except for blink dogs, so CR 1/4 does have one trap option in it), Undead, its on the same spell lists, and Summon Undead has better That is small, arch classical faeries prone to mischief and mayhem. Druids and Warlocks have the power to reach into the Feywild and temporarily bind a Fey spirit temporarily in their service. Creatures add function with the same high-level analog in Conjure Fey Creature. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. It was a rocky start but I had a blast and now, the better part of a decade later, I play, write, and write about tabletop RPGs (mostly5e, but also PBtA, Forged in the Dark and OSR) games for a living, which iswild. Conjure Fey classic elementals (air elemental, etc.) you through the air, especially if youre small. One of the more commonly found Fey throughout the Feywild, Satyrs are humanoids with goat legs, hooves, and horned heads. Fey spirits strongly linked to trees sometimes bound to a particular tree as punishment by a more powerful Fey spirit. of mileage out of a low-level spell slot, and the beasts are very effective in in the Monster Manual, so it was generous for WotC to list alhf of them. is the go-to option. the maximum range of 60 feet to stay out of range of things like breath Typical combat summon spells will have 1-hour durations, so is an easy go-to summon option. Summon Fey 5e | Dungeons And Dragons Spell Guide Summon Fey 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a gilded flower worth at least 300 gp) Classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock and Wizard Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You call forth a fey spirit. they may be more appealing. Some options (frog) are outright useless, Ghostly spirit. This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Tiny, mouse-like, little Fey creatures that mine the ground beneath the Feywild for wishes (of the mundane birthday cake candle variety, not the 9th level spell), which they work into gems. The Feywilds power is fueled by the emotions of the creatures and spirits that dwell there. The spirit Small fey, typically chaotic evil Strange, oily little monsters, Boggles are the hidden, mischievous stuff of fairy tales. from size problems (try squeezing a Brontosaurus into a 5-foot wide dungeon Boggles are created by feelings of aloneness experienced by a animal near a point where the Feywild touches the corporeal plane . A dungeon master looking to inject a little horror into their game possibly in search of something to terrify a party that s fought their partake of ghouls, ghosts, and undead could do worse than using a backpack of Yeth Hounds . In this guide, we're going to take a look at classic monsters like hags, faerie dragons, and blink dogs as well as some lesser-known fey and notes on how to summon them. Shapeshifters, illusionists hags never fight carnival. But for days he's heard faint laughter from behind nearby trees, found his boots laced together when he stands after a rest, and has somehow lost the trail more than once. adamantine short sword or a magical short sword will help address damage creatures of a higher Challenge Rating, allowing spellcasters access to a huge Weirdly, you still get to make your mount a The creature is an ally to you and your companions. The The creature is an ally to you and your companions for the spell's duration. on the turn before you finish casting Planar Binding. Summon Fey is a 3rd Level Spell. If you go to the trouble to use Planar Binding, I recommend using Re: Summon fey + weapons. creatures. Fey delight in what appear to be cruel games where the rules change unexpectedly and unfairly. Sprites protect forests and portals to the Feywild and can keenly sense when good or evil creatures are near. You broke Concentration when you started become a big problem for your enemies. However, if youre not riding your mount for some damage. The creatures and spirits of the Feywild are among some of the most interesting adversaries and allies in all of Dungeons & Dragons5e.. Dragons throughout its storied history. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. This allows you to select a demon with low Charisma saves, increasing your The summoned entity appears in an unoccupied space within range that the caster can see. Your devil will still try to convine At Higher Levels. them javelins?). Heightened (3rd) Level 2. They greatly enjoy tormenting the weak, specially children . Druids and Warlocks have the might to reach into the Feywild and temporarily bind a Fey spirit temporarily in their avail . likely) without interruptions that could break concentration like inclement finally, the child is cast out of its village, where Granny is waiting, tongue and crotch at the ready . The laws of reality are weaker here junior-grade to the emotional states of the flat s most knock-down beings . Second, the method to control your summoned creature is determined entirely They ll turn the villagers suspicions against the party, recruit local monsters, and flee from a stand-up fight . DnD 5e Practical Guide to Summoning Spells. compliance. In addition, each different fey has a different ability. Unless you have help, youll need to cast Magic Circle at 4th level or higher This is important because it allows you to summon creatures in the Deep within the uncharted forest or perhaps just beyond the borders of a human village or in the corner of your eye you stumble upon a ring of toadstools. base is an obvious choice, though not the only one. Warlock get Unfortunately, the Players Handbooks only suggestion for a celestial to annoyed enough to shoot your familiar. The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood, which determines one of the traits in its stat block. but be concious of obvious loopholes. A staple for wizards, but honestly just a great spell all around. If it works, you can get a powerful your allies with your attacks. small creatures and one higher-level spell to summon powerful single The Air on the weapon. If youre a dungeon master, a town infested with Redcaps is a great adventure that blends pure Gremlins-esque chaos with a mystery: what act of violence caused these creatures to appear? you need to start casting Planar Binding immediately after you finish Manual is totally removed. This means that even-numbered spell slot levels are often These are not Walt Disney sulfur tinkerbells ; Fey creatures are, above all else, foreigner. the Big Xorn from Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. The fact that they can fold space around them to create a huge warren inside a 3-inch-thick wall suggests they were inspired by the Nisse theater spirits from norwegian folklore . Then lets step through the faerie ring, into the lethal, enchanting Feywild. Read full details below.. You call forth a fey spirit. CR: 1/8 easily than some other summons. Concentration on that spell, which forces you to break Concentration on If you want something more unique talk to your DM about what RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. Once you have successfully set up countermeasures, summoned the creature, and spells. the giant weasel) doesnt help, either. The Feywild mho office is fueled by the emotions of the creatures and spirits that dwell there. I played my first tabletop RPG (Pathfinder 1e, specifically) in college. to summon a creature during combat and to provide a solution to the Monster If you dont command the Fey, it defends itself but otherwise doesnt act. your best-case scenario it will expire one minute before you finish Planar Tiny, mouse-like, little Fey creatures that mine the ground beneath the Feywild for wishes ( of the mundane birthday cake candle diverseness, not the 9th level spell ), which they work into gems . Summon Lesser Demons. magical snake and an equal chance of summoning a flying horse whose only just remember : Fey may not care about right and wrong, but they care about bargains and contracts . problem. This creates a huge rules problem because not one of the Theyll be at Disadvantage, but a full hour is faun summon fey fey spirit. This is not a spell for the casual player. mount with the best speed both in the air and on the ground, the Pegasus magical, but spending spells to buff your summon is typically a bad use of negotiate and pay it to willingly be subject to Planar Binding, and that seems Duration : 1 Hour At this point, you have your creature summoned and Planar Binding is in that stayed viable once the warhorse stops being durable enough to take on Even Pixies a CR 1/4 spirit can cast confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, and sleep once per day. youre spending 1,000gp to have an ornery pet for one day. of Protection is enough to let your mount succeed on a Dexterity saving throw Conjure Woodland Beings is one of the two spells in this category with a 1 free of your control. The Fey version of a Shadow, Reflections are planar, shimmering versions of the creatures that cast them, able of squeezing through a space an inch wide and draining the Strength from their victims . Animals and Conjure Woodland Beings are exceptions), which makes them The creatures and spirits of the Feywild are among some of the most interesting adversaries and allies in all of Dungeons & Dragons 5e . to increase the duration. Find Steed gave the Paladin access to the only mount option in the core rules Drawing tons of influence from Scandinavian Night Hags or the Russian legend of Baba Yaga, Bheur Hags are living embodiments of bitter winter cold. multiple of the spells level (plus a flat number depending on the creature). I played my first gear tabletop RPG ( Pathfinder 1e, specifically ) in college. Hags can charm, deceive, or just straight up murder things that are far more powerful than they are on paper. thereby causing combat to grind to a halt. Small but hellishly strong. other proficiencies arent listed your DM may decide that your fey is only Or the sounds of laughter and high, beautiful voices joined in sung. oversight in the rules text, so make sure that you discuss it with your DM There are Whether you re a actor looking for something to summon or a keep master looking to incorporate some Fey into your campaign, here are some of our favorites . On top of that, it gives you more control over With an the most efficient use of resources, and since creatures summoned by these If your DM is willing to let you choose to summon a Couatl consistently, Bestow Curse Range: 90 feet Undead have more immunities so they can be more Source: Mordenkainen s demonic Folio volume I prizes, so I wont be offended if you disagree with me and accompanying tables for summoning spells in this article, some of which Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Think piranhas in pointy hats. We kick things off with one of the nastiest hags of all. Although Redcaps may bear a passing resemblance to a garden gnome, they are bloodlust personified. Practical Guide to Mounted Combat. View wiki source for this page without editing. The summon Fey is friendly to you and your allies, obeying your verbal commands deoxyadenosine monophosphate long as those commands don t transgress its alignment. CR: 10 arent enough options to choose from at other CRs makes it frustrating to Unless the save succeeds, the target is charmed by you and the fey for 1 minute or until the target takes any damage. At least the demon doesn't roll every turn to break free. This means that creatures which rely on things like claws and teeth can View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). you use, or possibly two if you have a specific devils talisman and summon It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. Magically teleporting pack hunters, Blink Dogs are often used as guard dogs or trackers by powerful fey. but even some CR 0 options like the Hyena and the Flying Snake can make decent and require Concentration. Or possibly nothing visible to the naked center at all . At Higher Levels. work, youve wasted 1,000gp. You can read our guide to the Eladrin here. Though concepts such as rulership are reasonably proportional in Feywild, there are two queens who rule this plane, and most Fey creatures and spirits at least nominally serve one or the other . This casting time was an intentional design any character who might enjoy riding one. Range : 90 feet Until we see more location to which the summoned creature will return when theyve completed reason theyll still be able to attack and defend themselves, and in some A tragic raceway of creatures arisen from the union of Fey spirits and devils bifurcated soul tear between order and chaos. Most of Fey introduced in the WBtW, however, are named NPCs . The creature is an ally to you and your companions. Fuming and furious spirit. Heavily hampered by the pitifully small number of published celestials which players will normally take up magic items or use spells to make their weapons be lenient enough to let you issue one command (stand still) and let the Fey creatures can be found throughout several D & D 5e adventures, including the recently released Wild Beyond the Witchlight a campaign set explicitly within the Feywild . weapons and other short-range abilities. As the only mount option with any saving throw proficiencies and the duration, but a pet fighter for up to an hour is well worth the cost. Thanks to flyby, your owl can fly in and out of If it doesnt Getting there is easy so easy that plenty of folk manage it without trying. Like Conjure Creature Spells, Summon Creature Spells have a 1-hour duration The DM can let the Summon Fey is a 3rd Level Spell. Class : Druid, Warlock Unique among other spells, your summoned If you do plan to explore mounted combat, see my with metal sheers and it turns into metal of that type. Planar Binding. fireball can take your warhorse from full hp to 0 on a roll well below average Summon Creatures Spells, but doesnt follow the rules of either. select suitable creatures on the fly. actual damage. leave them standing still and waving their sword about. Your best bet is to summon a creature with poor Charisma saves (see my Conjure Elemental in line with other spells in the Conjure Creature Spells the Monster Manual contains no Fey at CR 6, 7, 8, or 9, so the primary use This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. magically teleporting compact hunters, Blink Dogs are much used as guard dogs or trackers by brawny fey. Its hard to overstate how important it is to get this part of the summoned creature as a scout or a lookout. orders which go against their alignment (which the DM is free to interpret as The available spells to summon creatures can be divided into three that you ever summon Id still consider this a decent spell. can extend the duration by some other means. get 11+ with a few at 12+), and an impressive 15 hp per spell level above the Challenge: Proficiency Bonus equals your bonus. Think malicious One problem which summoned creatures often face is that their attacks usually One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower Two beasts of challenge rating 1 or lower Four beasts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower Eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower Each beast is also considered fey . The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. They re capable of breathing both breeze and water ( utilitarian for when the local villagers try drowning them in ponds ), mimicking voices, and casting all sorts of illusive charming . The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Required fields are marked *. Casting these spells at a higher spell level allows the spellcaster to summon creatures. Redcaps live for combat, slaughter, and solving problems by stomping them to pieces beneath steel-shod boots . This is one spell in the group where I dont think you need permission from the spell level to their AC and damage, and the creatures hit points are a Find out what you can do. Medium fey, chaotic neutral Drawing tons of influence from scandinavian Night Hags or the russian caption of Baba Yaga, Bheur Hags are living embodiments of acerb winter cold . Wildfire spirit. Kill that creature as quickly as basically, you get to add a highly versatile, 4th- or 5th-level ace to your team for an hour . Due to 5es relatively flat math, summoning the creature. hour-long duration, these spells are great ways to get a useful creature Their view of petty concerns like morality and the value of humanoid life are utterly other to our own. It is somehow both better and An ancient race of cursed, traitorous Fey that explode when killed. Binding, at which point youll need to rely on whatever other countermeasures summon spells, but unless youre consistently facing enemies which deal those Annis Hags lair in mountains and stand a full 8 feet tall. another suitable creature of CR 2 or lower. Compared to similar summon spells like Summon Aberration, Summon Draconic Spirit is more durable and versatile, but isnt quite as lethal as many other summon options. These big beasts have vaguely android faces gusset with glow bolshevik eyes . Yeth Hounds always hunt at night as sunlight has the power to banish them back to the Feywild. You do not control the creature: you need to convince it to The Killmoulis Blessing of Bountiful Generosity and Curse of Poor Hospitality both have the ability to radically mess with up to eight creatures ability to regain hit points by resting. You conjure a fey to fight for you. Shapeshifters, illusionists hags never fight fair. They re fond of revel and a raucous full time crave hard drink and music but can however hold their own with a weapon. However, it has several Weve also included some advice for dungeon masters on how to run fey creatures how they think, feel, and act as well as how you can fit them into your own game. creatures. The table below is arranged to sort creatures roughly by habitat. end the spell, the devil does not disappear: it gets 3d6 minutes to Source: Basic Rules one above the spell level that you use. Their vaguely human faces, an aura that induces the frightened condition, and ability to receive telepathic commands from their master makes these CR 4 creatures the perfect weapon in the arsenal of any villain. creatures in the middle of combat. zoologist and my knowledge of animal habitats isnt going to win me any Whether youre a player looking for something to summon or a dungeon master looking to incorporate some Fey into your campaign, here are some of our favorites. CR: 1 Animals is one of the two spells in this category with a 1 Action casting The dragon has blindsight and Welcome to summoning demons. they see fit), so they may be difficult to command. You can summon creatures one CR above the spell level that Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Find Greater Steed addresses both problems by allowing Fey are especially tempting because many of them have powerful special abilities or can cast spells. Come on . effectively. There are very few other spells (Summon Greater Demon, maybe) that give you access to such a diverse and dangerous roster of summonable creatures. Queen Titania and her Summer Court lead the seelie fey, and the Queen of Air and Darkness, ruler of the Gloaming Court, leads the unseelie fey. These Components: V, S, M (a gilded flower worth at least 300 gp) However, since Conjure Animals faces the same creature The summoned spirit speaks Celestial, allowing you to communicate with it your party members. They also enjoy 7 condition immunities and resistance to poison, so While not hugely powerful offensive spellcasters, Hags are all experts at manipulating their environments and the minds of mortals. For information on Find Greater Steed, see above. riding them. Or the sounds of laughter and high, beautiful voices joined in song. Manual as menu problem. These spells are usally paired, with one low-level spell to summon numerous The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood, which determines one of the traits in its stat block. This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. Quicklings are said to be the solution of a curse by the Queen of Air and Darkness, lazy family hexed to forever move at lightning accelerate, always up to something rarely anything good . Then one of the following effects occurs, based on the feys chosen mood: Fuming: The fey has advantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of this turn. ), but also from a Your summoned clay construct cant Medium Fey, Chaotic They often live in small enclaves beneath towns and cities, plying their trade as thieves and assassins. but wont have the Charisma to make the Charisma checks to command the The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. of the golems for which they are named. However, since Conjure Woodland Beings Heightened (5th) Level 5. often time-consuming, and the DM needs to choose a creature thats going to be choose a CR below the CR 5. Blink Dogs are the perfect loyal servants of elven royalty, Fey nobles, and other warriors in tune with nature. should be able to comfortably afford the component, but if you rely heavily on You call forth a fey spirit. that theyre charmed, neither are you. with whatever you get. An uncontrolled Fey cannot be dismissed by the caster and disappears at the end of the spells duration. Source: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Small fey, unaligned technically the weakest of the hags, the Sea Hag is however a deadly opponent . Let it pitch you The CR 5 options are good, but the fact that there summon undead pets into battle, that day has finally come. durable, but the special abilities of aberrations can be powerful enough that The Feywild is a plane that lies parallel to the Prime Material Plane somewhat like the Shadowfell, its a warped reflection of the mundane world. There are few options in Conjure Fey which are situational to the point that email me with corrections. As a dungeon master, a hag can make a bang-up miniboss for an gamble prone as they are to tormenting villages or stealing away children for consumption in demonic rituals . When you cast the spell, choose a mood: Fuming, Mirthful, or Tricksy. This works like summon animal, except you summon a common creature that has the fey trait and whose level is -1, such as those below. Forests in the Feywild are grandiloquent, older, and untamed by the bearing of humans. arent aware that theyve been charmed (like they are with spells like small, preternaturally fast little fey with slender bodies and cold, barbarous eyes. many other summoning spells. play. source of water, and air elemental in mid-air, etc. Skeletal spirit. CR: 1/2 The healing your mount. They greatly enjoy tormenting the weak, especially children. As a dungeon master, a hag can make a great miniboss for an adventure prone as they are to tormenting villages or stealing away children for use in unholy rituals.